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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Shastra-vachanamrita continued...


द्वितियो ऽध्याय

Dvitiyo ‘dhyāya

Second Chapter

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम्

द्वितियो ऽध्याय

Dvitiyo ‘dhyāya
Second Chapter

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम्

Śrī Śāstra-Vacanāmṛtam
Holy Scriptural Nectar


हरि-चरणाश्रिता एव सार-ग्राहिणो ‘ह्यथा कर्म-योगाद्भिर् आत्म-घातित्वम्—

अथात आनन्द-दुघं पदामुजं
हंसाः श्रयेरन्न् अरविन्द-लोचन
सुखं उन् विश्वेश्वर योग-कर्म्मभिस्
तन् माययामी विहता न मानिनः [२४]
भा ११/२९/३

hari-caraṇāśritā eva sāra-grāhiṇo ‘hyathā karma-yogādbhir ātma-ghātitvam—
athāta ānanda-dughaṁ padāmujaṁ
haṁsāḥ śrayerann aravinda-locana
sukhaṁ un viśveśvara yoga-karmmabhis
tan māyayāmī vihatā na māninaḥ [24]
bhā 11/29/3
Those on the path of śaraṇāgati understand the essence of reality. Those surrendered souls who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī Hari know the inner meaning of the truth. Others who seek happiness through the paths of karma or yoga and so on are on the road to spiritual suicide.

O lotus-eyed Kṛṣṇa: swanlike souls take shelter of your lotus feet which bestow all happiness. Those who turn from the path of surrender to follow yoga and karma are led astray by the power of māyā.

Bha: 11/29/3
श्री-कृष्ण-चरण-शरणागतेः परम-साध्यत्वम्—
न नाक-पृष्ठं न च सर्व्व-भौमं
न परमेष्ठ्यं न रसाधिपत्यम्
न योग-सिद्धीर् अपुनर्-भवम् वा
वञ्छन्ति यत् पाद-रजः प्रपन्नाः [२५]
भा. १०/१६/३७

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caraṇa-śaraṇāgateḥ parama-sādhyatvam—
na nāka-pṛṣṭhaṃ na ca sarvva-bhaumaṁ
na parameṣṭhyaṁ na rasādhipatyam
na yoga-siddhīr apunar-bhavam vā
vañchanti yat pāda-rajaḥ prapannāḥ [25]
bhā. 10/16/37
Full śaraṇāgati to the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the highest attainment.

Those who have surrendered fully to your holy feet have no interest in anything else. Those who are surrendered to Kṛṣṇa are not interested in heaven. They are not interested in mystic powers, liberation from birth and death, or attaining the position of Brahmā, the creator of the universe. Nor do they want dominion over the earth. They are fully satisfied with being surrendered souls.

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