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Saturday, March 7, 2015


Image result for ten of swords
Die to Live

Bhishma’s Vow

Bhishma instructs us from a bed of arrows after a life-long vow of celibacy, or brahmacharya. While he rests on a bed of arrows he is preparing to exit the world. While Bhishma was a member of the warrior caste and never contemplated a formal vow of sannyasa, his situation is similar to one who has taken such a vow.

Bed of Arrows

Taking to the renounced order of life is much like lying on a bed of arrows. One is dead to the world, socially speaking, focused on the next life. 

Image result for Bhishma on bed of arrows
The vow of renunciation involves mortifying the flesh and has much in common with a bed of arrows.

Die to Live

Giving up family life, one is freed of social responsibilities.  She can concentrate on spiritual concerns, liberated from material life and open to lead a spiritual life  of dedication to a higher ideal. 

Social death leads to transcendental life.  This is the idea of “Die to live.” 

Dead to the attachments of this world, but alive to the higher self, one who accepts this path is prepared, like Bhishma, for the next life.

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Nothing liberates the mind like a death sentence. But the self-sacrifice behind renunciation is not based on cowardice. It reveals a higher ideal: “Die to live.”  Since the soul is eternal, death reveals the true self. Like Bhishma, the liberated soul is fearless, for death is merely a form of resurrection.

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And since Bhishma has given up all attachment to this world and is prepared to depart, he is in a perfect position to instruct the next generation on the meaning of life.  One who follows the path of renunciation must temper the pain of detachment by showing compassion to others and adopting the role of teacher. He may enjoy the prestige of guru, but only for a short while as his life slips away. A true teacher shows compassion by revealing his understanding before departing.

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Bhishma’s example is difficult to follow. One who is determined to renounce this world and give instruction to others should be prepared to lie on a bed of arrows.
Image result for Bhishma on bed of arrows


  1. My dandavat pranams to you Prabhu. This is very deep indeed. This process of wholesale sacrifice is like burning every single aspect or tinge of material inclination in the jive. Originally pure by constitution, the jiva now swims in this ocean of nescience, only to be tossed and turned by the waves of our previous and present karma. Now, having quite had enough, I desire to sacrifice my very existence to the lotus feet of my eternal Lord and master, Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja! Yes it is a bold step, but it can not but be. Die to live, is the clarion call. I must give my all to Him who is now my only shelter! Your blog is very inspiring to me Prabhu. Thank you. Your servant, B.P. Paribrajaka.

  2. Your sacrifice is an inspiration to me. Good luck on your path.


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