As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi
As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi
Nala and Damayanti:
Damayanti Reaches the Kingdom of Chedi
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Nala leaves Damayanti
At this time, the Queen Mother was watering her roses in her terrace atop the lofty palace rooftops. As she plucked a weed, she heard a noise below her.
“What is it?” said she to her lady-in-waiting. “Is today a festival day again? Why are the people creating such an uproar?”
And her lady-in-waiting looked out over the rampart walls.
Damayanti had fainted. The boys pressed around her, delighted with the fun as they tormented her with name-calling. The dogs became more animated and leaped into the air with canine joy.
Damayanti lay unconscious before the gates of the palace of King Chedi.
The Queen Mother snipped a wilted blossom from the rosebush. Joining her lady-in-waiting at the rampart walls, she looked down to the public square before the palace.
The Queen Mother saw a scandal of barking dogs and dirty boys laughing at the half-clad madwoman fallen at the gate. And from her tower high above the city, she called down to a guard. “Stop this scandal! Dismiss that mob at once. Help that lady to her feet.”
The guard, who had had been watching the boys, stepped forward with a fierce look, his strong right hand on his sword hilt. The boys could see he was serious and ran away in glee, taking the dogs with them. He went to Damayanti.
The Queen Mother told her hand-maid, “Go down and bring that woman to me. Bring her to me. I wish to know who she is.”
“Perhaps she is only a madwoman,” said the hand-maid. “It may be dangerous to bring her here.”
The Queen Mother said, “Yes, she appears to be a madwoman and a maniac, but there’s something about her that tells me she is special. I have never seen her in the village. By her dress, she comes from far away. And her lotus eyes tell me she must be from a royal family. Even disguised as a half-naked madwoman, she seems to me like an angel from heavean. Please, go down and bring her to me.”
And so the maids of the Queen Mother went down the marble stairs of King Chedi’s palace. And when the arrived at the front gate, they found Damayanti still unconscious in the care of the royal guards.
With a potion made of herbs they revived her. And taking he by the hand they said, “Come with us. The Queen Mother would have audience with thee.”
And so they ascended the palace stairs to the tower above the city of King Chedi, where the Queen Mother kept her roses on the rooftop terrace.
And when they arrived, Damayanti was given a fine sitting place befitting a princess of royal blood. The maids brought her a refreshing drink made of rose-water and cooled her brow with a cloth moistened with lavender.
The Queen Mother said, “Who are you, child? While worn with distress, half-clad in rags, and covered with dust, your beauty shines like lightning through dark stormclouds. Your form is more than human. While you wear no jewelry or ornaments, still you have an almost transcendent loveliness, as if you were the bride of a god. Are you a goddess fallen to earth with some purpose for the king? Or an apsara come to bless our people and free us from some dark curse?
And Damayanti told her story: how she was born as the daughter of King Bhima in the realm of Vidarbha where once Sita held court; how the gods had wanted her as a bride; how she had chosen Nala, and the misfortune that had befallen her when Nala had gambled away their kingdom. She told her how Nala had abandoned her in the forest after taking half her garments, how she had wandered through the forest and met the wise men and the caravan, and how the mad elephants had broken up the caravan.
Damned by the gods for her beauty
“Perhaps I have been damned by the gods for my beauty,” she said. “When I did not take them as my husband, they were angry and have cursed me. You are kind, but it will be dangerous for you to give me shelter. The curse of the gods will follow me wherever I go.”
But the Queen Mother was kind and said, “Stay here with me, child. What you say is interesting, but I cannot believe that one so fair as you has been cursed by the gods. My men will find your husband. I don’t believe that one so fair as you has been cursed by the gods. Stay here for a while. We shall announce to the world that you have arrived here and your husband will surely come here and find you.”
“You are kind,” said Damayanti. “I will stay if you insist. But I have a few conditions. I will not eat leftovers from any plate or wash anyone’s feet. I will not speak with any man, and none shall seek me as their wife. Any man who harasses me again and again to be his wife shall be put to death. This is my vow. Also I need to speak with those forest sages who promised I would reunite with my husband.”
And the Queen Mother agreed, saying, “So be it,” and called her daughter Sunanda.
Sunanda was the Crown Princess, sister to King Chedi himself. And the Queen Mother said, “Sunanda, please accept this goddess-like lady as your personal companion. She comes from the land of Sita-devi herself and is paying us a royal visit.”
