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Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Romance Hindu XVIII La Incredible y Triste Historia de un Amor Prohibido Por los Dioses:
Mahābharata Una versión de Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi Romance Hindu XVIII La Incredible y Triste Historia de un Amor Prohibido...
Bhava-tattva: definitions
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati Ṭhakura শ্রী গৌड़िয-কন্ঠহার Gaudiya Kanṭhahāra: The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishna...
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Śridhara Mahārāja on the 10 offences to the holy name
Since going through the Gaudiya-Kanthahara on Nama-tattva, I thought the readers would profit by hearing the mature version of Śrīdhara ...
April Index for Gaudiya Kantahara: Updates
শ্রী গৌड़िয-কন্ঠহার Gaudiya Kanṭhahāra: The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas Being a compendium of quotations from...
Gauḍiya Kaṇṭhahara 17th Jewel: Nāma-tattva
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati Ṭhakura শ্রী গৌड़िয-কন্ঠহার Gaudiya Kanṭhahāra: The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishna...
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