नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्
देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयम् उदीरयेत्
Nala and Damayanti
The forest sage Brihad Aswa sat in the lotus position, his back straight.
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"Brihad Aswa sat in the lotus position..." |
He looked through the feathered canopy of the treetops to the blue sky beyond. He could see a pair a kokil birds fluttering through the leaves as they came to rest on a new branch.
“O noble prince, do not lose heart." he said.
"O noble prince, do not lose heart." |
"Your exile has been harsh. It is said that for one who has been honoured, dishonour is worse than death. Warrior kings die a happy death who die in battle.
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"Happy is the warrior who dies in battle..." |
"Slow death by banishment is worse than torture. Exiled from your home, your palace and wealth and the adulation of the citizens of Hastinapura, you have wandered the earth barefoot now for many years.
“Dressed in deer-skin, the fair Draupadi has only the wind and the rain for her ornaments. After the opulent feasts of victory at your Raja-suya sacrifice the fruits of the forest are humble fare indeed.
“Your brother Bhima here is itching for a fight. Even now he clenches his fists, thirsty for the blood of Dushasana.
But suffering oft befalls the greatest kings. Remember Rama, the greatest king of all. His exile in the forest, his loss of kingdom more than equaled yours.
“The citizens of Ayodhya burned with anguish to see him go. His wife, the earthborn Sita, cruelly kidnapped. His battle with the ten-headed demon Ravana is legend in this forest.”
Yudhisthira replied, “But Rama was superhuman, God Himself. How can a mere mortal equal the patience and grandeur that was Rama? You can’t expect me to follow the example of Lord Rama. Even now the earth resounds with his name. I am only a humble king, born in the lunar line of Bharata. And even when Rama returned to Ayodhya, he was welcomed by his brother. He didn’t have to fight a host of envious princes, bent on stealing his kingdom. Ravana was a supernatural demon, and Rama defeated him, but Ram was helped by the great Hanuman, himself blessed by the gods.
“And now I am deserted by the swift Arjuna, killer of foes. I don’t see how my situation is at all similar. Please give me a different example to console me. Rama was virtuous and did not lose his kingdom by gambling. I have created a great sin by selling my brothers and wife into exile. The great Rama was never so foolish as I am. Help me to properly adjust my vision or so help me, I will follow the advice of Bhima and lead us into slaughter. Perhaps it is better to die on the battlefield as a hero, slaughtered by the sons of Dhritarastra than to wander aimlessly like a criminal in the dark forest. How can I compare my life to Rama?”
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"Yudhisthira lost his kingdom, gambling at dice..." |
Yudhisthira fell silent. Brihad Aswa looked at him with compassion. “Of course. We cannot imitate the avatars of God Himself. And yet Rama passed the required time of exile in the forest. He kept his word as do all great kings. We may not follow his example, but we may follow the rule of Rama-raja, the laws of kings. I merely cite the example given in scriptures.
"I merely cite the examples given in scriptures..." |
“By hearing the story of Rama we may reflect on how even the greatest of kings suffered before establishing his reign. But perhaps there is an example closer to your own situation. The history of great kings and their tragedies may bring us closer to understanding. You were born for greatness, Yudhisthira.
“Your very name means ‘one who is steady in war.’ A war is not won merely by the struggle on the battlefield, but also in the preparation. To be steady in war is to be steady in peace. And war must only be engaged after all alternatives have been exhausted. Allow me to continue my line of thought,” said the sage.
Brihad Aswa paused. He sipped holy water from a small cup made from lotus leaves. He breathed deeply from the pure air of the forest. Bhima had relaxed his fists and sat quietly, listening. Yudhisthira was almost trance-like as he listened, controlling his breathing.
“Listen, and I shall tell you the story of a great man, a gifted king like you who fell into exactly such a condition as yours. He was gifted with the choicest virtues, noted for his skill in the game and the hunt. He was a virtuous monarch whose kingdom was lost through the vice of gambling.
