- Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.
- In Spanish they call it El Dia del Amor y Amistad, the day of Love and Friendship.
- Back in Mexico, it's time to catch up with old friends, play some chess, have a cup of tea.They say a good friendship is like a coconut: rough on the outside, sweet on the inside.
Divine love is nice, but it's hard to understand. Some people who dedicate themselves to God seem to hate everything and reject the people around them. But how can you love God if you don't love your friends and family?There's a song I like to teach in the English class:
"Make new friends...

But keep the old...One is silver and the other Gold."
I like having friends on Facebook. Facebook friends are cool. But real friends are the ones who meet you at the airport when you're so jet-lagged you can't tell the difference between a waiter and a customs officer. Friends bail you out of jail. You visit them in the hospital and bring them flowers. Friends listen to your sad songs and share their feelings with you. Friends help you out when you're in trouble, when you're lost behind enemy lines with only two bullets.
With Aurora, Veronica, and Mario at the pyramid La Cañada de la Virgen |
With Goswami at the Bamboo House |
Friends make sacrifices for each other.
And when there's good times, you share the good times with your friends. They get to stay in your house and eat with you. Rupa Goswami says that friends open their hearts to each other and share confidences. Give and take presents. Eat together, share food, and break bread. If you're reading this, chances are we broke bread together once upon a time. So, allow me a sentimental moment. To all the friends out there: Let me take a moment to tell you how much I love you. I know it's corny, but I'm getting sentimental in my old age.
So here's a really corny song for you, my friend. You know who you are.
That tho' a Man were admitted into Heaven to view the wonderful Fabrick of the World, and the Beauty of the stars, yet what would otherwise be Rapture and Extasie, would be but melancholy Amazement if he had not a Friend to communicate it to.