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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dueling Umbrellas

Everyone liked the blast from the past so much, and I'm still exhausted and recuperating from the trip so here's some more photos from last year. This is a video called "Dancing Umbrellas" with Goswami and myself clowning around and blowing off some steam.

I hadn't seen him in 25 years. Here we are dancing an irish jig of joy and peace.

Aerial View of Chiang Mai.

Here's a view of Chiang Mai taken from high atop the museum of carved wood. Below is another photo with the umbrellas.
Downtown Chiang Mai is a  noisy blend of tropical familiarity, friendly people, tuk-tuk taxis, motorcycles and scooters, traffic jams and colorful street stalls. This is close to the downtown market.
The Red Taxi
The Red Taxis are really pickup trucks with an open passenger section in the back. You negotiate with the driver and hop in the back. They go to all the popular destinations and are cheap and fun.  When you reach your stop you pound on the side of the wall, the driver makes a quick stop and you hop out. Here we are in the downtown market.

 All kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables are available, from leechee fruits to mandarins.
In the tropical heat of early afternoon, even the fruit-sellers take siestas

Maharaja found these umbrellas on the property

I'll post more later. It's time for breakfast. So Adios, Chiao, Hari Bol, and Dandabats.

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