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Friday, October 7, 2016

Taking a break

Dear Readers:

As you may have noticed I'm taking a break from blogging for a few weeks. As you know I'm involved in education. Apart from my duties at the University of Guanajuato I write this blog, screenplays, scenarios, and I'm working on a couple of book projects, including a new version of Mahabharata.  I've been asked to work on some other creative projects involving a new look at science and consciousness, and my time has been divided between writing and my work as a teacher.  In order to keep up with the literature I also have to do a certain amount of investigation. I love writing the blog, but I just can't find the time right now. I'm considering a new format. I'll be back soon with a new series of articles and a new take. Thanks for reading. Mahayogi.

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