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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Arrival and Samurai Exhibit

Back in the USSR. Makes one long for the good old days of Brezhnev, Jimmy Carter, The good old days. the 1970s...Gasoline was 50 cents a gallon, Hare Krishnas were cool. Well, back to the future.

Frankfurt, Germany
The Frankfurt airport was terrifying, but I made it to the great Rosiya Airlines which carried me straight into the heart of Russia. Petersburg, home of poets, thinkers, and the Neva river.

Saint Petersburg, Airport

Minutes later I was whisked away to Lahta, on the Gulf of Finland. The gulf is pretty much frozen over right now. It was snowing in Lahta. Here I am braving the freezing temperatures.

Lahta, on the Gulf of Finland.

And then it was off to the Samurai exhibition at the old artillery, now a museum.

At the Artillery Museum. Peace.
Vijaya Raman drove us over to the Tsar's Arsenal or the Artillery Museum, where the Samurai Exhibition awaited. Called 47 Ronin, the exhibit shows off the arms and armor used by the Samurai up to the end of the 18th Century
Is that a horn growing out of my head?

With lovely Geisha, Sveta Sundari

47 Ronin Exhibit in Petersburg

Samurai Head
 According to legend the Samurai became Ronin or outcaste warriors when their master was killed. The story of the 47 Ronin is about how 47 Samurai became Ronin outcastes when an envious king killed their master. They spent time in hiding, plotting their revenge and finally executed the murderer of their king, redeeming themselves.

With old friend Gopa Kishore and lovely Geisha.

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