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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Waterfalls and words

I'm from Los Angeles. City of the Angels. I still get a call from an angel now and again.

And when an angel calls, you should pay attention. In my case the call took me from sunny Mexico...
..on a wild ride...

Into the magic kingdom of Russia and Ukraine.
A chance to meet new friends, discuss philosophy over tangerines and herbal tea.

Make plans to conquer the planet and save the world.  Moscow and Kiev faded away, somewhere between the birch trees near the Dnieper...

And the bamboo in the hills above Chiang Mai, Thailand.

An angel inspired me to write, to think and reflect...
Rope bridge trick
On the difference between reality and illusion...

Waterfalls above Chiang Mai

 On different cultures...
Aztec dancers
With Muralishwar and Chintamani in Red Square, December 2014

With Gopa Kishore and Geisha in Saint Petersburg, Samurai Exhibit
Monks near Chiang Mai

And friends from around the world...
I'm not here to present conclusions or dogmatic ideologies. I'm making observations. I'm trying to get beneath the superficial reality and go deeper. I'm writing for self-purification.
Script synopsis rescued from river water

And if I get lost, if I forget myself, or if the words get washed away by the river...

Progress is made. There is no cause for sadness... The river washes everything clean.
The wisdom of poetry vanishes after it has been written, just as the mist of a mountain waterfall dances briefly in the air and disappears into a rainbow.
Goodbye my friends. We'll see you on the other side of tomorrow.

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