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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Goal: 20,000 pageviews

At the bus terminal in Queretaro, Mexico

Dear Readers:

What a long, strange trip it's been. I'm coming up on 20,000 page-views. I never thought the blog would get this far.  I hope you're finding something of value in the re-telling of the Mahabharata. At this writing it would seem the blog has a dedicated readership determined to inspire me to continue.

I have readers in UK, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, France, Germany, China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina and Australia as well as other countries.

I started the blog in December of last year and am celebrating the six month anniversary of sorts.  I've just finished writing 365 blogposts.

 I thank you.

Your reading and comments are keeping me going. I'd like to specifically thank a few old souls who have given me inspiration to go on writing, especially B.B. Avadhut Maharaja who ordered me to try and do this, my old friend Bhakti Sudhir Goswami, who set me on this path of writing, the Russian devotees, Vijaya Raman, Prithu Das, Muralishwar, translator, poet, and friend,  Asutosh Krishna, whose kindness in translating me and tolerating me astonishes the mind, Ragalekha who helped me with the Henri Mouhout script before we went to Cambodia, all involved in the legendary trip to Angkor Wat, including Satya Sundar, Indulekha, Indubala, Ananta, the camera guys, Wilbur Force the Amerikanski, and all the great friends and amigos who helped us on the way; I'd like to thank Ananga Mohini, Bhakti Lalita, Priya Nana, the fulldome people, everyone in Thailand and  those of you who take the time to read or translate or share the blog, including the famous murkapujari, kshamadarascal, madhu, govinda vilasa, and those of you who have left comments, and I'd like to give a special thanks to my spanish language translator Teresa Loret de Mola, Tapanandini for graciously rendering Shakuntala and so many other episodes into Spanish.

Thanks once again to one and all. Please forgive my offenses or lack of attention if there's anyone whose name I overlooked.  God bless you all and hope to see you soon.

To the friends on facebook, sorry for inundating you all with my blog updates: it's the best way to publish my writing and get this out to the four corners of the world.  If you like what you read, please share it with your friends.

The humble and fallen, Michael Dolan/Mahayogi.

La venganza de una virgen...

As retold by

Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

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recontado por

Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

y traducido en español por Teresa Loret de Mola, Tapanandini DD

¡Muerte a Bhiṣma!
Amba Realiza Austeridades
Amba continuaba sin apaciguarse.

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Paraśurāma le dijo, “Oh gran doncella, con estos guerreros, brahmanes y dioses como testigo, fui tu campeón. Con lo mejor de mi  poder combatí para vengar el mal que te hicieron. Usé todos mis poderes militares y místicos contra mi estudiante Bhiṣma, y sin embargo no pude vencerle, nos acercamos a destruir el propio universo. ¿Qué más puedo hacer?”

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Amba respondió, “Bhiṣma tal vez no ha sido vencido en batalla, incluso por un gran campeón como su santidad. Mi única esperanza es apaciguando a Shiva. Entraré en la vida de yogui místico y por el poder del ascetismo, la renunciación y los sacrificios y austeridades alcanzaré la meta del yoga místico y adquiriré poderes necesarios para vengar los males causados por Bhiṣma.”

Amba se marchó hacia las montañas de Mahendra, en donde pasaría largos años dedicada a la austeridad y penitencia. Me despedí de mi antiguo preceptor, subí a mi carruaje de guerra y regresé a la ciudad de los elefantes de donde había venido. Con el paso del tiempo nombré a ciertos amigos para que llevaran a cabo la tarea de espiar a Amba para determinar sus movimientos.
Ella entró en una serie de ashrams y practicó austeridades por encima de los poderes de la resistencia humana, elevaba a través de Kundalini yoga la energía de su chakra a niveles sorprendentes. Sin comida, demacrada, seca, con el pelo enmarañado, vivió seis meses del aire y permaneció inmóvil.
Y entonces, tras abandonar el comer y el beber, pasó un año entero así parada en las aguas del río Yamuna. Amba seguía sin calmarse.

