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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Celaya Program

On Saturday we were invited to a program in Celaya, Guanajuato, given by our friend Bhakti Kushum Ashram Maharaja. This was at the City Cultural Center in the Historical District of Celaya.

Image result for Celaya, Guanajuato Historic DistrictImage result for Celaya, Guanajuato Historic District

Cultural Center

With my wife, Aurora

Pundarik Lochan, our friend and driver for the day.

Ashrama Maharaja spoke

Asharam Maharaja spoke on the subject of  "Absolute Mercy" to a group of about 200 devotees, friends, well-wishers and invited guests. He was well received and the Mexican audience listened to him with great attention as he discussed the philosophy with many examples and anecdotes from Shridhar Maharaja.

a roaring kirtan
After the talk we had a roaring kirtan with cartals and mridanga, chanting and dancing.

The sweet sound of the kirtan was appreciated by all. I even did a bit of dancing myself.

Ashrama Maharaja is a joyful devotee and it was good to see him again after all these years.

We caught up on old times and made plans to meet again soon for some preaching engagements.

Aurora was happy to get the opportunity for a few minutes of association with Ashram Maharaja.

After the kirtan, local devotees from Celaya demonstrated Bharat Natyam Indian dancing

They were finely decorated with flowerrs and kunkum and gave a nice show to the public who had come for a taste of Indian culture, dance, and philosophy.

After the show, we shared samosas, halvah, and a nice lassi drink. We drove back to San Miguel de Allende in the pouring rain, happy to have had the chance to participate and see our old friends. We hope to do it again soon.

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