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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Śrī Śāstra-Vacanāmṛtam continued...


द्वितियो ऽध्याय

Dvitiyo ‘dhyāya

Second Chapter

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम्

द्वितियो ऽध्याय

Dvitiyo ‘dhyāya
Second Chapter

श्री शास्त्र-वचनामृतम्

Śrī Śāstra-Vacanāmṛtam
Holy Scriptural Nectar


परिपूर्ण-कामो हरिर् एवाश्रयणीयो ‘न्यद्द्-हेयम्—
अविस्मितं तं परिपूर्ण-कामं, स्वेनैव लाभेन समं प्रशान्तम्
विनोपसर्पत्य् अपरं हि बालिशः, श्व-लान्गुलेनातितितर्त्ति सिन्धुम् [२२]
भा ६/९/२२

paripūrṇa-kāmo harir evāśrayaṇīyo ‘nyadd-heyam—
avismitaṁ taṁ paripūrṇa-kāmaṁ, svenaiva lābhena samaṁ praśāntam
vinopasarpaty aparaṁ hi bāliśaḥ, śva-lāngulenātititartti sindhum [22]
bhā 6/9/22

Bha: 6/9/22
No need for other gods--Kṛṣṇa satisfies all desires completely; so, complete shelter in the fully self-satisfied Hari is the best path.

Since Kṛṣṇa is completely self-satisfied in Himself and satisfies all others completely, only fools leave Kṛṣṇa to take shelter of any other god.  Hoping to get something from the gods is like holding a dog's tail to cross the ocean: the results do not meet the expectations.

हरेर् एव सर्व्वोद्धारित्वम्—
आभीर-शुह्मा यवनाः खशादयः
शुध्यन्ति तस्मै प्रभवैष्णवे नमः [२३]
harer eva sarvvoddhāritvam—
ābhīra-śuhmā yavanāḥ khaśādayaḥ
śudhyanti tasmai prabhavaiṣṇave namaḥ [23]
bhā 2/4/18
True deliverance is through Sri Hari is for all surrendered souls, regardless of race, creed, or social origin.

Everyone, sinful or otherwise, no matter their birth is delivered by the grace of guru and Śrī Kṛṣṇa, including the Kirata peoples, the Huns, the Andhra and Pulindas, the Pulkasa peoples, the Abhira, the races called Sumbha (Kanka), Yavana, and Khasa. All castes and outcastes, races nations, tribes, Western or Eastern, and social classes are perfectly purified by Him, taking shelter of the devotees surrendered to Śri Kṛṣṇa

Of this there is no doubt.  I offer my respectful obeisances to that Viṣṇu. 

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