And the Queen’s daughter Sunanda welcomed Damayanti into her own apartment with her associates and hand-maids and accepted as her personal friend, showing her all respect.
And in this way Damayanti lived in the court of Suvahu as the personal friend of the lady Sunanda for some time.
"Recite this poem in the assembly of men, wherever they gather." She said, "And add this:
“If anyone hears this song and comes forward, you must send me news. But be discreet. None should know that this message comes from the Princess of Vidarbha. But take care to learn everything about whoever understands the message. And return and tell me the news. Find out everything you can about the one who answers this call. For the man who answers my message will surely be Nala Himself.”
Damayanti is Discovered: She Returns to Vidarbha
One by one the brahmanas arrived in the kingdom of Vidarbha for the feast given by King Bhima. The came from all corners of the kingdom. And when the ceremony was finished, the king spoke to the gathered brahmanas, “Who here has news of my daughter, the fair Damayanti? If anyone has any news of her whereabouts, consult with my ministers after prasadam.
Later that evening, the two brahmanas who had been at the feast of Rituparna after the race came forward. In a confidential meeting with the king, they told him of the fantastic dwarf with his amazing powers and of the fine saffron rice he had served. “I’m not sure if this helps,” said one, “but I’m sure this dwarf Vahuka has something to do with Nala.”
The king thanked the brahmanas and gave them cloth and silver in charity. He had heard from his spies that the body of a hunter had been found dead, mysteriously killed in the jungle were he had been hunting, not far from where Nala and Damayanti were last seen.
Others had brought him rumours of a strange prince, Karkotaka, who had been cursed by Narada to live immobilized in the forest as a snake. He had been freed from the curse and had returned to rule his kingdom. Among the rumours was the idea that Nala had redeemed him from the curse of Narada.

Could it be that his son-in-law, Nala was hiding in disguise? Perhaps his disguise had something to do with this famous dwarf, who now kept horses in the kingdom of Ayodhya. What an outlandish idea. But stranger things had passed in the kingdom of Vidarbha.

Could it be that his son-in-law, Nala was hiding in disguise? Perhaps his disguise had something to do with this famous dwarf, who now kept horses in the kingdom of Ayodhya. What an outlandish idea. But stranger things had passed in the kingdom of Vidarbha.
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Ancient Gold Coins of Vidarbha, circa 800 BC |
But where was Damayanti? There was no news of his daughter. The king rewarded the brahmanas richly and renewed his call for news.
The moon changed and went through its seasons. Summer came and went. The brahmanas searched far and wide for Damayanti.
Then, one day, a brahmana named Sudeva arrived in the kingdom of Chedi. And there within the kingly palace he remained for some time as a guest.
One evening as the brahmana was at prayer, worshiping the Lord Vishnu with the holy mantra as the sun disappeared over the Vindhya mountains, he saw one of the companions to the Queen Sunanda, glowing golden as the sunlight shining feebly through the dimness of a cloud.
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Damayanti Forlorn, Raja Ravi Varma, Victorian India |
As he finished his prayer he followed her with his gaze. He thought it must be the erstwhile princess of Vidarbha, but the large-eyed princess was dull in her beauty. She seemed wasted by grief and worry. And yet he felt it must be she.
“Could it be that Bhima’s daughter might be found here, gracing the court of King Chedi as the companion of his Queen Sunanda?” he thought. “King Bhima is almost dead from worry. I must know for sure.”
He couldn’t help himself and fixed his stare on Damayanti. The fair Sunanda, the Queen, entered. They joined arms and walked through the royal gardens. In the evening light, Damayanti appeared like the moon, darkly beauteous with her fair and swelling breasts, her lotus eyes wide.
She seemed like a lotus that had been plucked up from Vidarbha’s pleasant waters and set down in the royal gardens of Chedi, slightly wilted, covered with dust; She was like the dusty rays of moonlight which tremble with fear after Rahu has swallowed the darkened moon. Her beauty was like a dry stream waiting for rain, or a pool where the lotuses have wilted after the birds have fled. Or like a lotus which is parched after the pool dries. The sun burns the lotus after the water has dried; so seemed Damayanti without Nala: widowed from the joys of love, she was forlorn and melancholy.
Her light had dimmed. Forsaken by her husband, her beauty no longer shined as before.
