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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Before and After

Before and After.

This is me back in 1982.  A very serious young brahmachari and writer. Working together with Bhakti Sudhir Goswami and friends we put together Guardian of Devotion Press. Here  I'm typing up taped transcripts for a book we were working on. Among our publications were works by our Guru Maharaja B.R. Shridhar: Search for Shri Krishna, Reality the Beautiful, Shri Guru and His Grace, The Golden Volcano of Divine Love, The Loving Search for the Lost Servant, and Subjective Evolution of Consciousness. We also published a full color magazine called The Harmonist, very well received by writers like Tom Robbins, and editors such as Eric Utne of the Utne Reader. We also published a book called Guardian of Devotion, which chronicled the life of B.R. Shridhar and the meaning of the Gayatri mantra. At the same time we re-issued a classic by Bhaktivinod Thakur, called "The Bhagavata," as well as other titles.

The photo below shows me, on the right, with my old friend Bhakti Sudhir Goswami years later, discussing philosophy at the Bamboo House in Chiang Mai Thailand, in 2013.  So this is 31 years later.  I'm disguised as my alter ego "Captain Panic." We're talking about the need to continue publishing books like Subjective Evolution. After so many years, I was delighted to renew our friendship.

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