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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sage Advice

As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

Sages and their Advice
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Ancient Sanskrit Mahabharata
At this time there appeared an even greater sage, the noble Hotravarahana.  Hearing the maiden’s story he advised her to go to the ashram of the terrible son of Jamadagni, Paraśurāma, who had sworn revenge against all the warrior class. “Go there, my daughter,” the sage said. 

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Forest Sage
“Your pain is great; your revenge will be swift. Go to Paraśurāma and he will surely fight Bhiṣma as your champion. None can defeat him in battle. Go to him.”
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Amba seeks revenge

            So Amba resolved to seek Paraśurāma as her champion and said, “I shall go further into this forest in search of the champion you speak of. How shall I find him?”
Hotravahana said, “He lives beyond the great forest on the mountain of Mahendra, a holy place known by many rishis and Gandharvas. Tell him you were sent by the high-souled Hotravahana to bid him be your champion against the crimes of a kshatriya. 

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Mountain path in Himalayas
So Amba spent many days walking through the forest, performing austerities. She grew thin, but her determination was great. In the course of time she came upon Paraśurāma deep in the forest hills of the mountain of Mahendra.

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            Hearing her story, Paraśurāma took pity on her. “O beautiful lady,” he said. I shall send word to Bhiṣma, that he himself must lay aside his vow of life-long celibacy and marry you. If such a great warrior accepts you, you will be the queen of all the Indias, and your sons will rule the earth as long as you shall live.”

Amba was not pleased by this. She was not interested in marrying Bhishma. Bhishma had insulted her. On account of Bhishma, she lost Shalva. No. She wanted only her revenge, no more. 

She said, “Both Bhiṣma and the Lord of Shalva have rejected me. It was Bhiṣma who robbed me on his chariot when I stood innocent before the greatest kings and princes of the world, ready to pick my suitor.” she said, her fury rising. 

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“It was Bhiṣma who insulted my chosen husband. It was Bhiṣma who ravished me by force and carried me away to a foreign land. It was Bhiṣma who rejected me publicly and sent me, a used woman back to the court of my beloved. If not for Bhiṣma I would never have been rejected even by my father. No. It is Bhiṣma who must die, and you must slay him,” said Amba “You must be my champion.  Slay Bhiṣma, or I will perish, overwhelmed by the shame he has brought upon me. Punish this ruthless Kshatriya, O protector of innocents.” 

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 Bhishma sipped again from the cool waters of the Ganges that trickled from the wound in the earth made by the arrow of Arjuna. He resumed his story.

"While Paraśurāma was reluctant to leave his meditation and take up arms against me, for I was his most obedient student, and he my guru, he ultimately gave in to the girl’s plea. So he resolved to meet me in battle and chastise me for having abducted the maiden Amba. 
And so it was that we met here, on this sacred battlefield of Kurukṣetra, to settle the wrong I had done to Amba. Years agon, on this very spot we clashed, my teacher and I. It was a terrible battle. 

He arrived in the company of some great saints and rishis, and made camp on the banks of the Saraswati. On the third day he sent me a message saying, “I am here. Stand and fight.” 

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Fields at Kurukshetra, India

At this I went to meet my guru the Lord Paraśurāma of whom you have all heard so much, with great joy, ready to do whatever he might bid me. I brought him a cow and offered him worship as my guru. Paraśurāma questioned my judgment in rejecting Amba and disgracing her. He bade me redress her grievances. I replied that it was impossible. I couldn’t give her away to my brother, nor could I myself marry her, given my vow. Shalva had rejected her. Paraśurāma said, “Marry her, O best of the Bharata race, and all shall be forgiven. Her virtue restored, she shall rule with you as the queen of the Indias.”
            I refused. I had given my sacred vow before my father and the gods. I would not give it up. I had taken an oath to Satyavati to protect her children and ensure her rule. I could not abandon my word.
And so, Paraśurāma was angered with me.

His eyes red with rage he said, “Obey me or die.”

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Obey or Die!

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