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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Third Jewel Continued

Without Taking Shelter of a Vaiṣṇava, all
Knowledge is Lost

ঠাকুর-বৈষ্ণব-পদ, অবনীর সূসুঅম্পদ, শুন ভাই! হৈঞ এক মন:
আশ্রয লৈযা ভজে, তারে কৃষ্ণ নাহি ত্যজে পঠ- ভেদ,আর সব নরে অকারণ

বৈষ্ণব-চরণ-জল, প্রেম-ভক্তি দিতে বল, আরো কেহো নণে বলবন্ত:
বৈষ্ণব-চরণ-রেনু, মস্তকে ভূষণ বিনু আর নাহি ভূষণের অন্ত,

তীর্থজল-পবিত্র-গুণে, লিখিযাছে পুরাণে, সে সব ভক্তির প্রবঞ্চন:
বৈষ্ণবের পাদদোক, সম নহে এই সব, যাতে হয বাঞ্জিত পূরণ.

বৈষ্ণব-সঙ্গেতে মন, আনন্দিত অনুক্ষণ, সদা হয কৃষ্ণ-পরসঙ্গ:
দীন নরোত্তম কান্দে, হিযা ধৈর্য নাহি বান্ধে, মোর দশা কেন হৈল ভঙ্গ.

ṭhākura-vaiṣṇava-pada, avanīra sūsuampada, 
śuna bhāi! haiña eka mana:

āśraya laiyā bhaje, tāre kṛṣṇa nāhi tyaje paṭha- bheda, 
āra sava nare akāraṇa

vaiṣṇava-caraṇa-jala, prema-bhakti dite bala, 
āro keho naṇe balavanta:

vaiṣṇava-caraṇa-renu, mastake bhūṣaṇa vind 
āra nāhi bhūṣaṇera anta,

tīrthajala-pavitra-guṇe, likhiyāche purāṇe, 
se saba bhaktira pravañcana:

vaiṣṇavera pādadoka, sama nahe ei saba, 
yāte haya vāñjita pūraṇa.

vaiṣṇava-saṅgete mana, ānandita anukṣaṇa, 
sadā haya kṛṣṇa-parasaṅga:

dīna narottama kānde, hiyā dhairya nāhi vāndhe, 
mora daśā kena haila bhaṅga.

O brother, please hear my words with rapt attention: 
The lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas are the most valuable treasure in the world. 

Those Vaiṣṇavas continually take shelter of Lord Kṛṣṇa and worship Him. 

They never abandon their Lord, but they are liberated from the cycle of repeated birth and death. The water which has washed the lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas bestows devotional service in pure love of Godhead. 

There is nothing as effective in attaining this divine love. 

I place the dust from the lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas upon my head. I wear no other ornament. 

The purifying power of the waters of the various places of pilgrimage is described in the Purāṇas, although this is something of a deceptive trick. Actually there is nothing which is as purifying as the water which has washed the lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas. This water fulfills all desires.

Moment after moment my mind finds contant pleasure in the association of the Vaiṣṇavas. I always seek the company of those
devoted to Lord Kṛṣṇa. 

The poor hearted Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura cries, "I cannot maintain my composure any longer. Why have I fallen into such a low condition of life that I cannot get the association of the Vaiṣṇavas?" 

(Prārthanā Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura)

Only Vaiṣṇavas are Really Merciful to the Fallen

এই বারো করুণ কোরো, বৈষ্ণব পোসৈ 
পতিত পাবন তোমা বিনে কেহো নাই. জাহার নিকটে 

গেলে পাপ দূরে জায্ এমোন দোযালু প্রভু কেবা কোথা পায্. 
গঙ্গার পরশ হোইলে পশ্চাতে পাবন্ 

