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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Follow Your Star

Once I was at the Sri Caitanya Saraswata Matha, sitting on Shridhar Maharaja's veranda. He was seated on a table propped up with cushions. We were listening to him speak.
 We were asking questions and listening to Guru Maharja as the sun went down over the Ganges. It was a warm day in Nabadwip dham and a cool breeze moved through the coconut palms and bamboo. At one point he leaned over and looked me in the eye and said in a low voice, "Follow your star!"
He repeated this a few times: "follow your star."

I think he meant that I had taken enough instruction. It was time to act on the instruction and follow the high ideals that we had discussed again and again. It's not enough to talk and publish books about an idea: there must be action.  As Khalil Gibran put it, "Work is the active principle of love." It was time to get to work.

But at the same time, I liked that he said that. "Follow your star."

It's important to have faith in yourself and to take steps on the path with decision. Often we come to a fork in the road and don't know which way to turn. Our mentor is not always physically present to guide us. Then we need to contemplate the ideal that gives life purpose.

Follow your star.
Image result for follow your star

Others may not be able to see your star. They don't know that it exists. But you know in your heart what the right path is. It's OK to be different. Celebrate your faith. Keep a high ideal Your inner light will lead you on the true path. Be sincere. Conscience and sincerity will guide you.

Some people might doubt that Shridhar Maharaja said this, because the expression sounds a bit New Age, but it's really from Dante, Se segui tua stella, non fallirai a glorioso porto.” Divina Comedia Inferno Canto XV  revealing again Guru Maharaja's deep erudition.

So whatever side of the planet you're on, follow your star. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.

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