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Friday, June 12, 2015

Avadhuta Maharaj

Dear Readers: Sorry I haven't been able to update the blog regularly this week. I've been spending the week with His Holiness Bhakti Bimal Avadhuta Maharaja. He came here on a quick visit to San Miguel de Allende,  Mexico last Monday.

We sat on the roof of the Rosewood hotel, overlooking the Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel and discussed the development of the Mahabharata project.

I've been hard at work organizing different aspects of the project; story structure, plot skeleton, a proper layout of different episodes.  It's a multi-tiered project that involves a series of graphic novels, books, exhibits, film, website, and theme park.

I'm working out a synopsis of the chapters, an outline, loglines for the movie, and a simple way to pitch this great epic for a wide audience. As I waited for news of Maharaja and his pending arrival, a colorful balloon passed outside my window.

Avadhuta Maharaja arrived here in Mexico in good spirits and we had long conversations that ranged from Bhishma's motivations for his life-long vows of brahmachari to the extent of the ancient Vedic civilization and its subdivisions ranging to the Indochinese subcontinent.

I did my best to keep up with him, and we agreed on some major points. 

Not content to sit around and talk, we took some long walks around San Miguel, which is in the middle of its summer fiesta season. 

We made good progress on the project in the short time we had and made plans to continue the work.

 After 3 days of discussion and organization, it was time to have a tea break and say "adios, amigo."

 School's out for summer and I should have some extra time to devote to the project.

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