Friends and Interesting Links

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dear Friends

Dear friends and truth-seekers: thanks for reading. I'm working on a lot of things at the moment: a graphic novel, and a retelling of the Mahabharata are among the projects. The most significant part of Mahabharata is the Bhagavad-gita.

While a complete interpretation of the Gītā is beyond my scope at the moment, it would be remiss of me to avoid including it. So, every day for the next week or so, I'm attempting  a brief summary of some of the philosophical and spiritual ideas found in that great work.

My meetings with the mysterious Russian Swami, Avadhuta Maharaja were a great source of inspiration. To call him "jovial" would be an understatement, as he has the mirth and wisdom of the great Jove himself, accompanied by an unforeseen generosity of spirit and a deep appreciation for both the message and meaning of the Mahabharata.

We spent 16 hours a day for 3 days, discussing many aspects of India's greatest epic and hope to bring forth a number of multi-media projects based on Mahabharata, including a film, a book series, graphic novels, museum exhibitions, and even a theme park, probably based in Bangalore, India.

I welcome your comments, so feel free to comment on what you read. I will not publish death threats or hate mail. It's always good to hear from you. I'm writing these posts mostly for my own purification. I'm not asking for donations nor for any other form of remuneration.

But as long as I know that there are a few souls who benefit from sharing the message of Krishna and Bhagavad-gita with me, I shall continue. Thanks again,

Michael Dolan/B.V. Mahayogi.

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