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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Petersburg to Moscow: The Hawk

In the early morning just before dawn, shadowy figures emerge from the eery streets where haunted and abandoned government buildings stand watch over onion-domed churches. Ice covers their path. The huddled figures carry heavy bags through darkened alleys. They emerge near the Moscow-Petersburg Vauxhall train station. Their goal: reach the Sapsan Bullet train before 6:45.

 Prithu and I are accompanied by our driver Aditinandana, who has navigated the snowy streets from Lahta to downtown Petersburg. On our way we pass the temple of the blood where Tsar Alexander was murdered.

Rolling suitcases through the back alleys of Petersburg we arrive at the station.

The Hawk awaits us like a silent giant. We will race through the Russian country side at blinding speed..

Sapsan: the Hawk. Fastest bullet train in the world. Top speed 200 kilometers per hour.

 We say goodbye to our driver and prepare to race to Moscow.
 The 6:45 Hawk bullet train from Petersburg to Moscow, ready to board.

I try to capture the Russian countryside, but it's no good. The Hawk is flying so fast that everything is a white blur of snow. This is a lake, frozen by the polar cold front that is currently lashing the North with ice and snow.

And after a long conversation with Prithu about the nature of reality and the relationship between jiva, Paramatma, and the mayic misconception in the world of exploitation, we arrive in Moscow.

Moscow is a good 5 degrees colder than Petersburg and I understand why my Russian friends told me to dress warmly.

The Swami-mobile awaits. My translator and friend Prithu and I are whisked away from the train station and into the heart of downtown Moscow.

Our yoga center is only a few blocks from Red Square, across the street from the secret police and around the corner from the charming golden domes of a Russian church.

The kind and humble Russian devotees put me up in the VIP room, Avadhuta Maharaja's private chambers in the 3 story building that is our Yoga Center. This is the view from my window.

The trusty Swami-mobile like Don Quixote's Rocinante provides a mighty service. Her it is parked under my window.

Finally the faithful Prithu and I are able to relax in the comfort of the warm Yoga Center. Here's Prithu with Achutananda Das.
Prithu Das: translator, personal assistant to Vijaya Raman, Sanskrit Pandit, book publisher and Russian teacher. Jack of all trades and master of quite a few of them.

Moscow library of Swami B.B. Avadhuta spiritual leader of Russian Mission.

And at last a plate of prasadam prepared by the Internationally reknowned Master Chef, Ananda Vardhana. 
Internationally reknowned Master Chef Ananda Vardana asking me if I prefer Russian or Indian cuisine. He's a brilliant cook and makes some of the best chipatties I've ever tasted.

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