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Sunday, March 6, 2016


From Śāraṇagati:

[Note: Śāraṇagati is one of the favourite song-cycles for bhajan written by Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura.  I tried to make a translation that might be more in the way of a popular song, and that captures some of of the song character of the original. With respect to other published editions whose versions I have consulted.]

ৱিদ্যার ৱিলাসে, কাটাইনু কাল,
পরম সাহসে আমি
তোমার চরণ, না ভজিনু কভু,
এখোন শরণ তুমি

vidyāra vilāse, kāṭāinu kāla,
parama sāhase āmi
tomāra caraṇa, nā bhajinu kabhu,
ekhona śaraṇa tumi

1)  I spent my youth in the joys of study,
wasting my precious time.
I never did bhajana  at your feet. 
But now you're my shelter sublime.

পোডিতে পোডিতে, ভরসা বারিলো,
জ্ঞানে গতি হবে মানি’
সে আশা বিফল, সে জ্ঞান দুর্বল,
সে জ্ঞান অজ্ঞান জানি

poḍite poḍite, bharasā bārilo,
jñāne gati habe māni’
se āśā biphala, se jñāna durbala,
se jñāna ajñāna jāni

2) When I was young, I worked hard at school.
But all my book-learning has made me a fool.
I thought my schooling would make me happy.
I read and studied; my prospects were good.

My hopes grew and grew for a brighter future, 
for I thought learning was the goal of life. 
But My hopes were empty, 
and my knowledge was in vain: 

Now I know that knowing is not knowing. 

জড়-ৱিদ্যা জত, মাযার ৱৈভৱ,
তোমার ভজনে বাধা
মোহ জনমিযা, অনিত্য সংসারে,
জীৱকে কোরযে গাধা

jaḍa-vidyā jata, māyāra vaibhava,
tomāra bhajane bādhā
moha janamiyā, anitya saṁsāre,
jīvake koraye gādhā

O Govinda:
Blinded by my earthly learning, 
the shining snares of māyā,
I never sang your praise.
This poor soul was fooled;
Burdened by family woes,
trapped in saṁsāra.

সেই গাধা হো’যে, সংসারের বোঝা,
বহিনু অনেক কাল
বার্ধক্যে এখোন, শক্তির অভাৱে,
কিছু নাহি লাগে ভালো

sei gādhā ho’ye, saṁsārera bojhā,
bahinu aneka kāla
bārdhakye ekhona, śaktira abhāve,
kichu nāhi lāge bhālo

4) What a fool I've been;
An ass, burdened by wife and family,
trapped on the wheel of death. 
And now I’m old; no energy left.
No power for earthly joy,
no satisfaction; nothing makes me happy.

জীৱন জাতনা, হোইলো এখোন,
সে ৱিদ্যা অৱিদ্যা ভেলো
অৱিদ্যার জ্wআলা, ঘটিলো বিষম,
সে ৱিদ্যা হোইলো শেলো

jīvana jātanā, hoilo ekhona,
se vidyā avidyā bhelo
avidyāra jwālā, ghaṭilo biṣama,
se vidyā hoilo śelo(5)

5) Oh, how my heart burns in pain, 
wasted by ignorance I took for knowledge.
This mortal life is only pain and sorrow. 
My "learning" was ignorance:  a shaft that pierces my heart

তোমার চরণ, বিনা কিছু ধন,
সংসারে না আছে আর
ভকতিৱিনোদ, জড-ৱিদ্যা ছাডি,’
তুবা পদ কোরে সার

tomāra caraṇa, binā kichu dhana,
saṁsāre nā āche āra
bhakativinoda, jaḍa-vidyā chāḍi,’
tubā pada kore sāra

6) But now I know, there is nothing more than shelter at your feet. 
My dear Krishna, Nanda-Kumar:  Bhaktivinoda now leaves his useless scholarship, and makes your feet the essence of his life.

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