দর্শনে পবিত্র কোরো এই তোমার গুণ. 
হরি-স্থানে অপরাধে তারেঽ হরি-নাম

তোমা-স্থানে অপরাধে নাহিক পরিত্রান. 
তোমার হৃদোযে সদা গোবিন্দ-বিশ্রাম 

গোবিন্দ কহেন, মোর বৈষ্ণব পরাণ. 
প্রতি জন্মে কোরি আশ চরণের ধূলি 

নরোত্তমে কোরো দোযা আপনার বলিঽ.

ei bāro karuṇa koro, vaiṣṇava posai 
patita pāvana tomā bine keho nāi. jāhāra nikaṭe 

gele pāpa dūre jāy emona doyālu prabhu kebā kothā pāy. 
gaṅgāra paraśa hoile paścāte pāvan 

darśane pavitra koro ei tomāra guṇa. 
hari-sthāne aparādhe tāre' hari-nāma

tomā-sthāne aparādhe nāhika paritrāna. 
tomāra hṛdoye sadā govinda-viśrāma 

govinda kahena, mora vaiṣṇava parāṇa. 
prati janme kori āśa caraṇera dhūli 

narottame koro doyā āpanāra bali'.

O Vaiṣṇava Gosvāmī, please be merciful to me. No one except for you can purify the conditioned souls. Where does anyone go to find such a merciful personality by whose mere audience all sins go far away? After bathing in the
waters of the sacred Ganges many times one becomes purified, but just by the sight of you, fallen souls are purified. This is your great power. The holy name delivers one who has committed an offence to  Lord Hari, but if one commits an offense to you, there is no way of overcoming it. Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda, and Lord Govinda says the Vaiṣṇavas are always in My
heart. I desire the dust of your holy feet in every birth I may take. Please consider Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura yours and be kind upon him. (Prārthanā
Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura)

The Glories of Exclusive Vaiṣṇavas

ब्राह्मणानां सहस्रेभ्यः सत्रयाजी बिशिष्यते
सत्रयाजि-सहस्रेभ्यः सर्बबेदान्त-पारगः 
सर्ब-बेदान्त-बित्-कोट्या बिष्णु-भक्तो 
बिशिष्यते बैष्णबानां सहस्रेभ्यः एकान्त्येको बिशिष्यते
brāhmaṇānāṁ sahasrebhyaḥ satrayājī viśiṣyate
satrayāji-sahasrebhyaḥ sarvavedānta-pāragaḥ 
sarva-vedānta-vit-koṭyā viṣṇu-bhakto 
viśiṣyate vaiṣṇavānāṁ sahasrebhyaḥ ekāntyeko viśiṣyate 

Out of many thousands of brāhmaṇas, one who performs sacrifice for Viṣṇu is best. 

Out of thousands of such yajñika- brāhmaṇas, one who knows the meaning of Vedanta is best. 

But of millions of such Vedantists, a devotee of Viṣṇu is best.
And out of thousands of Viṣṇu bhaktas, one who is an unalloyed devotee of Viṣṇu is the best. 
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 10.117 and
Bhakti-sandarbha, 177)

न मय्य् एकान्त-भक्तानां गुण-दोषोद्भबा गुणाः
साधूनां सम-चित्तानां बुद्धेः परम् उपेयुषाम्
na mayy ekānta-bhaktānāṁ guṇa-doṣodbhavā guṇāḥ
sādhūnāṁ sama-cittānāṁ buddheḥ param upeyuṣām

Material piety and sin, which arise from the good and evil of this world, cannot exist within My unalloyed devotees, who, being freed from material hankering,
maintain steady spiritual consciousness in all
circumstances. (Bhāg. 11.20.36) 

True Vaiṣṇavas are Very Rare

बहूनां जन्मनाम् अन्ते ज्ञानबान् मां प्रपद्यते
बासुदेबः सर्बम् इति स महात्मा सु-दुर्लभः

bahūnāṁ janmanām ante jñānavān māṁ prapadyate
vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā su-durlabhaḥ 

After many, many births and deaths, one who is in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me (Vāsudeva) as the cause of all that is. Such a great soul is very
rare. (Bhagavad-gītā 7.19)