She seemed like a lotus that had been plucked up from Vidarbha’s pleasant waters and set down in the royal gardens of Chedi, slightly wilted, covered with dust; She was like the dusty rays of moonlight which tremble with fear after Rahu has swallowed the darkened moon. Her beauty was like a dry stream waiting for rain, or a pool where the lotuses have wilted after the birds have fled. Or like a lotus which is parched after the pool dries. The sun burns the lotus after the water has dried; so seemed Damayanti without Nala: widowed from the joys of love, she was forlorn and melancholy.
Her light had dimmed. Forsaken by her husband, her beauty no longer shined as before.
“And where was Nala?” the brahmana thought. “While Damayanti is the fairest of all the land, sought after even by the gods themselves, her beauty has somehow faded. Joyless, stunned by loss, she wanders here in Chedi, mourning Nala. Was he killed in the dark forest? Or does he wander, possessed by ghosts or devils in that vast wilderness of lions and bears, forgotten, banished, and exiled?”
And thinking thus, the brahmana approached the Queen, Sunanda, and her royal companion, saying, “Dear Ladies, please excuse me. I am a humble brahmana.”
And Sunanda, ever respectful of brahmanas said, “Blessed be the humble, good sir.”
“My blessings upon you both,” he said. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sudeva, and I come from the land of Vidarbha.”
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Hanuman, Rama, and Sita Devi. Sita Devi was from Vidarbha. |
Damayanti blushed to hear the name of her father’s kingdom and bowed her head.
“King Bhima has sent me here in search of his lost daughter Damayanti, who followed her husband Nala into exile so long ago.”
Sundanda’s face brightened, but Damayanti suspected a trap. She lowered her eyes and and covering her head with her sari held Sunanda’s arm tightly in her grasp. She whispered, “Sunanda: Remember the death sentence. What if this brahmana has been sent by Pushkara?”
The brahmana, who had overheard this exchange said, “Trust me, for I am honest.” And retrieving a ring from the folds of his garment, he said, “Look. King Bhima gave me this ring and told me to show it to the one who looks like Damayanti. My dear lady. I knew you when you used to run in the royal gardens of Vidarbha. I once saw you playing with a golden swan. I’m sure you must be Damayanti. Look, and see if this is your father’s ring and if I am honest.”
Her blush turned pale. She stepped forward and took the ring from the old brahmana’s leathery hand.
“Your father is dying of worry,” said the brahmana, “but your little girl, Indrasena, is fine and Indrasen your son grows stronger and healthier every day. For your sake hundreds of brahmanas like myself are combing the earth, searching for a sign that you are alive.”
Damayanti took the ring in her hands. The memory of her father brought color back to her cheeks. She returned the ring to the old brahmana. She uncovered her head.
“Forgive me for not recognizing you at once, dear Sudeva. Of course. It’s been a long time,” she said, folding her hands and offering respects. She smiled. Standing closer, Sudeva could now see her natural beauty returning. Just as the mountain stream is regenerated by the monsoon rains, Damayanti became more radiant, thinking of her children and her father at home in Vidarbha.
Sunanda invited them to sit. And there in the royal gardens they conversed. Damayanti asked a thousand questions of Sudeva, who was a great friend of her brother. She asked about her children and King Bhima and the ladies of the court as the wise Sudeva listened and gave her counsel.
And as they talked, Sunanda discreetly dismissed herself and went to see the mother of the king of Chedi. Sunanda told the queen mother, “A brahmana has come from the court of Vidarbha. Come and see.”
Soon the Queen Mother left her inner chamber and went to where the mysterious companion of Sunanda spoke quietly with the wise old brahmana.
And the Queen Mother asked Sudeva, “This girl has told me a strange and wondrous tale of kings and princes and exile. We found her wandering like a vagabond, a madwoman, tormented by wild children and dogs. And seeing that she had something noble in her, we have given her shelter here in our court. Do you know her? How much of what she says is true?
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Nala and Damayanti in the forest |
To which Sudeva said, “I have had the fortune to know the monarch of Vidarbha, Bhima, who is always generous to humble brahmanas. There, on occasion, I have given counsel to that great king. This lady here is Damayanti, the daughter of King Bhima, princess of Vidarbha. I recognize her by the beauty mark on he forehead. I have known her since she was a child, playing in the court of the king. Her husband is the King of Nishadha, Nala, son of Virasena. Nala was cheated of his kingdom by his envious brother, Pushkar, who gamed him at dice. When Nala was exiled, the faithful Damayanti followed him into the forest. We have been searching for her ever since. You have saved her from death by starvation. May Vishnu bless the piety of your soul.”
