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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Ashram-dharma cont.

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati Ṭhakura

শ্রী গৌड़िয-কন্ঠহার

Gaudiya Kanṭhahāra:

The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas
15th Jewel


The Ontology of Life-Stages, Āśramas

Being a compendium of quotations from revealed scriptures
concerning the truths about the cult of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu

Compiled under the authority and direction of
His Divine Grace
Bhaktisiddhānta Sāraswāti Goswāmī

Translated and edited, with original Sanskrit and Bengali and Roman transliteration by
B. V. Mahāyogi, Michael Dolan

Those in Married life, Gṛhasthas, Should Not Become Bewildered by Family Life

कुटुम्बेषु न सज्जेत न प्रमाद्य़ेत् कुटुम्ब्य़् अपि 
बिपश्चिन् नश्बरं पश्य़ेद् अदृष्टम् अपि दृष्ट-बत्
kuṭumbeṣu na sajjeta na pramādyet kuṭumby api 
vipaścin naśvaraṁ paśyed adṛṣṭam api dṛṣṭa-vat 

One should not become overly attached to one's family members, nor should one
become bewildered trying to maintain them.

 Even though one may be married, he should not be negligent in devotional life An intelligent householder should realize that even the unseen enjoyments promised in the future are as temporary as the so-called pleasures he has already seen.
(Bhāg. 11.17.52)
पुत्र-दाराप्त-बन्धूनां सङ्गमः पान्थ- सङ्गमः
अनु-देहं बिय़न्त्य़् एते स्बप्नो निद्रानुगो य़था

putra-dārāpta-bandhūnāṁ saṅgamaḥ pāntha- saṅgamaḥ
anu-dehaṁ viyanty ete svapno nidrānugo yathā 

Relationships of wife, sons, relatives, and friends are like the relationships of
pilgrims who meet by chance at a resting place for a few hours before going on
their way. 

When one leaves his body to accept another body, such friends and
relatives are forgotten, just as upon waking one forgets the characters in a
(Bhāg. 11.17.53)
इत्थं परिमृशन् मुक्तो गृहेष्व् अतिथि-वद् 
वसन् न गृहैर् अनुबध्येत निर्ममो निरहओकृतः
itthaṁ parimṛśan mukto gṛheṣv atithi-vad 
vasan na gṛhair anubadhyeta nirmamo nirahaokṛtaḥ

Having realized the truth of such transitory relationships, the gṇhastha lives in
his house like a pilgrim, a guest, or a stranger in a strange land. Dedicating
himself entirely to Kṛṣṇa and giving up attachment to his body, his relatives, his house and home, he is liberated even in this lifetime. 
(Bhāg. 11.17.54)

A Gṛhastha May Live at Home, in the Forest, or on the Road

कर्मभिर् गृह-मेधीयैर् इष्ट्वा माम् एव भक्तिमान्
तिष्ठेद् वनं वोपविशेत् प्रजावान् वा परिव्रजेत्

karmabhir gṛha-medhīyair iṣṭvā mām eva bhaktimān
tiṣṭhed vanaṁ vopaviśet prajāvān vā parivrajet 

Having satisfied Me by executing his family duties properly while dedicating
himself to Me, My devotee may continue to remain at home, he may go to the
forest as a vānaprastha, or if he has a son, he may take to wandering about as a
sannyāsī. (Bhāg. 11.17.55)

The Character of Those too Attached to Family Life

यस् त्व् आसक्त-मतिर् गेहे पुत्र-वित्तैषणातुरः 
स्त्रैणः कृपण-धीर् मूढो ममाहम् इति बध्यते
yas tv āsakta-matir gehe putra-vittaiṣaṇāturaḥ 
straiṇaḥ kṛpaṇa-dhīr mūḍho mamāham iti badhyate

On the other hand, a gṛhastha whose heart is attached to hearth and home, who
is always worried about money and children, and who is obsessed with sex, is a
fool. Such a person is bound by the misconceptions of "I and mine." 
(Bhāg. 11.17.56)