मनुष्याणाम् सहस्रेषु कश्चिद् यतति सिद्धये 
यतताम् अपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन् मां बेत्ति तत्त्बतः

manuṣyāṇām sahasreṣu kaścid yatati siddhaye yatatām api siddhānāṁ kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ
Out of many thousands among men, one may desire perfection. Out of thousands of those who attain perfection, hardly one may know me in truth.
(Bhagavad-gītā 7.3)

रजोभिः सम-सङ्ख्याताः 
पार्थिबैर् इह जन्तबः 
तेषां ये केचनेहन्ते 
श्रेयो बै मनुजादयः 
प्रायो मुमुक्षबस् तेषां 
केचनैब द्बिजोत्तम 
मुमुक्षूणां सहस्रेषु 
कश्चिन् मुच्येत सिध्यति 
मुक्तानाम् अपि सिद्धानां 
सुदुर्लभः प्रशान्तात्मा 
कोटिष्ब् अपि महा-मुने

rajobhiḥ sama-saṅkhyātāḥ 
pārthivair iha jantavaḥ 
teṣāṁ ye kecanehante 
śreyo vai manujādayaḥ 
prāyo mumukṣavas teṣāṁ 
kecanaiva dvijottama 
mumukṣūṇāṁ sahasreṣu 
kaścin mucyeta sidhyati 
muktānām api siddhānāṁ 
sudurlabhaḥ praśāntātmā 
koṭiṣv api mahā-mune 

In this world, there are as many living entities as there are atoms. Among these living entities, few are human beings, and among them, few are interested in following religious principles. Among those who follow religious principles, only
a few desire liberation from the material world. Among thousands of those who wish for liberation, one may actually achieve it, giving up material attachments to society, friendship, love, country, home, wife, and children. And among many thousands of such liberated persons, one who can understand the true meaning of liberation is very rare. Out of millions of perfected and liberated souls, one
may be a devotee of Kṛṣṇa. Such devotees, who
are fully peaceful, are extremely rare. (Bhāg. 6.14.3-5)

Out of Many Liberated Souls, a Pure Devotee is

Very Rare

তার মধ্যে ঽস্থাবরঽ, ঽজঙ্গমঽ দুই ভেদ জঙ্গমে তির্যক্-জল-স্থলচর-বিভেদ.
তার মধ্যে মনুষ্য-জাতি অতি অল্পতর তার মধ্যে ম্লেচ্ছ, পুলিন্দ, বৌদ্ধ, শবর. বেদ-নিষ্ঠ-মধ্যে অর্ধেক বেদ ঽমুখেঽ মানে বেদ-নিষিদ্ধ পাপ করে, ধর্ম নাহি গণে. ধর্মাচারী-মধ্যে বহুত ঽকর্ম-নিষ্ঠঽ কোটি-কর্ম-নিষ্ঠ-মধ্যে এক ঽজ্ঞানীঽ শ্রেষ্ঠ. কোটি-জ্ঞানি-মধ্যে হয এক-জন ঽমুক্তঽ কোটি-মুক্ত-মধ্যে ঽদুর্লভঽ এক কৃষ্ণ-ভক্ত.

tāra madhye 'sthāvara', 'jaṅgama' dui bheda jaṅgame tiryak-jala-sthalacara-vibheda.
tāra madhye manuṣya-jāti ati alpatara tāra madhye mleccha, pulinda, bauddha, śabara. veda-niṣṭha-madhye ardheka veda 'mukhe' māne veda-niṣiddha pāpa kare, dharma nāhi gaṇe. dharmācārī-madhye bahuta 'karma-niṣṭha' koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye eka 'jñānī' śreṣṭha. koṭi-jñāni-madhye haya eka-jana 'mukta' koṭi-mukta-madhye 'durlabha' eka kṛṣṇa-bhakta. 

The unlimited living entities can be divided into two different groups those that can move and those that cannot move. Among living entities that can move are birds, aquatics, and animals. 

