Dear Friends and truthseekers: thank you so much for your support and for being a part of my journey to surrender. Recently I began writing a summary of the Bhagavad-Gītā. This is a difficult book to sum up. Sometimes it's called Gītopaniṣad. The Upanishads are densely packed. Some of the short aphorisms contained there may volumes to explain.
The Gītā itself is already a summary of very deep philosophy, being only 700 Sanskrit verses long. Still, my brief attempt to illustrate some of the main ideas already runs to thousands of words. I'm not writing this for money or to attract followers. I'm writing as an experiment in truth; I'm trying to understand these things myself. By writing, I hope to penetrate a bit further into the truth.
If anything I write is valuable to you as a truth-seeker, I am happy to have been of some service. Knowing that there are a few truth-seekers and readers is a great inspiration to me. Thanks to all the friends for giving me life.
If I have written anything that offends you, please forgive me, I assure you it was not my intention. I know I have many mistakes in grammar, punctuation, Sanskrit word meanings and so on. I propose to go back and edit some of the more interesting posts and gather them together in a book for future publication. I'm sure many errors will be caught and corrected in the editing process.
Writing a blog is different from writing a book; it's more immediate, a snapshot of the creative process from day to day, rough unedited impressions. I've published more than 450 blogposts and hope to continue. The blog has been viewed more than 28,000 times by readers in the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, India, United Kingdom, Thailand, Ireland, Australia and other countries.
I hope to be able to continue. My adventures have taken me around the world twice in the last year: to Moscow, Petersburg, Kiev, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Siem Reap, Angkor Wat, China, Japan, the United States and Mexico. It's been a wild ride.
I started out by writing about my adventures, but gradually included some stories from the Mahabharata and lately the Bhagavad-Gītā. At the present moment I've been asked to create a series of books based on the Mahabharata and will have to shift my attention to full-time writing projects.
As I do so, I may not have as much time as I'd like to keep up with the blog. I return to my teaching duties next week at the Universidad de Guanajuato.
My translator, Tapanandini Devi Dasi, Teresa Loret de Mola is doing a fine job on the Spanish edition of the blog and I hope to keep posting her contributions.
I'm always interested in your comments, ideas, and suggestions. Feel free to share the blog with your friends if you find it instructive or useful.
Michael Dolan/B.V. Mahayogi

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