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Tuesday, April 21, 2015



In Morelia April, 2015

 I have been reflecting on the importance of affectionate dealings with others. Affection and love towards others calms the mind. With compassion we see the suffering that other people go through day to day. I'm no saint. People who know me know my ego. I've tried to dissolve the ego, but people always point it out to me and let me know I'm not as humble as I think. That's a good thing. I'll try again. Please forgive me if I have failed you in some way.

Anger is negative. I've had a lot of anger in my life. I'm trying to leave it behind. If we can feel compassion for others, we become free from fear. If we are affectionate towards others, we cannot get angry with them.

With two great men: Goswami and Avadhuta Maharaja
Life is short. I'm already on the dark side of 60. Who knows where it ends. So before I go, I'd like to express some affection for my friends. On this trip I have had the good fortune to spend time with two of the greatest men I have ever known: Bhakti Sudhir Goswami and Bhakti Bimal Avadhuta Maharaja. They're both great thinkers with an incredible vision, and together we've co-operated on some amazing projects. I feel blessed to have had the chance to work with them.

Full Dome Team Happy New Year
In Thailand, I made a lot of friends. I wish you joy, peace, happiness and love.

The friends in Moscow brought me joy and happinesss

So here's to friends, old and new. Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.

At my writer's mansion in Thailand

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