Although the living entities known as human
beings are very small in quantity, that divisionmay be still further subdivided, for there are many uncultured human beings like mlecchas, pulindas, and other varieties of outcasts. 

Among human beings, those who are followers of the Vedic principles are considered civilized. Among these, almost half simply give lip-service to the Vedic principles while committing all kinds of sinful activities. Such men do not care for the prohibitions of scripture. 

Among the followers of the Vedas most are following the process of karma, distinguishing between good
and bad work. Out of many such sincere karmīs, there may be one jñāni, who is actually wise. 

Out of many millions of such wise men, one may become
liberated. And out of many of such liberated persons, a pure devotee of Kṛṣṇa is very dfficult to find. (Cc. Madhya 19.144-148)

अक्ष्नोः फलं त्बादृश-दर्शनं हि तनोः फलं त्बादृश-गात्रसङ्गः
जिह्बा फलं त्बादृश-कीर्तनं हि सुदुर्लभा भागबता हि लोके

akṣnoḥ phalaṁ tvādṛśa-darśanaṁ hi 
tanoḥ phalaṁ tvādṛśa-gātrasaṅgaḥ
jihvā phalaṁ tvādṛśa-kīrtanaṁ hi 
sudurlabhā bhāgavatā hi like

O Vaiṣṇava! To see you is the perfection of the eyes. To touch your holy feet is the perfection of the body. To vibrate your holy qualities is the perfection of the tongue for it is very rare to find a pure devotee within this world. (Hari-bhaktisudhodaya  13.2)

A Vaiṣṇava is Beyond Mundane Knowledge

तान् बै ह्य् असद्-बृत्तिभिर् अक्षिभिर् ये पराहृतान्तर्-मनसः परेश
अथो न पश्यन्त्य् उरुगाय नूनं ये ते पदन्यास-बिलास-लक्ष्याः

tān vai hy asad-vṛttibhir akṣibhir ye 
parāhṛtāntar-manasaḥ pareśa
atho na paśyanty urugāya nūnaṁ ye 
te padanyāsa-vilāsa-lakṣyāḥ

O great Supreme Lord, offensive persons whose internal vision has been too affected by external materialistic activities cannot see Your lotus, feet, but Your devotees can always see Your lotus feet because their only aim is to enjoy Your līlā. (Bhāg. 3.5.45)

যত দেখ বৈষ্ণবের ব্যবহার-দুহ্খ নিষ্চয জানিহ সেই পরানন্দ সুখ
বিষয-মদান্ধ সব কিচ্ছুই না জানে বিদ্যা কূল, ধন-মদে বৈষ্ণব না চিনে

yata dekha vaiṣṇavera vyavahāra-duhkha niṣcaya jāniha sei parānanda sukha
viṣaya-madāndha saba kicchui nā jāne vidyā kūla, dhana-made vaiṣṇava nā cine

When you see a Vaiṣṇava of the highest order who seems to be suffering from material misery, you should know for sure that he is really experiencing the highest ecstasy. Bewildered by sense enjoyment and puffed up with pride in their
knowledge, education, birth, wealth, beauty, and so on, ignorant people cannot understand the activities or position of a Vaiṣṇava. 
A Vaiṣṇava, on the other hand never considers birth, education, and wealth to be important qualifications, but distributes the Lord's mercy to everyone, regardless of their
social position. (Cb. Madhya 9.240-241) 

A Vaiṣṇava is Para-duḥkha-duḥkhī: He is compassionate for those who suffer.

