Journey to Surrender
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Theistic Media Studios
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Episode V
Eightfold Yoga Path Episode V/Yogavision 6
Yoga Vision Part IV
Yoga Vision and the Eightfold Path
Sunday, August 2, 2020
La Vision
Yoga Vision en Español
Yoga Vision part III
Basic Principles of Yoga: Breathing and Mind Control
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Yoga Vision en Español
Para mis amigos...
Yoga Vision part II: the Eightfold Yoga Path
The Eightfold Yoga path opens us to new insights about the world within and without us.
Yoga Vision: How do Yogis See?
Here's a new series I'm working on: Yoga Vision. How do Yogis see. These are short videos with lots of information. Check it out. ...
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