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Monday, April 18, 2016

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम् Fearlessness...


द्वितियो ऽध्याय

Dvitiyo ‘dhyāya

Second Chapter

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम्

द्वितियो ऽध्याय

Dvitiyo ‘dhyāya
Second Chapter

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम्

Śrī Śāstra-Vacanāmṛtam
Holy Scriptural Nectar


तन् निष्ठस्य नाधोगतिः--
परमार्थम् अशेषस्य, जगताम् आदि कारणम्
शरण्यं षरणं यातो, गोविन्दं नावसीदति [११]
बृ. ना
tan niṣṭhasya nādhogatiḥ--
paramārtham aśeṣasya, jagatām ādi kāraṇam
śaraṇyaṁ ṣaraṇaṁ yāto, govindaṁ nāvasīdati [11]
bṛ. nā
A sincere, surrendered soul never falls down. Sincerity cannot be vanquished.

Śrī Govinda is the origin of the universe, the Supreme Truth and the shelter of all. One who surrenders sincerely to Śrī Govinda and takes refuge at his lotus feet can never be vanquished. (11) In Bhāgavad-gīta न हि कल्यान-क्रित् कश्छिद् दुर्गतिं तात गछ्छ्हति na hi kalyāna-krit kaśchid durgatiṁ tāta gachchhati  (Srimad Bhagavad-gita: 6.40. Sincerity is the best qualification. Sincerity is inner purity—śraddhā. Sincerity is invincible. 

दुःख हरत्वं मनो-हरत्वञ् च—
स्ह्तितः प्रिय-हिते नित्यं, य एव पुरुषर्षभः
राजंस् तव यदु-श्रेष्ट् वैकुण्ठः पुरुशोत्तमः [१२]
य एनं संश्रयन्तीह, भक्त्य नारायणं हरिम्
ते तरन्तीह दुर्गाणि, न मे ‘त्रास्ति विचारणा [१३]
महाभारत शान्ति-पर्व्व
duḥkha haratvaṁ mano-haratvañ ca—
shtitaḥ priya-hite nityaṁ, ya eva puruṣarṣabhaḥ
rājaṁs tava yadu-śreṣṭḥo, vaikuṇṭhaḥ puruśottamaḥ [12]
ya enaṁ saṁśrayantīha, bhaktya nārāyaṇaṁ harim
te tarantīha durgāṇi, na me ‘trāsti vicāraṇā [13]
Mahābhārata śānti-parvva

"Hari" means "one who takes away."

He takes away the sorrows of the surrendered. He steals away the minds of the surrendered, infusing their hearts with his divine sweetness. 

O king, that Lord of the Yadus,  the Supreme Person,  God in Heaven (Vaikuṇṭha),  is your dear friend.  While he is Narayana Himself, Lord of Lords and God of gods, he has an affectionate, heartfelt relationship with you.  

Those who surrender unto him and take shelter of his holy feet cross over the ocean of birth and death and attain the ultimate goal of life.
[Mahabharata] Santi-Parvva
ये शङ्ख-चक्राब्ज-करं हि शार्ण्गिणं
खगेन्द्र-केतुं वरदं श्रियः पतिम्
समाश्रयन्ते भव-भीति-नाषनं
तेशां भयं नास्ति विमुक्ति-भाजाम् [१४]
वामन पूरन
abhayāmṛta-dātṛtvañ ca—
ye śaṅkha-cakrābja-karaṁ hi śārṇgiṇaṁ
khagendra-ketuṁ varadaṁ śriyaḥ patim
samāśrayante bhava-bhīti-nāṣanaṁ
teśāṁ bhayaṁ nāsti vimukti-bhājām [14]
Vāmana Pūrana
Surrender destroys fear, giving fearless, positive, and progressive eternal life.

Śrī Hari is God Himself, Vishnu, the Garuḍa-bourne Lord of Lakṣmi who carries conch, chakra, lotus, and mace: the self-same Narayaṇa. He takes away the fear of death and vanquishes the fear of mortal rebirth for all those who believe in Him and surrender to Him. He bestows all benedictions. He soothes all fear of material existence for the surrendered souls. They no longer pertain to this ocean of birth and death for they shall achieve the highest goal (prayojana) : positive and progressive immortality.
Vāmana Pūrana
संसारेस्मिन् महा-घोरे, मोह-निद्रा-समाकूले
ये हरिं शरणम् यान्ति, ते कृथार्था संश्रयः [१५]
ब्र्. ना
saṁsāre ‘smin mahā-ghore, moha-nidrā-samākūle
ye hariṁ śaraṇam yānti, te kṛthārthā na saṁśrayaḥ [15]
br. nā
Surrendered souls attain perfection in all their practices.

Surrendered souls realise success in everything. While in this dark world of terror and sleep ordinary men are engulfed in ignorance, those who take shelter of Kṛṣṇa through śaraṇāgati and surrender attain all perfection. Of this there may be no doubt.

अजितेन्द्रियानाम् अपि शिव-दत्वम्
किं दुरापादनं तेषां, पुंसाम् उद्दाम-चेतसम्
यैर् आश्रितस् तीर्थ्-पदश्, चरणो व्यसनात्ययः [१६]
भा. /२३/४२
ajitendriyānām api śiva-datvam—
kiṁ durāpādanaṁ teṣāṃ, puṁsām uddāma-cetasam
yair āśritas tīrth-padaś, caraṇo vyasanātyayaḥ [16]
bhā. 3/23/42
Even those with unconquered senses attain all auspiciousness through surrender:

Hari takes away the pains of saṁsāra to those who take shelter of his holy lotus feet, regardless of their inability to control the senses. By surrendering to Him, nothing is difficult, even for those who have a troubled mind.

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