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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Russia to Thailand

Back in Moscow, my friends took good care of me. This is Ananya Bhakti who helps run the yoga center there.

I was only in Moscow for 24 hours this time. Long enough for a plate of hot prasadam with Russian style pancakes

And a quick walk to Red Square for some souvenir snapshots...

Kuznetsky Most Street near Red Square
tunnel near Red Square

Christmas Matroshkas

More Matroshkas


Red Square with History Musuem


Red Square with Church and the GUM shopping center
And after a few snapshots...
We raced to the airport with the setting sun...

And got on the redeye to Bangkok, Thailand...

With film director Indulekha Devi

One more flight....

 Tired, exhausted, but happy to arrive at last,  I made it to Chiang Mai.
With Avadhuta Maharaja
Ready to begin the project at last.

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