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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Kiev here I come.

Next stop: Kiev. There's a bit of a conflict between Russia and Ukraine at the present moment. But every day life in Kiev is more peaceful than the media would have you believe.

Let's leave conflict and violence behind and search for the inner peace of the soul.

Earlier this year, in August, I traveled to the Veda Life festival in Kiev 2014.  It was a joyous occasion with many truth-seekers from all over the world.

 Thousands of people from all walks of life showed up in the fine Ukrainian summer to listen to talks on the meaning of life...

Discuss transcendental life...

And to join together in pioneering new presentation technologies such as full dome...

Crowds were relaxed but serious practitioners of different yoga styles and disciplines. Our own Avadhuta Maharaja was there as an important organizer of the event.

A family affair, people brought their children. They hung out in the park, picknicked, listened to music and meditated.

Here's some links to give you an idea of the music and people involved.

Right now it's snowing in Moscow.

It must be pretty cold in Ukraine too.

But the warmth of the Russian Vaishnava community is enough to melt any heart, no matter how frozen, and so I make my plans and pack my bags again... for Ukraine.

See you soon.


  1. The conflict, rather, between the United States and Russia. Oligarchs USA want to exploit the whole world. The Americans organized another revolution in Ukraine, especially not even hiding it. The Americans managed to embroil brotherly peoples. Now the USA is coached by Ukrainians for conflict with Russia. All the Western media, as usual, lying. The population of South-East declined to obey the new Pro-Western government. Now in the South-East of Ukraine daily kill people: civilian and military, children and the elderly, men and women. Now please, tell us how to harmonize.

    1. Dear Anonymous: It is inevitable that or lives in the material world face conflict. When you speak about the Americans organizing violence, I am sorry about that. I assure you I had no part in it. War and violence are always deplorable. I object to violence. I'm coming from Mexico where 43 students were killed by police for no reason. Violence is a big problem everywhere. In my own country racist police are allowed to kill black teenagers and there are no consequences. But I don't believe in violence as a solution. I believe in bringing people together from different countries to dialogue about truth. Our mission is a peaceful mission. In our meetings there are Russians, Ukrainians and people of different nationalities. Our purpose is to seek spiritual harmony. Most conflicts are about land, money, oil and finally power. We teach that the attraction of material things is an illusion that distracts us from our real goal in life: spiritual realization through Krishna Consciousness. I understand that some people are angry with the Oligarchs and try to resolve conflicts with violence. In their determination to gain restitution through violence they have no patience for religion or spiritual life. But the search for truth generally transcends military conflict. We hope the people of Ukraine and Russia solve their conflicts and learn to follow a peaceful path. I am not a representative of the American government. I am coming to Ukraine to speak to people interested in finding inner peace. I think that inner peace is important and that if more people have inner peace we can reach a solution. I thank you for your comments.


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