The Queen Mother could not restrain her tears and held Damayanti close to her. “Then you are my own sister’s daughter,” she said. “Your mother and I are both daughters of King Sudaman of Dasharna. We separated long ago, when she married King Bhima and I married King Virabahu. And now I remember you, my child. It was in my father’s home in Dasharna. My sister, newly wed to Bhima, came to visit. You were just a baby at your mother’s breast. How could I have recognized you, all grown up?”
To which Damayanti replied, “No one has been as kind to me as you. You took me in, thinking me a stranger, but looked after me as if I were you own daughter. There is only one place in the world more pleasant than your fine palace here in Chedi, and that’s my own home in Vidarbha. And now that it is safe for my return, please, O Queen Mother, give this poor banished woman leave to depart for my home. I would return home were my infant children long for my return. They haven’t seen their father Nala in so long, but perhaps if I am there, I can give them some comfort. O Sudeva, thank you. You have given me new hope. Let us go to Vidarbha.”
And the Queen Mother, tears of joy in her eyes, said, “So be it, my daughter.” And she called to the guards: “Let the palanquin be prepared. Go forth to Vidarbha!”
Brihad Aswa said, “And so it was that a splendid palanquin was prepared for Damayanti. Eight strong men carried the royal palanquin over the Vindhya mountains guarded by a mighty army. And as she was born aloft, she was well-provided with fine cloth, refreshing drink and delicious food.
Return to Vidarbha
And by and by the princess returned to Vidarbha, where the earthborn Sita herself had once ruled. The citizens of Vidarbha rejoiced and chanted the Vedic mantras to see her return. And there she found her kinsmen in good health. Indrasena and Indrasen ran to her bosom and held her close as Damayanti’s tears blessed their foreheads.
Then King Bhima embraced his daughter and smelled her head. He too cried tears of joy and smothered Damayanti in his long white beard. The king declared a festival holiday and rewarded the old brahman Sudeva with a thousand cows, land for their pastures, gold and silver, and a temple for the worship of Lord Vishnu. And everywhere the land rejoiced at the return of their daughter and princess, Damayanti.
When all had retired and the night was peaceful, Damayanti’s mother came to her.
And when they had talked long into the night, after Damayanti had told her of all her trials in the forest, at last she said, “I am so happy to see my children again. But if I am to live, it will be a barren life without my Nala. If you love me mother, do what you can to see that they find Nala. Let it be your chief toil to find the hero Nala and bring him home. This is all I ask.”
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Damayanti abandoned in the forest |
And when they had talked long into the night, after Damayanti had told her of all her trials in the forest, at last she said, “I am so happy to see my children again. But if I am to live, it will be a barren life without my Nala. If you love me mother, do what you can to see that they find Nala. Let it be your chief toil to find the hero Nala and bring him home. This is all I ask.”
At which the honest Queen could give no answer, for she was sure that Nala was forever lost. Her face clouded, she could not restrain her grief. “O, Damayanti,” she said, “Ask me anything, but Nala I fear is lost.” And at this both mother and daughter wept in sorrow, and so they passed the night.
The Song of Damayanti
As the sun dawned through the Ashoka trees in the royal gardens of Vidarbha where Damayanti once saw a swan messenger, the Queen left her sleeping daughter and made her way to the inner chambers of the King.
“What news?” said he. “Is our daughter refreshed after her arduous ordeal?”
“She is sleeping,” said the Queen. “But she mourns the loss of Nala. As she wept, she broke her silence and told me we must search for him.”
King Bhima frowned, “Ah, but Nala died in the forest long ago. I have sent brahmanas to search high and low for him. We have heard nothing these many months. How could it be possible for such a great king to abandon his wife. No, Nala must be dead.”
“We must try again,” said the Queen. And so once again Bhima called the brahmanas to his court. “Please speak to my daughter,” the king said. “She is inconsolate.”
At this time young Damayanti approached the assembled brahmanas and spoke as follows:
“My dear holy fathers. I believe Nala is alive. I believe he has disguised himself to avoid a sentence of death passed by his cruel brother, King Pushkar. Do not ask for Nala openly.”
And one of the brahmanas said, “How shall we proceed, my lady? We are honest brahmanas, always direct. By what means shall we ask for news of Nala?”
