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Saturday, February 7, 2015


 In our Angkor movie,

 I play the role of a professor, searching for truth in the ancient ruins of a lost civilization.

Back in Mexico, I play the professor for real. It's time for a game of chess and a cup of tea with my old friend, the mathematics teacher, Jaire. Who will win this battle of wits?

Chess with Maestro Jaire.
I just spent a year, traveling around the world, having amazing adventures. Now I'm enjoying a brief rest so I can catch up on my reading, play the ukulele, paint a bit, and do some teaching. This is a good time for me to say "thank you" to the friends who made my adventure so perfect. My guru didn't much like the expression, he felt it implied separate interest, but Govinda Maharaja observed commonplaces, so thanks to all the friends in Ukraine, Russia, Mexico, Thailand, Cambodia, China, and Los Angeles, California who helped me. I'll have to do this in parts, so today is Thailand, 2013-2014.
Thanks everyone
Thanks to Aurora for letting me spend two months on a hair-raising roller coaster ride around the world.

Thanks to my friend and mentor, Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaja, who saw my ukulele video

 and invited me to Thailand at the end of 2013.
With Goswami Maharaja at Bamboo House

Thanks to Bhakti Bimal Avadhuta Maharaja, Mastermind of the Russian-Thailand Mission
Exchanging the Dragon Robe

Accepting Dragon Robe from Avadhuta Maharaja

Initiated as Dragon Master
Thanks to the devotees in Chiang Mai who made it happen

Lalita Devi Dasi guided our tours of Chiang Mai
Indulekha Devi Dasi demonstrating yoga

Talking shastra with Gopa Kishore das Brahmachari at the new land

Touring Chiang Mai with Rajeswhari and Lalita
 Thanks to Goswami Maharaja for his rapier wit and brilliant sense of humor
Dueling Umbrellas

Thanks to Bhakti Lalita, whose calm spiritual guidance is appreciated by all...
Bhakti Lalita

Ajita Krishna, Rama Kanta, Indulekha
 Thanks to the folks at Theistic Media Studios and Fulldom productions for involving me in their projects and allowing me to work with them.
Indulekha, Amiya Sindhu, me, Rama Kanta
Ananta Dev, the sound guy.
The hari bol patrol on nagar kirtan in Chiang Mai, with Yuvati and Sulakshana
 Thanks to the Hari Bol Patrol and all the street joy on Nagar Kirtan in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Bringing the holy name of Krishna to Old Town, the night market in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jan. 2014

Happy Hare Krishna People

The drum lesson

A roaring "old school" kirtan
Leading the kirtan at the night market in old town Chiang Mai, Thailand, last year.
I want to thank everyone who made this such a memorable adventure. I'll post more photos from 2014 tomorrow. Adios, muchachos. Mahayogi

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