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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Where are they now?

Boat on Tonle Sap Lake

Ahh, how I miss the lazy crazy haze of Cambodian days 
racing through the blaze with half-mad hare krishna daredevils 
armed with gyrocams and drones 

terrifying the apsara authority and running through pyramids
 with russian swamis dressed in pink and architects screaming "structural evidence!"

Where is Birchandra the American spiderboy
 leaping from banana boat to floating crocodile restaurant? 
Birchandra the American Spiderboy

Arindam the architect "Structural Evidence!"
Where is the bearded drummer who played the cobra-skin khol and dispensed hot black tea like water under the shade of banyans in kbal spean? 

'Чайное мгновение'
Tea, from Anantadev
Where is the beautiful russian translator waving blue ipad camera bots and demanding page revisions in 3 different languages with story, character arc, brevity is the soul of wit, her piercing sapphire eyes boring wormholes into my broken schlerotic heart? 

Indulekha the assistant director to the famous Russian Swami
Where can I buy ukulele strings? It's all a blur. Were we really wandering through bamboo and mine-fields on the Shiva lingam river, holding hands and screaming "cut you dirty bastard!" 
at the hapless Satya Sundar, the camera wonder at the top of Meru Mountain where strangler vines take wandering tourists hostage at sundown and feed them to the crazed Yaskhas who inhabit the dark Cambodian jungles? 

Or was it all just the ephemeral dream of Mahavishnu, imagining kshirodakshayi vishnu, imagining brahma creating this temporary world. Stay tuned.

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