To which the princess of Vidarbha replied as follows: “You must speak in carefully. In every realm go forth to places where men gather. In every gathering repeat these words again and again:
९ क्व नु त्वं कितव छित्त्वा वस्त्रार्धं प्रस्थितो मम
उत्सृज्य विपिने सुप्ताम् अनुरक्तां प्रियां प्रिय
१० सा वै यथा समादिष्टा तत्रास्ते त्वत्प्रतीक्षिणी
दह्यमाना भृशं बाला वस्त्रार्धेनाभिसंवृता
११ तस्या रुदन्त्या सततं तेन शोकेन पार्थिव
प्रसादं कुरु वै वीर प्रतिवाक्यं ददस्व च
(Mahābhārata Book 3. 68.9-12 ) |
kva nu tvaṃ kitava chittvā vastrārdhaṃ prasthito mama |
utsṛjya vipine suptām anuraktāṃ priyāṃ priya ||
sā vai yathā samādiṣṭā tatrāste tvatpratīkṣiṇī |
dahyamānā bhṛśaṃ bālā vastrārdhenābhisaṃvṛtā ||
tasyā rudantyāḥ satataṃ tena śokena pārthiva |
prasādaṃ kuru vai vīra prativākyaṃ dadasva ca ||
“Where have you gone, you gambler, my king?
You abandoned me when I was sleeping.
You tore my dress and vanished, my love.
You left me asleep in the forest, my love,
Alone, abandoned and lost.
Where have you gone, now that you’ve left me?
She sits and waits as you ordered;
Tortured by sorrow and loss;
Constantly weeping with sorrow, my king.
Have mercy and come back to me.”
"Recite this poem in the assembly of men, wherever they gather." She said, "And add this:
“A wife should be protected; not abandoned and left all alone.
O noble hero, wherever you are, listen to my prayer. Just as fire should be tended carefully, so a wife should be cared for by her husband. Have you forgotten your duties, you who are so skilled in duty? It is said that kindness is the best of all virtues. Have you forgotten how to be kind?” You may add this, so that if Nala is alive, if he is in disguise and hears my message, his heart shall be pricked by compassion. Hearing this song, he will come out of hiding.”
“If anyone hears this song and comes forward, you must send me news. But be discreet. None should know that this message comes from the Princess of Vidarbha. But take care to learn everything about whoever understands the message. And return and tell me the news. Find out everything you can about the one who answers this call. For the man who answers my message will surely be Nala Himself.”
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Nala leaves Damayanti
And so addressed, the brahamanas once again went forth to help the forlorn Princess of Vidarbha. They went far and wide to all the realms surrounding the kingdom. They went to Ayodhya and Vishadha and the valleys of the Vindhya mountains. They passed through cities, towns, villages, hamlets, places inhabited by cowherds and the retreats of hermits in the woods. And wherever they went they sought the lost King Nala. And everywhere they went they recited the song of Damayanti just as she had taught it to her.
After a long time had passed away, a brahmana named Parnada returned to the city of Vidarbha. The old wise man sought audience with the Princess. And when she came out, he bowed before her and said, “O best of women, I have some news which may interest you.”
And the daughter of Bhima said, “Please speak. I’m eager to hear you.”
Parnada said, “ While traveling through the realm in search of your lost husband, I came to the city of Ayodhya. There I met the son of Bhangasura, whose name is Rituparna. He is the ruler of Ayodhya. I followed your instructions and repeated your words. No one there took any interest in anything I said, although I repeated your words several times. Neither the King, nor his courtiers, nor any of the men there answered anything. I’m sure they felt I was composing some poetry.
“Then, after I had been given leave to go by the King, I was approached by a strange man in His Royal service. This man is a kind of charioteer or horse trainer by trade. His name is Vahuka. It’s hard for me to believe that this Vahuka is the man you seek. He is, you see, a dwarf. A dwarf of hideous countenance whose twisted visage and hooked nose is marred by a coal black beard. And yet, he is a man of many accomplishments. Not only does he keep the king’s horses, but he has trained them to run at great speed. He is a master of the culinary arts and often prepares the King’s feasts.”
In any case, this dwarf Vahuka approached me as soon as I had finished. And as I was leaving, he held my arm in his rough grip. He took me aside. And as he wiped tears from his cheeks, he spoke to me in a choked voice.
