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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Kunti reveals more secrets

As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

Kunti reveals more secrets

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Kuntidevi, artists conception

Yudhisthira fell silent. That great king looked at his mother with tears in his eyes. Finally, he said, "How is it possible that our cousin Krishna allowed Karna to be killed in such a cowardly fashion? Certainly this is against the laws of dharma. Why wasn't our brother given a fair chance to fight according to the rules of war? Arjuna slaughtered him when he was down from his chariot, trying to fix the wheel.  How could Krishna allow this?"
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Yudhisthira seated with Draupadi, Bhima right, Arjuna left, twins behind
And Kunti replied, "In your pride and anger you have insulted and cursed me. And now you insult your cousin, Krishna and your brother Arjuna. There is so much you do not understand, my son.
But since you have cursed me that I shall never hide a secret, I shall be honest with you and reveal the most confidential of secrets. When Krishna drove Arjuna's chariot before the armies of both sides, before this terrible battle began, your brother Arjuna was overcome with grief.
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Arjuna was overwhelemed with grief

 He bade Krishna stop the chariot. Arjuna got down from the chariot, set his great Gandhiva bow on the earth. He wept, overcome with grief. "How can I confront in battle, my teachers Drona and Kripa? How can I take arms against my grandfather, Bhishma, and the whole sea of relatives, friends, cousins and brothers who face me in the opposing armies." he said. And with this, your cousin Krishna instructed Arjuna in the ways of karma and dharma. He revealed His Universal Form to Arjuna. It is very confidential, indeed it is a secret. But since I am cursed to reveal secrets, I will tell you, my son."
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Krishna reveals the universal form
"Listen to me," Kunti said. "You who know so much of dharma. You see Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, come to this earth to rid her of warlike kings and princes who overburdened the land with the force of military arms. And His purpose was fulfilled in this terrible war, when so many warriors spilled their blood on the earth. They are no longer with us. The earth will know peace, now that so many arms have been laid to rest. Krishna brought about the Kurukshetra war to bring peace to the earth. But he has a deeper purpose as well.  You know so much about dharma; in fact it is said that you are the son of dharma himself. But when Arjuna questioned Krishna again and again, finally Krishna told him, "I am Supreme. I am the Way the Truth and the Light. I am God Himself, come to destroy the despotic powers that ravage the earth. Surrender to me. Be devoted to me. Only through me will you know salvation."
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Universal Form

 And finally he told your brother, "Abandon all other dharma and surrender to me alone. You will be freed from all sin. Even the sin of killing your grandfather, your cousins, and your brother. Surrender to me. I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead, God Himself, come to save the world. There is no other dharma."

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"Abandon all other dharma..."

So, you who speak of dharma but who curse your own mother should know this: the highest of all dharma is surrender to the purpose of God Himself. And Krishna of Vrindavan and Dwarka is God Himself, walking among us for a time to right the wrongs created by so many princely warriors.
You are not foolish. You have studied the histories. Remember that before you were born warlike monsters like Ravana and  Kartavirya ravaged the land with their despotic rule.

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There was bloodshed and strife, war and pillage, religious opression, the saintly brahmanas could no longer perform their sacrifices in peace, humble people were opressed and the earth herself became much aggrieved.
You have studied the Vedas. But perhaps you haven't heard this confidential information. So, now that I am cursed to reveal secrets, I can speak openly. Hear me.

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"At that time, having taken the form of a cow, Bhumi the earth approached the creator of the universe, the four-head all-seeing Lord Brahma, with tears in her eyes, and said, “Help me, O great one, for I am in distress. I can no longer bear the weight of so many lies and so much violence. Look where I am scarred and torn by so much exploitation, see where I am stained with the blood of  so many battles and unrighteous kings.’”

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When the god of the universal creation, Brahma, heard the plight of Bhumi, he was saddened and dismayed. He went to see the other gods, including Shiva, for consultation.  Finally they visited Kshirodaksayi Vishnu, lying on the milk ocean, where they reciting the Vedic hymns. Soon they received a  message saying that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Himself would soon appear as the son of Vasudeva. He would come personally to the earth planet and organize the destruction of these terrrible and demonic kings in the conflagration of the Kurukshetra war.

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Brahma and the gods pray to Vishnu

"Brahma never approaches Lord Visnu directly; he offers prayers at the shore of the ocean of milk . He went to the shores of the milk way ocean accompanied by all the gods including Shiva and Indra. They prayed and prayed for help but at first there was no response.
Then, Lord Brahma  sat in meditation for a long time, until in his mind he received a transcendental messag: "God Himself will appear on the earth very soon. He will pacify the earth, annihilating the demonic princes and establishing the devoted souls. The gods shall assist Him. They shall take birth in the family of the Yadu dynasty.  The Lord God Himself will also appear in the Yadu dynasty as the son of Vasudev and Devaki.
And so it came to pass that God Himself appeared as your cousin Krsna. He personally appeared as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki.
Now, before He appeared, the gods took birth in royal families to help the Lord in  His mission. And so it was that Lord Brahma, the creator, gave this message to the gods and then left for his own abode."

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Kamsa driving Vasudeva and Devaki
Around this time, the leader of the Yadu dynasty was King Surasena.  He ruled the city of Mathura, and as he was a great king, Mathura soon became the capital. His son was Vasudeva. Vasudeva married Devaki, the daughter of King Ugrasena. Kamsa was her brother.
On their marriage day, Kamsa, Devaki's brother was driving the newlyweds home in a fine chariot decorated with gold leaf, accompanied by the wedding party of thousands of happy people.  Suddenly a voice from the clouds thundered through the heavens:
"O foolish Kamsa. You serve your sister well,, driving her wedding chariot with your new brother-in-law.  You fool. Know you that the eighth child of your very sister will strike you down and rob you of your life."

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Vasudeva and Devaki, BBT Iskcon artists

All were shocked. Now Kamsa was greatest demon of all the kings in the line of Bhoja. He was enraged with this prophetic voice that thundered from the sky.

While he held the reins of the chariot in one hand, he caught hold of Devaki's hair and fixed her with his wrathful glance. He threw her to the floor of the chariot. While the horses raced along, the cruel Kamsa drew his sharpened scimitar from its golden scabbard. He raised the sword to cut her throat. The sun burst through the clouds. The sword flashed in the noonday sun

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