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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Story Ideas

I'm working on different script ideas. I came up with one that might have some potential for dramatic tension. I could turn myself into an Indiana Jones-style character.

As we hiked through the jungle, the others were walking faster than the old professor. I can't keep up.I sat down to catch my breath. But when I got back on the trail, it was  the wrong one. I was lost in the jungle. Miles from nowhere. No communication with the outside world. Surrounded by uncharted forest filled with snakes, pythons, crocodiles, warring army factions, cannibals and head-hunters.

After walking for hours I discovered a broken down vehicle on the vine-covered path.

Fortunately, the abandoned jungle jalopy had some gas in it.  It wouldn't start at first,The problem turned out to be a frayed battery cable. I had a roll of tape in my back pocket. It was just the thing.
I got her running and sailed down the path. Only thing was, I couldn't find the brakes. It was a hair-raising joy-ride through the jungle.

Where's the brakes? How do you slow this thing down? In the end, it worked out. I'm back on the ranch drinking a cool coconut.

How do you like the story idea? Too exaggerated? Lose the lost professor? Well, maybe...

Lost Professor idea worked for me.
You could be right. Nobody's interested in a lost professor. Not Hollywood enough. But it worked for Harrison Ford.

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