"He said, ‘Your song has moved my heart. You have composed well. It grieves me to hear how a noble woman was abandoned in the forest with only half a garment. And yet still she awaits the return of the gambler King. This is good.’
‘A chaste women, although fallen into distress, will yet protect her virtue,’ said the dwarf. ‘ Even though they may be abandoned by the King they do not become angry on that account. A chaste and faithful women leads her lives protected by her honor. She will wear her virtue like a silver suit of armor that protects her from all harm. A woman who shows such self-control may gain mastery over the universe and even reach heaven itself.
“‘And yet the lady in your song should not be angry with this gambler king. Robbed of all fortune and even stripped of his garment by thieving vultures, he must have left her to her fortune that she might live.
“‘Because, if this lady had followed her gambler King into the dark forest she would surely have perished along with him. Knowing that her husband has suffered so, should not be angry even while forsaken. I’m sure your gambler King poem was too overwhelmed by sorrow to return to his lady. If he could, that gambler King would surely return to her side. But his destiny is to hide in misery and exile, grief stricken, famine wasted, and worn with woe.’
“‘A noteworthy composition. I am deeply moved. I wonder at the patience of the lady.” And saying this that shrunken dwarf let go his grip and vanished into the mist.’
“After I heard this mysterious discourse from the dwarf, I came her as quickly as I could,” said the wise old brahmana. “Perhaps this news may help your royal highness.”
Damayanti thanked the brahmana Parnada, gave him charity and sent him on his way. Tears came to her eyes to think that Nala was alive. But she had to be sure. She sent for her mother, and, swearing her to secrecy said, “My dear mother. I have had some news. But we must be discreet. For now, I can’t say anything. My father must not know anything of my plans. But I have an idea. If you at all wish to help me, please follow my instructions.”
“What is it child?” said the Queen.
“First we must send for that most discreet of brahmanas, Sudeva, who discovered me in the kingdom of Chedi. Only he may be trusted with my purpose. I want him sent to Ayodhya.”
“As you wish, my dear,” said the Queen and sent for Sudeva.
And when Sudeva had arrived, Damayanti said, “O best of the twice-born, only you can fulfill my purpose for it was you who found me in Chedi when I was lost to the world.”
Sudeva bowed deeply. He comforted her with sweet words and auspicious mantras and listened to her plan.
“Sudeva, I want you to go to Ayodhya and give this message to the king who rules there, Rituparna. Tell him these words exactly: ‘Bhima, King of Vidarbha, has issued a royal decree. As Princess Damayanti’s husband has disappeared, he is hereby proclaimed dead. The princess, having passed a long time of mourning and grief will offer her hand in marriage to the champion who comes and claims here. Let the word go forth to all challengers that Bhima’s daughter is holding a new swayamvara.
"All great kings and princes are gathering in Vidarbha for the occasion. The ceremony is to take place tomorrow. O King of Ayodhya, if it is possible for you, go at once to Vidarbha. After sunrise tomorrow she will choose a second husband, having given up Nala for dead.”
Sudeva was perplexed to hear these words, but said nothing for he knew Damayanti must have a deeper purpose.
Brihad Aswa said, “and so it was, my dear King Yudhisthira, that the wise old brahmana Sudeva set out on the road to Ayodhya.”
With this, Kali knew that at last he was defeated. He had suffered long with the poison of the Naga prince, but now he had lost control of Nala. He came out of his body, ending his possession of that miserable king, and vomiting the poison of the viper Karkotaka. And as Kali left the body of Nala, so did the curse that had caused him such great misfortune. And Nala, seeing his demon tormentor was about the curse Kali, who cowered before him.
But Kali, who was visible only to Nala said, “O King of men have mercy on this poor devil. When you abandoned Damayanti on my account, she cursed me. Since that time I have only known pain, scorched by the Snake-king’s poison. Spare me, and I will grant you a boon. Wherever men remember your name they shall be free of the influence of Kali. I am the demon of the iron age to come. Inspired by me, men will do awful things. They will rain fire from the heavens and scorch the earth. But those who remember how King Nala suffered at Kali’s hands shall escape my spell. Your name will be their refuge if you spare me. Do not curse one who begged for shelter at your feet.” And so saying, Kali split a Vibhitak tree and entered into it, becoming invisible.
