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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Bye Bye Moscow

Adios my Russian friends and Do Svidanya. It's time for me to move on. My Odyssey has taken me from the Pyramids of Mexico, to the snows of Russia.

At La Cañada de la Virgen Outside San Miguel de Allende
The Pyramid at La Cañada
Russian Orthodox church outside my window here in Moscow.
And now I'm on my way to Kiev, ancient center of the East, where Kievan Rus once dominated the Southern Plains. Ukraine, breadbasket of the world with its fine green apples and delicious baklava.

My search is a spiritual pilgrimage to Angkor Wat where the greatest Vaishnava civilization in history once held sway over the Indochinese peninsula and centered around Tonle Sap. More than a thousand years ago King Suryavarman began building the greatest temple complexes in the world dedicated to Vishnu and the cosmology of the Bhagavat Purana.

But I'm still searching for my self after all these years. In my younger days I was a great advocate for Krishna Consciousness, but frankly I faced so much opposition it was difficult to go on.  I went underground and into exile. I had done nothing wrong, but could not maintain my spiritual game at the intense level others expected of me.

After a long hiatus, I'm on the path again. Trying to make sense of it all. If you're also on the path, I'd like to hear from you. Feel free to comment.

The most amazing thing for me is the quality of the young people in Moscow who question authority and dive deep into spiritual awareness.
These warm-hearted souls melt the Russian snow with their kindness. On my path to self-discovery I have made a lot of friends. I will keep them in my heart forever. Parting is such sweet sorrow, it's hard to say goodbye to these folks who I hardly knew yesterday, but who are now part of my spiritual family. So, as we say in the mission, Moscow bhakta vrinda ki jai!

Some of the friends, yoga students, Hare Krishna devotees who have invited me to speak. It's hard to say goodbye to all these good people.

They even laughed at my jokes.

I could stay in Moscow forever with the great borscht, all the culture, and the happy devotees.



So thanks for all the inspiration, but it's time to say Adios, Do Svidanya, and Bye Bye, as I wing my way to Ukraine.

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