महद्-बिचलनं नॄणां गृहिणां दिन-चेतसाम्
निःश्रेयसाय भगबान् कल्पते नान्यथा क्बचित्
mahad-vicalanaṁ nṝṇāṁ gṛhiṇāṁ dina-cetasām
niḥśreyasāya bhagavān kalpate nānyathā kvacit 

O Nārada, great persons like you visit the homes of family men, not to profit from them but simply to bestow eternal auspiciousness upon them, even though they are often reluctant to hear anything for their spiritual benefit, being too materialistic. Otherwise you have no need to travel from one place to the next.
(Bhāg. 10.8.4)

মহান্ত-স্বভাব এই তারিতে পামর নিজ কার্য নাহি তবু যান তার ঘর

mahānta-svabhāva ei tārite pāmara nija kārya nāhi tabu yāna tāra ghara
It is the general practice of saintly persons to deliver the fallen. Therefore they visit people's houses, although they have no personal business there. (Cc.
Madhya 8.39)

जनस्य कृष्णाद् बिमुखस्य दैबाद् 
अधर्म-शिलस्य सुदुःखितस्य 
अनुग्रहायेह चरन्ति नूनं
भूतानि भब्यानि जनार्दनस्य

janasya kṛṣṇād vimukhasya daivād 
adharma-śilasya suduḥkhitasya 
anugrahāyeha caranti nūnaṁ
bhūtāni bhavyāni janārdanasya

My dear Lord, great philanthropic souls travel on the earth on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to show compassion to the fallen souls who are averse to the sense of subordination to the Lord. (Bhāg. 3.5.3)

भजन्ति ये यथा देबान् 
देबा अपि तथैब तान् 
छायेब कर्म-सचिबाः 
साधबो दीन-बत्सलाः

bhajanti ye yathā devān 
devā api tathaiva tān 
chāyeva karma-sacivāḥ 
sādhavo dīna-vatsalāḥ 

The rewards the demigods give closely follow one's pious acts, just as the movements of a shadow correspond exactly to those of the body. A devotee's mercy, however, is causeless and does not depend on the accumulation of piety.

Saintly persons are kind and compassionate to fallen souls without considering their piety or impiety. (Bhāg. 11.2.6) 

A Vaiṣṇava is Transcendental

न कर्म-बन्धनं जन्म बैष्णबानां च बिद्यते
बिष्णुर् अनुचरत्बं हि मोक्षम् आहुर् मनीषिणः
na karma-bandhanaṁ janma vaiṣṇavānāṁ ca vidyate
viṣṇur anucaratvaṁ hi mokṣam āhur manīṣiṇaḥ 

A Vaiṣṇava does not take birth under the jurisdiction of karmic law. His birth and disappearance are transcendental. The wise have declared that the servants of Viṣṇu are eternally engaged in the liberated service of the Lord and hence are free from the laws of material nature.
 (Hari- Bhakti-Vilāsa, 10,113, quoted
from Padma Purāṇa)

অত এব বৈষ্ণবের জন্ম মৃত্যু নাই সঙ্গে আইসেন্, সঙ্গে যাযেন্ তথাই
ধর্ম, কর্ম, জন্ম বৈষ্ণবের কভু নহে পদ্ম-পুরাণেতে ইহা ব্যক্ত করিঽ কহে

ata eva vaiṣṇavera janma mṛtyu nāi saṅge āisen, saṅge yāyen tathāi
dharma, karma, janma vaiṣṇavera kabhu nahe padma-purāṇete ihā vyakta kari' kale

The Padma Purāṇa says that great Vaiṣṇavas do not undergo birth and death like ordinary people do. They appear and disappear within this world of their own accord. In this way, sometimes we get their association and sometimes their association is withdrawn. The devotees are not subject to any worldly considerations of duty and karma. (Cb. Antya  8.173,174)

बह्नि-सूर्य-ब्राह्मणेभ्यस्-तेजीयान् बैष्णबः सदा
न बिचारो न भोगश् च बैष्णबानां स्बकर्मणाम्

vahni-sūrya-brāhmaṇebhyas-tejīyān vaiṣṇavaḥ sadā
na vicāro na bhogaś ca vaiṣṇavānāṁ svakarmaṇām
The purifying power of fire, the sun, and the holy brāhmaṇas is eclipsed by the divine power of the Vaiṣṇavas. The activities of the Vaiṣṇavas are neither karmic nor performed for the sake of materialistic enjoyment. (Brahma-vaivarta
Purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa-janma-khaṇḍa, Chapter 59)

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