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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Golden Volcano

Image result for golden volcanoImage result for golden volcano

The Golden Volcano of Divine Love was our third book at Guardian of Devotion Press.  We had published the Search for Shri Krishna as a short resume summarizing the spiritual point of view of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Search for Shri Krishna Epub

And we followed with Guru and his Grace:  an attempt to understand the essential characteristics of guru. But since our line really traces back to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we published Golden Volcano to celebrate  his life,  teachings, and message of divine love.

I had the opportunity to speak about Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Golden Volcano of Divine love at  an evening talk I gave last year in Chiang Mai, Thailand. My visit coincided with the 30 year anniversary of the publication of the Search for Shri Krishna.  I was asked to talk about  my time with Bhakti Sudhira Goswami at the Guardian of Devotion Press.

At the time I made this the devotees, friends, and truth-seekers in Chiang Mai had just begun the move to a new headquarters in the jungle nearby a national park where elephants roam. 

Jungles of Chiang Mai

They named the community "Gupta Govardhan." Here's a short video on the occasion of the first New Year celebration at Gupta Govardhan at the beginning of last year. 

Thanks to Priya Nana, Rama Kantha, Indulekha, Gopa Kishore and all the friends at Gupta Govardhan.

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