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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Moscow Yoga Center

At the Moscow Krishna Yoga Center, the devotees were very kind.

As it is below freezing, Arjuna Das was kind enough to offer me a chaddor to keep the cold off my back. 
My old friend Muralishwara showed up as translator and interpreter. He is a highly learned man, knows Sanskrit, Bengali, Russian and English. His help is invaluable as without him it would be impossible to communicate with the Russian public at the center.

With Achyutananda Prabhu, another important member of the Russian section.

After a short rest I spoke about the importance of  the great teachers in our sampradaya with special focus of Govinda Maharaja, as his birthday is this week.

And after the talk we had a little bhajan.

Finally we had a chat with some of the devotees and met Sadhu Priya, an old friend of Shruta Shrava.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful. I am sure at such places everyone can keep their mind relaxed. I also attend San Jose Yoga to give peace to my mind. I am sure this is one of best thing which I do for myself. Any other idea to keep myself fit?


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