El Señor Shiva se Aparece a Amba
Ragini Bhairavi
Ofrenda a Shiva
El Señor Shiva, llevando su tridente y cabalgando un gran toro, apareció ante Amba. El Señor Shiva le preguntó. “¿Qué tendrás de mí?” Amba, contó su historia al Señor Shiva, le dijo, “Como mujer, ya no tengo ningún deseo, ni por el matrimonio, ni por hijos ni familia. Estoy, sin embargo, resuelta a convertirme en un hombre, a tomar las armas como guerrero y vengarme a mí misma de Bhiṣma.”
Por último Shiva le prometió, “Tú le matarás, pero no en esta vida. Te convertirás en un gran guerrero en tu próxima vida, pero primero haz de morir para vivir.

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Shiva montado en el toro Nandi
Debes construir un fuego y entrar en él. En tu próxima vida recordarás la pena que Bhiṣma te causó y nacerás como hombre. Habrás de nacer como el hijo de Draupada y convertirte en un Maharatha, amo del carruaje experto en el uso de armas mortales. Como guerrero el mundo te conocerá como Shikhandi, tú causarás la muerte de Bhisma.”

Amba Entra al Fuego
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Con estas palabras, Shiva desapareció de su presencia. Amba, alentada por su promesa, y determinada a llevar a cabo sus órdenes, construyó una pira funeraria en las orillas del río Yamuna. Prendió fuego a la madera, observó que se prendiera hasta que las flamas estuvieron elevadas y ardiendo. Calmada, con las venas llenas de heladas aguas de fría venganza, Amba entró en el corazón del fuego y las llamas se elevaron más y más hasta que la consumieron.
Mientras la ira se quemaba con el fuego, gritó sus últimas palabras como mujer, “¡Muerte a Bhiṣma!”

Advice from a Swan

नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्
 देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयम् उदीरयेत्

As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

Advice from a Swan

'The swan continued:

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"These then are the four pillars of wisdom: Self-restraint, truth-seeking, sincerity, and compassion. One who always practices truth, self-restraint, sincerity, and compassion attains to heaven. Like a calf sucking the four teats of a cow's udders, one should devote oneself to the practice of these four virtues."
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"I know nothing more valuable or sacred than truth. I have moved between gods and humans throughout the three worlds and I find that truth is the only means for reaching the higher reality, just as a ship is the only means for crossing the ocean."

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"It is important to keep company with other truth-seekers. One takes on the character of those with whom he dwells. We become similar to those whom we revere. Just as a piece of cloth is imbued with color when it is steeped in dye, we take on the natures of those with whom we associate. He becomes saintly who keeps the company of wise men; he becomes crooked who walks with thieves. If one walks in the path of the righteous, even the gods take pleasure in him.

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And yet the gods cast off the company of the wicked.  Those who are always devoted to the gratification of their pleasure organs and stomach are cast off by the gods. Those who are addicted to thieving are cast off, as are those who are expert in insulting others. The mean-spirited men of violent speech and deed are cast off, even when they expiate their sins through rituals. The gods are never pleased with those who are mean in spirit."

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"Avoid the mean in spirit. Avoid those who culture ignorance and harsh speech. The gods are never pleased with those who have no self-restraint, who observe no restrictions in their eating and drinking. They cast off those of mean and wicked deeds."

"On the other hand, the godly seek the company of those who observe truth, who are grateful, and who live in righteousness."

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"Silence is better than speech. To speak truth is better than silence. To speak of the truth that touches on higher reality is better than speaking mundane truths. One should avoid disagreeable speech. Speech that is both truth, agreeable and touches on the highest reality is the best speech."

"The Sadhyas asked, "What is illusion? Why are we in darkness? Why is enlightenment so difficult to attain?"

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"The Swan replied: "This world is covered by the darkness of ignorance. We fall into darkness through our own malice. Men fail to attain enlightenment because of attachment."

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"The Sadhyas asked, "Who are the advanced souls and how do they become happy? How does the true brahmana attain divinity and purity? And what is their humanity?"

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"And the Swan answered: "The advanced souls realize happiness through wisdom. Wisdom is true strength. The brahmanas attain divinity through the truth-seeking process and by the study of the Vedas which are revealed truth. They reach purity through self-restraint. In death is their humanity."

"With this, the swan turned and moved quietly through the gentle waters of the holy river, and faded from the sight of those divine souls known as the Sadhyas."

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As Yudhisthira looked on, Bhishma said, "Thus I have explained to you the counsel given by the golden swan to the divine Sadhyas on the banks of the holy river long ago as I heard it in the ashram of Vasistha Muni, when as a boy I sought refuge at his lotus feet."

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