Then Nala, freed from Kali at last, was joyful. He mounted the chariot where King Rituparna had been waiting. He urged his fleet horses reciting mantras, and so they flew over the earth. His soul delighted, they raced on to Vidarbha. King Rituparna wondered to see the dwarf so inspired, for Nala had not assumed his royal form. That would wait until Damayanti’s approval, for he still had within the folds of his garments the special cloth given him by Karkotaka the snake-king.
And so it was that they raced once again towards the city of Vidarbha where the svayamvara ceremony of Damayanti was to be held.
The Search for King Nala
And the daughter of Bhima said, “Please speak. I’m eager to hear you.”
Parnada said, “ While traveling through the realm in search of your lost husband, I came to the city of Ayodhya. There I met the son of Bhangasura, whose name is Rituparna. He is the ruler of Ayodhya. I followed your instructions and repeated your words. No one there took any interest in anything I said, although I repeated your words several times. Neither the King, nor his courtiers, nor any of the men there answered anything. I’m sure they felt I was composing some poetry.
“Then, after I had been given leave to go by the King, I was approached by a strange man in His Royal service. This man is a kind of charioteer or horse trainer by trade. His name is Vahuka. It’s hard for me to believe that this Vahuka is the man you seek. He is, you see, a dwarf. A dwarf of hideous countenance whose twisted visage and hooked nose is marred by a coal black beard. And yet, he is a man of many accomplishments. Not only does he keep the king’s horses, but he has trained them to run at great speed. He is a master of the culinary arts and often prepares the King’s feasts.”
In any case, this dwarf Vahuka approached me as soon as I had finished. And as I was leaving, he held my arm in his rough grip. He took me aside. And as he wiped tears from his cheeks, he spoke to me in a choked voice.
"He said, ‘Your song has moved my heart. You have composed well. It grieves me to hear how a noble woman was abandoned in the forest with only half a garment. And yet still she awaits the return of the gambler King. This is good.’
‘A chaste women, although fallen into distress, will yet protect her virtue,’ said the dwarf. ‘ Even though they may be abandoned by the King they do not become angry on that account. A chaste and faithful women leads her lives protected by her honor. She will wear her virtue like a silver suit of armor that protects her from all harm. A woman who shows such self-control may gain mastery over the universe and even reach heaven itself.
“‘And yet the lady in your song should not be angry with this gambler king. Robbed of all fortune and even stripped of his garment by thieving vultures, he must have left her to her fortune that she might live.
“‘Because, if this lady had followed her gambler King into the dark forest she would surely have perished along with him. Knowing that her husband has suffered so, should not be angry even while forsaken. I’m sure your gambler King poem was too overwhelmed by sorrow to return to his lady. If he could, that gambler King would surely return to her side. But his destiny is to hide in misery and exile, grief stricken, famine wasted, and worn with woe.’
“‘A noteworthy composition. I am deeply moved. I wonder at the patience of the lady.” And saying this that shrunken dwarf let go his grip and vanished into the mist.’
“After I heard this mysterious discourse from the dwarf, I came her as quickly as I could,” said the wise old brahmana. “Perhaps this news may help your royal highness.”
Damayanti thanked the brahmana Parnada, gave him charity and sent him on his way. Tears came to her eyes to think that Nala was alive. But she had to be sure. She sent for her mother, and, swearing her to secrecy said, “My dear mother. I have had some news. But we must be discreet. For now, I can’t say anything. My father must not know anything of my plans. But I have an idea. If you at all wish to help me, please follow my instructions.”
“What is it child?” said the Queen.
“First we must send for that most discreet of brahmanas, Sudeva, who discovered me in the kingdom of Chedi. Only he may be trusted with my purpose. I want him sent to Ayodhya.”
“As you wish, my dear,” said the Queen and sent for Sudeva.
And when Sudeva had arrived, Damayanti said, “O best of the twice-born, only you can fulfill my purpose for it was you who found me in Chedi when I was lost to the world.”
Sudeva bowed deeply. He comforted her with sweet words and auspicious mantras and listened to her plan.
“Sudeva, I want you to go to Ayodhya and give this message to the king who rules there, Rituparna. Tell him these words exactly: ‘Bhima, King of Vidarbha, has issued a royal decree. As Princess Damayanti’s husband has disappeared, he is hereby proclaimed dead. The princess, having passed a long time of mourning and grief will offer her hand in marriage to the champion who comes and claims here. Let the word go forth to all challengers that Bhima’s daughter is holding a new swayamvara.
