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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Festival in Lahta

This is a short post since I'm on a mobile. We arrived in Moscow from New York yesterday evening. By nightfall we made Petersburg. Lost bags. Arrived in Lahta for Vedalife festival. Here are some photos. I'll post more when I have time.

This is the little stage where they play New Age music.

Outside the temple...
There was a traditional Kirtan and aroti ceremony with Avadhuta Maharaja, Goswami Maharaja, Madhusudana, Dandi, and Hrishikesh Maharajas...and many other great souls...
uproarious kirtan with hundreds of devotees.

Outside the festival continued in numerous tents and pandals close by the  temple which is at Lahta Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland.

As the bhajan band took a japa break...

The gods were so pleased they sent some sunshine our way.

Even Lord Shiva was pleased....

As you can see the Gulf of Finland was pleasant and  the weathernthebweather was perfect with just enough breeze to fill the sails of the windsurfers.



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