“While blessed by gods, this king was all too human, born in your line. He too lost everything. His hardship was even greater than yours. Humiliated, cursed, exiled, scorned, ridiculed and given up for dead, he fell on the hardest times and lost all hope. But after suffering great reverses, he recovered both his kingdom and his love. Listen carefully and I shall reveal his story.
By this time Draupadi had joined the twins and all the rest gathered there to hear Brihad Aswa.
Yudhisthira smiled and said, “We thank you for your words of compassion. Please tell us O sage, the story of Nala and Damayanti.”
“King Nala was fond of dice. He was cheated by Puskara and exiled. When Nala was exiled he had neither brothers nor friends to help him. He had neither the wealth of kings nor a magic kettle such as Draupadi carries with her.
"Draupadi had a magic kettle..." |
Nala was cast out, stripped of his royalty, his chariots and elephants, his servants and palaces, and wandered alone in the forest just as you do. And yet he triumphed and his name lives in history. So, as other great kings have been in worse condition than you, you should not grieve.”
And as Draupadi looked on, Yudhisthira said, “Please tell the entire story. You are a great and eloquent rishi gifted in speech. I would like to hear the story of the illustrious Nala from beginning to end. This will give me great consolation. Please continue.”
And Draupadi said, “Please O great sage, tell of Damayanti. How was it that she was exiled along with her husband, who later abandoned her in the forest.”
Brihad Aswa looked at the group that had gathered there beneath the shade of the old tamarind tree and said, “very well, as you are intent on listening, I shall narrate this tale exactly as I heard it from my mentor.”
“Nishadha is a land far away. It may be found in the very center of Bharata-Varsha, in the valleys of the Vindhya mountains. Long ago, before the present dynasty, there was a celebrated king among the people known as Nishadhas. His name was Virasena and he was a good ruler.
“His son was Nala, and when Virasena passed on Prince Nala became the king of the realm. Nala was a handsome man and a kind and gentle ruler. While still a young king, he was versed in wealth and virtue. He was gifted by the gods. Among his opulences were not only great wealth and kingship, but also physical beauty. Like your brothers Nakula and Sahadeva, Nala was skilled with horses. He could speak their language and charm them. And when he rode his horses were swift as the wind.
“Nala was a strong and handsome young man and while he had a special talent for horses, he was also respected by men. He was the head of many other kings who followed him. Tall and brilliant as the sun, he led the ancient race called the Nishadhas who lived near the kingdom of Vidarbha where Sita had once reined as princess.
“Nala was a powerful warrior, heroic and fair like unto cupid himself. He loved games, especially dice; he loved to win. He was the master of a great army of elephants, chariots, bowmen and horses. He was revered by all, for he was a great soul who had conquered his lower passions. Women everywhere adored him and admired him both for his wit as for his beauty. He was athletic and strong and moved with splendour and grace.
“Nala was a man of many gifts: not only was he physically athletic and graceful, but he had a number of mystic powers besides. Some of his powers were natural and some god-given. From the gods he acquired the ability to conjure fire whenever he wanted. He was invulnerable to fire and could not be burned. Not only could he create fire, he could conjure water at will through touch. As he was master of fire and water, he was also master at cooking and flavour. There are many Vedic shastras based on his instructions that teach the art of cooking.”
“And so it was that this great king blessed with many talents, skilled in taming steeds, ruled like a monarch among gods. He was deeply read in the Vedas and erudite in all the scriptures. And yet he had not yet taken a wife. While he was admired by all the women in the land, yet, absorbed in his kingly duties he had not sought out a life’s mate.”
“One day a brahmana came to his court, Damana by name. And as King Nala always took great care of brahmanas, he received Damana and offered him all the hospitality at his command. And as they sat in the courtyard of the king, Nala asked the brahmana:
‘What news? What can you tell of faraway lands, O Daman?’
And Daman said, “My dear King Nala, expert with horses, you should know that even now in the kingdom of Vidarbha there resides a great ruler. His name is Bhima.”
Brihad Aswa smiled and looked at the Pandava brothers as he told the tale. “Not of course to be confused with our own Bhima who sits so attentively listening to our story.”
He continued.
