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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pobre Mexico

Viva México

There's an old expression coined by Porfirio Diaz, "Pobre México--tan lejos de Dios, tan cerca de los Estados Unidos.¨

Today we feel great solidarity with the people of Mexico and great sadness. It´s strange to see so many disasters--solar eclipses, hurricanes, earthquakes, hydrogen bomb threats--follow one another so quickly. Some folks feel like the end of the world is near.

Personally, I'm very upset by the huge earthquake that hit Mexico City yesterday. As you know, I live and work in Mexico, but I'm in San Miguel de Allende, a small town in the mountains.We're on solid bedrock and earthquakes don't reach here. Mexico City was originally built on Lake Texcoco.  Huge skyscrapers tower over the city.  They are easily shaken by seismic activity. The temblor has caused incredible damage. Children are trapped under rubble in schools. It's a big disaster.

While I'm not in the earthquake zone, these national disasters have repercussions that affect everyone.

Everyone I know has loved ones in Mexico City, so we are busy trying to make sure everyone is safe.
Electricity, phone and internet service is down in a lot of places and people are spread out, so this is not an easy task.

Many devotees have reported in safe:

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