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Friday, January 2, 2015


Here's the plan.
The Swami and I and our Russian film crew will drive from Thailand to Cambodia next Friday.
Interviews with Russian Crew
 This will be a rough and ready reality TV documentary about the search for lost civilization set against the background of the ruined temples of Angkor Wat.

Russian crew With Aurora and elephants in Chiang Mai
The team is experienced in digital video-making and has produced film documentaries about the Himalayas and the Indian Kumbha-mela pilgramage, They've even made a few action movies in Siberia. Young and enthusiastic, they will brave the dangerous trip ahead to create some fascinating footage of the ancient temples.
Chiang Mai, Thailand to Preah Viehar Temple in Cambodia
It's about a 13 hour drive by car through mountainous roads. The temple can be reached by crossing the Cambodia-Thai gateway border from the Ubon Tatchantani Province of Thailand. Even if we start early in the morning, there won't be enough time to shoot anything. So we will set up camp nearby. We'll have to get up early and film in the morning when the light is best.
The temple sits on disputed land. Recently the Hague awarded the site to Cambodia, but Thailand isn't giving up. There are many landmines nearby and we will have to be careful.
Most of the mines near Preah Vihear have been cleared. As you can see, the children are taking their chances. But it's no laughing matter. The mines and the danger is real.
Landmines are a real danger
 If all goes well, we will be in position next Saturday morning. 
The most dramatically situated of all the Angkorian monuments, Preah Vihear is perched high atop an escarpment in the Dangkrek Mountains. The views are breathtaking. This was an important place of pilgrimage during the time of Angkor.
The Preah Vihear temple was an attempt to re-create Mount Meru, a mystical mountain in the Himalayas that was said to be the home of Indra. But curiously, within this temple is an important bas-relief of the lifting of Govardhan Hill.
Krishna lifting Govardhan Moutain
The finding of this bas-relief is curious, since by lifting Govardhan Hill, Krishna refutes the power of Indra. When Indra sent rain to punish the inhabitants of Vrindaban, Krishna used Govardhan Hill as an umbrella, raising it to protect the people of Vrindaban. By demonstrating the importance of the lifting of Govardhan, this bas-relief refutes the importance of Meru Mountain or the power of the rain-god Indra. So here beauty refutes power.
Stay tuned and we will continue to update the blog. See what happens. Will we succeed in discovering the lost secrets of Angkor? Find out next time.

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