“Anyway, Daman the truth-seer spoke as follows to Nala:
‘This Bhima is a great king; an expert in military arts who has conquered many lands. But for a long time while he had a beautiful wife, he was without child. Many years ago I visited his court, just as I am now visiting you. His hospitality being warm, I was pleased with him and by the mystic power invested in me, I granted his queen the boon of children. By and by King Bhima had a jewel of a daughter and three famous and high-souled sons: these were the girl Damayanti and the three boys, Dama, Danta, and Damana, my namesake. This was many years ago.’
“Damana continued, ‘The queen of course was pleased to have such lovely children. And while the three sons grew up to be great warriors, proud and strong, the king’s daughter, the slender-waisted Damayanti, is a great beauty endowed in every way with all excellence and charm, grace and good fortune, mild as the newborn moon but radiant as the sun. Even as we speak, her hand is sought by by many a king and prince.’”
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"Damayanti" by Indian Painter Ravi Varma, Victorian Period |
“‘Damayanti is a special beauty. While waited after by hundreds of hand-maidens who bath her and dress her in fine ornaments and jewels, she is neither vain nor proud. With her brilliance and grace, she walks amongst the fairest of her handmaids as elegant and perfect as lightning amidst a bank of clouds.’”
“Nala said, ‘This news is very wonderful. But what have I to do with such a fine maiden as Damayanti?’”
“The old truth-seer continued, ‘I am afraid you are quite well-known. The whole world resounds with the name of Nala. Nala the great horse-man, Nala the cook, Nala the fine athlete, Nala the king of men.’”
“‘But this is all simply vanity,’ said the king. ‘Whatever I have done is given by the gods. I do my best to rule the kingdom as did my father. What is fame? All vanity. But continue, my saintly friend. Your story is amusing.’
“The old truth-seer Damana said, ‘When Damayanti was even a child, playing with dolls on the marble floors of the great palace of Vidarbha, she would often hear the name of Nala. Messengers would come before King Bhima, and the fair Damayanti would overhear their conversations. Men spoke of your deeds and exploits.’
‘It wasn’t long before she began to imagine how it would be to walk with your lordship through the green woods. The queen confided many things to me. She told me how her daughter spoke of you. Damayanti talked of how she would one day ride together with you, mounted on white steeds controlled by your mantras. She would laugh and blush among her hundred virgin handmaids when she spoke of living together with you in this great palace. And while she would blush at such thoughts, now that she’s grown she still holds you in her heart. News comes and goes from the kingdom of Vidarbha, and as the king’s heralds spread your fame, this fair maid, beautiful as heaven’s apsaras has begun to conceive a great attachment for the famous King Nala, your lordship.’”
“‘I thank you for this news, kind Daman,’ said the king, not without a certain gravity. And later that afternoon, having received charity and hospitality from Nala, the old truth-seeker returned to his pilgrimage, wandering through the valleys of the Vindhya mountains in the land of the Nishadha.
“The young King Nala himself was stunned by this news from the old truth-seer. And while, of course it was true that he had begun thinking of taking a wife, it had never occurred to him that a soul-disturbing maiden as fair as Damayanti could be thinking of him in such a light.
“This wasn’t the first time that Nala had heard of often heard of the beauty of Damayanti who was the fairest maiden in the three worlds. It was said that her chaste beauty disturbed even the gods themselves. And it pleased him to known from such a truth-telling brahmana as Damana, that as she thought of him, Nala in like manner; He himself began thinking of the famous maiden, possessed of great beauty, chaste and innocent surrounded by a hundred virgin handmaids, in her garden redolent of jasmine flowers. How could such a lovely maiden be thinking of him?
“In Vidarbha, Damayanti herself was charmed by the idea of wedding this tiger among men. She had heard that he was like cupid in his beauty, fearless, well-formed, expert with horses and a master chef who commanded fire and water. Indeed it was true that news reached her of his charms.
“In this way, by constantly hearing of each others charms and virtues, even though that great prince had never laid eyes on the lovely Damayanti, and that beautiful maid had never laid eyes on Nala, the two fell deeply and madly in love with each other.”