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Monday, February 2, 2015

Photos from the Shoot

Here's an interesting article on the end of civilization at Angkor from the Guardian  and more random photos from the Angkor Wat project. Thanks for checking in. 

List of locations for shooting

Ready for jungle action

Angkor Thom, Bayon temple, with Avadhuta Swami

At the river of a thousand lingams. The carvings in the rocks at right are lingams

Another view of Shiva Lingam river. The dark-colored rock at right has carvings of Mahavishnu. We're making an offering of incense.

Sanskrit inscriptions in Khmer-Pali script at Angkor Wat

Buying coconuts

We needed an aerial shot of the rice paddies

Our expert crew with Ananta Dev, Kostya, and Rama Kanta

The pillars of Angkor are carved with Rishis, or wise men, since wise men are the pillars of good society.

Buddhist monks near Angkor

Playing Ukulele on the Tonle Sap lake with Arindam, left, and Avadhuta, right.

In the airport at Siem Reap. Time to say goodbye.

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