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Sunday, June 19, 2016

VedaLife Festival 2016

Now that it's vacation time, I'm thinking of all the good friends I made in Russia and Ukraine. With some luck I may have the chance to travel again and visit Kyiv, Moscow, and Petersburg.

One of the best times I ever had was speaking and communing with the devotees and truth seekers of Vedalife.

VEDALIFE is an international festival of yoga and Vedic culture. The Vedalife movement was founded by producer, film maker and spiritual leader Swami B.B. Avadhut in the early 2000s in Moscow. 

Every summer the Vedalife festival is held in Tomsk, St. Petersburg , Moscow and Kyiv, Ukraine.

Vedalife in Kyiv started back in 2011; the first festival took place on Trukhanov Island in the center of the city on the Dnipro river. 

From that time Vedalife has been growing constantly and now more than 15,000 people come to the capital of Ukraine to take part in all kinds of spiritual and yoga-related activities during the 4 day festival. All activities are free of charge.

Each visitor can choose his own program and enjoy yoga, lectures, ayurveda and cooking classes, music performances or take part in holiday celebrations like Holi or building a mandala of peace. Guests from other cities can stay in camping and enjoy the festival 24 hours per day.

Among the main principles of the festival are "Simple living & high thinking" and "To give is better than receive". Every year the festival is organized by the group of volunteers, who are respected community members in their in daily life: from yoga teachers, to bank managers, and doctors. 

The main goal at Vedalife is to introduce the best of Vedic culture to the modern world and to distribute the spiritual knowledge of India's ancient wisdom teachings given by higher thinkers centuries ago on the banks of the holy river Ganges in India. 

That’s why spiritual masters from all over the world come to the festival grounds every summer. 

Speakers include Bhakti Sudhir Goswami, Bhakti Ranjan Madhusudan, Srimati Bhakti Lalita and Swami Avadhut himself as an organizer and representative of his spiritual master — Bhakti Sundar Govinda, a great saint of the twentieth century.

There are some rules of the festival: no smoking, no alcohol, and no drugs. 

Festival goers eat only vegetarian food, which is also being distributed for free every day at Vedalife by Jagannatha Restaurants and the Vegalife group. This kind of vegetarian food has it’s own name — «prasadam», which means "spiritual food offered to Lord Krishna."
This year Vedalife will take place from 28th until 31st of July in the same place — Trukhanov Island, Kyiv. 

To learn more about the festival visit the site: or visit the Facebook page at

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