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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Govinda Maharaja Birthday Party

After we finished the Samurai Exhibit it was time for the Saturday Program here at Lahta. It was the celebration of Govinda Maharaja's birthday, and I was the keynote speaker. I'm not a great devotee, but I knew Govinda Maharaja personally from back in the 1980s and the devotees wanted to hear some personal anecdotes.
Celebrating Govinda Maharaja's birthday, Lahta December 6, 2014

Talking about Govinda Maharaja
I am humbled that the devotees wanted me to talk about Govinda Maharaja. He was a swan-like soul who knew how to include everyone. He had no enemies. We are all part of his spiritual family.  I felt blessed by the humility and warmth of the Russian devotees. 
The Radha-Krishna-Mahaprabhu deities on the altar at Lahta, Petersburg

Afterwards there was the aroti ceremony with a roaring kirtan...
Followed by a hot and comforting plate of prasadam with Vegetarian kafta-balls, kous-kous, curried rice, firey hot green apple chutney made from freshly picked organic apples right off the tree here in Lahta, and home made cinnamon buns....mmmmmm good.

Tomorrow: The bullet train to Moscow.

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