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Monday, June 5, 2017


The Creation of the Universe

Kṛṣṇa says: 
मम योनिर् महद्-ब्रह्म
तस्मिन् गर्भं दधाम्य् अहम्
सम्भवः सर्व-भूतानां
ततो भवति भारत
mama yonir mahad-brahma
tasmin garbhaṃ dadhāmy aham
sambhavaḥ sarva-bhūtānāṃ
 tato bhavati bhārata
BG 14.3
Here Krishna explains the metaphysical creation. The primordial egg is called mahat-brahma, or mahat-tattva,  and consists of primordial cosmic reality combining of undifferentiated spiritual energy with an egoistic tendency with unmanifest space and time. 
The womb of unmanifested cosmic energy or “trimodal material nature in its entirety undivided by space and time” is impregnated by God with the seeds of consciousness, unborn souls bent on exploitation. In that region all beings headed by the creator Himself are generated.”

Cosmic Seeds

Kṛṣṇa uses the metaphor of seeds. The creation story here is much different from the concept of a special creation in six days.  Here, the Supreme Absolute disseminates the seeds of consciousness into this world. Living beings gradually evolve into different situations according to their particular levels of consciousness. They grow and adapt, surviving in different living conditions, species, and biological frameworks according to their individual levels of consciousness.As consciousness evolves or “devolves” it develops adequate apparatus in the form of the variety of living species over milennia.

Living consciousness is compared here to a seed. The Supreme Consciousness impregnates the universe with living energy. Just as seeds grow and flourish, the living entities within a universe activate the  genetic structures necessary for development and exploitation within the perceived world. The idea is that all souls are emanations from the Supreme Reality, just as light is an emanation from the sun. Through the agency of the three qualities of material nature each individual soul is held in a hypnotic state in which she is convinced that she is the subject.

And so it is that we feel that we are the subjects, the center of the universe; we feel that everything else is merely an object meant for our exploitation. The qualities of material nature enforce the illusion that we are exploiters and that the entire environment is for our exploitation. This is the foundation of misconception.

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