The Destination of Attached Householders

अहो मे पितरौ वृद्धौ भार्या बालात्मजात्मजाः 
अनाथा माम् ऋते दीनाः कथं जीवन्ति दुःखिताः 
एवं गृहाशयाक्षिप्त-हृदयो मूढ-धीर् अयम्
 अतृप्तस् तान् अनुध्यायन् मृतो ऽन्धं विशते तमः
aho me pitarau vṛddhau bhāryā bālātmajātmajāḥ anāthā mām ṛte dīnāḥ kathaṁ jīvanti duḥkhitāḥ evaṁ gṛhāśayākṣipta-hṛdayo mūḍha-dhīr ayam atṛptas tān anudhyāyan mṛto 'ndhaṁ viśate tamaḥ

[At the time of death such a fool thinks] "Alas! My mother and father have
reached old age. In my absence who will care for them? My wife and children
are helpless without me. How can any of these poor souls survive without me?"
With his heart thus overwhelmed by family sentiment, and filled with anxieties
because of attachment to house and home, such a fool, filled with worries, dies
unhappy and dissatisfied with his inability to realize his plans. He enters the
blinding darkness of hell. 
(Bhāg. 11.17.57-58) 

Both Men and Women Should Avoid Family Attachment

त्वक्-श्मश्रु-रोम-नख-केश-पिनद्धम् अन्तर् मांसास्थि-रक्त-कृमि-विट्-कफ-पित्त-वातम् जीवच्-छवं भजति कान्त-मतिर् विमूढा
या ते पदाब्ज-मकरन्दम् अजिघ्रती स्त्री

tvak-śmaśru-roma-nakha-keśa-pinaddham antar māṁsāsthi-rakta-kṛmi-viṭ-kapha-pitta-vātam jīvac-chavaṁ bhajati kānta-matir vimūḍhā
yā te padābja-makarandam ajighratī strī

My Lord Krishna: The foolish female who has not savored the aroma of the nectar of Your lotus feet will become the lover of a "man" a live corpse made of flesh, blood, bones,
stool, bile, germs and air covered with skin, hair, beards, and moustaches. 
(Bhāg. 10.60.45)

Enjoyment of Conjugal Pleasures in Household Life is Condemned

ये मां भजन्ति दाम्पत्ये तपसा व्रत-चर्यया कामात्मानो ऽपवर्गेशं मोहिता मम मायया
ye māṁ bhajanti dāmpatye tapasā vrata-caryayā kāmātmāno 'pavargeśaṁ mohitā mama māyayā 

[In condemnation of materialistists the Lord said]  Those who worship
Me, the giver of liberation,  in order to enjoy conjugal happiness, who perform all
kinds of penance and sacrifice to that end, are fools deluded by sensual pleasure
and ensnared by the illusions of māyā. 
(Bhāg. 10.60.52)

The Purpose of Married Life

अधना अपि ते धन्याः साधवो गृह-मेधिनः 
यद्-गृहा ह्य् अर्ह-वर्याम्बु- तृण- भूमीश्वरावराः

adhanā api te dhanyāḥ sādhavo gṛha-medhinaḥ 
yad-gṛhā hy arha-varyāmbu- tṛṇa- bhūmīśvarāvarāḥ

[Pṇthu Mahārāja told the four Kumāras] A person who is not very rich and who
is attached to family life becomes highly glorified when saintly persons are
present in his home. The master and servants engaged in offering the exalted
visitors water, a sitting place and paraphernalia for reception are glorified, and
the home itself is glorified. (Bhāg. 4.22.11) 

The Unholy Household

व्यालालय-द्रुमा वै तेष्व् अरिक्ताखिल-सम्पदः 
यद्-गृहास् तीर्थ-पादीय-पादतीर्थ-विवर्जिताः

vyālālaya-drumā vai teṣv ariktākhila-sampadaḥ 
yad-gṛhās tīrtha-pādīya-pādatīrtha-vivarjitāḥ 

On the other hand, even though full of all opulence and material property, any householder's house where the devotees of the Lord are never allowed to come
in, and where there is no water for washing their feet, is to be considered a tree
in which venomous serpents live. (Bhāg. 4.22.12)

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