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Saturday, January 24, 2015

We topped the Yak Milk

I'm exhausted. We just arrived back in Siem Reap after two days on the road filming in different locations.
There's a special police force for protecting the different temples and ruins. They're called the Apsara authority and they particularly don't like people filming without a permit.
Our cameras are small, but the issue is that according to the police we are an organized film company and therefore need a filming permit. I thought that was the funniest thing I had heard, because if you see us in action, we're not too organized.
 But the sight of big russian guys with shaved heads, tattos, and beards climbing on rocksnwith radios and cameras scares the hell out of the poor cambodian police who track us down wherever we're working and demand bribes.

We drove way out of the area, about four hours by car to film at the forgotten temples of Koh Ker and Prasat Thom.
There's no tourists and the pyramid temples have impressive views of ruined shrines amid ponds of lotuses and stone statues of elephants. It's very Indiana Jones.

But as soon as we set up, got sound rolling, and began to shoot the police showed up demanding money. We finally found a great place to shoot with some really remote temples.
We began filming our artistic docudrama in the forest outside a ruined Shiva temple only to discover that it had not been thoroughly cleared of landmines.

a palmful of sticky rice and a few bananas later and we found ourselves walking through dry rice paddy in the shadow of mahendra parvat where our helicopter crashed after getting some of the best footage yet.

Finally we gave away bananas to the village boys and girls who were following Avadhuta Maharaja. Some of them climbed trees and hid as we taught them to chant hare krishna.

We headed for Siem Reap at sunset and were almost home when one of the cars broke down. Somehow spare parts appeared and we were back on the road again. Everyone was happy but exhausted when we finally hit the best vegetarian restaurant in town.
We dined on springrolls, chinese noodles, stir fry vegetables and pumpkin shake frappes.

 I think we topped the yak milk. I'll try posting photos tomorrow.

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