"All great kings and princes are gathering in Vidarbha for the occasion. The ceremony is to take place tomorrow. O King of Ayodhya, if it is possible for you, go at once to Vidarbha. After sunrise tomorrow she will choose a second husband, having given up Nala for dead.”
Sudeva was perplexed to hear these words, but said nothing for he knew Damayanti must have a deeper purpose.
Brihad Aswa said, “and so it was, my dear King Yudhisthira, that the wise old brahmana Sudeva set out on the road to Ayodhya.”
नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्
Nala and Damayanti
Bridhad Aswa said, And it came to pass just as Damayanti had ordered. The wise old Sudeva went to Ayodhya and gave the news to King Rituparna.
Rituparna rewarded him and thought, “I have heard of the beauty of tis Damayanti. I shall compete for her hand. But I must hurry. There is no time at all. Her ceremony will be tomorrow and Vidarbha is several leagues from here. I will need fast horses.”
And so the King immediately went to Vahuka and said, “Ready the horses! It’s time to prove your skill.”
The dwarf brought out the king’s horses and said, “Where to, master?”
And as he arose on the chariot, King Rituparna said, “We need to hurry. The beautiful princess Damayanti has announced a new svayamvara. All great kings and princes will be in attendance. She will choose her suitor from among them. He will be the next king of Vidarbha who wins her hand. I intend to ride to Vidarbha in a single day. It’s quite a distance, but with your skill at horses we can make it.”
Brihad Ashwa said, “Imagine how Nala felt, my dear Son of Kunti.
“While King Nala had abandoned Damayanti, somehow he expected her to keep faith. It never occurred to him that she would find another. Even as he was still under the influence of Kali, his heart burned in sorrow. ‘How could Damayanti choose another?’ he thought. ‘Has she have given me up for dead?’ he thought. ‘Am I nothing to her?’
And so, Nala was determined to go to Vidarbha and see Damayanti. Could it be true that she would pick another prince? Or was it all just a ruse? And Vahuka selected four lean and muscular stallions. They were fresh and ready to run with wide nostrils and swelling cheeks.
But when the king saw them, he said, “These horses are quite lean and skinny. Are you sure they can run to Vidarbha in one day?”
“Notice the curl on the forehead? These horses were born in Sindhu and are fleet as the wind. Trust me. But if you see any others that you like better, choose them and I will take them instead.”
“You know best,” said the king.
Vahuka yoked the horses to the chariot, Vahuka the dwarf turned to Rituparna the king and said, “We’re ready. It’s a challenge to ride to Vidarbha in a single day. But we shall ride like the wind.” And so saying, he held the reins that the king could mount.
As the king mounted the chariot, he said,
“Ah but poor Nala died in the forest. Or how is it possible that such a great king abandoned his wife. No, Nala must be dead. And so young Damayanti has announced a new svayamvara. All great kings and princes will be in attendance. Who knows,” said Rituparna, smiling, “Even one such as you can compete. Let’s get a move on.” And so together they made ready their horses and chariot.
The king’s personal driver, Varshneya drove the chariot, but Nala soothed and guided the horses, using the divine mantras he had learned so long ago. As they flew across the plains the wheels barely touched the ground. The horses were fleet of foot and raced as they never had before. The king, Rituparna, was pleased.
But Varshneya had known Nala. They had often worked the horses together. And seeing the dwarf endowed with such skill in horses, Varshneya admired him in wonder.
’Who is this man?’ he thought. ‘He drives the horses as if he were Matali, the charioteer of Indra himself. This rough dwarf is the great horseman I have ever seen, with the exception of King Nala of Vishadha. Only the great Nala had such skill with horses. But Nala died in the forest and his widow is even now seeking a new prince. Could this be Nala? And if not Nala, then who? Sometimes the gods, disguised, wander among us. His deformity of body confuses my judgment. But they are equal in age. How could Vahuka know the same science as Nala? Perhaps Nala has been cursed to take this form. This Vahuka has all of Nala’s virtues, except appearance. But appearances deceive. He must be Nala,’ concluded Varshneya who had once been Nala’s driver.
The king himself admired the great of Vahuka who effortlessly guided the horses over mountains and rivers, woods and lakes. They flew like a bird at the speed of the wind; the chariot wheels barely touched the earth. And as they raced along, the king’s royal sash was carried away by the wind. He said, “O Vahuka, I dropped something just a moment ago. Let us return and pick it up.” But Nala in the form of Vahuka smiled and said, “Sire, your sash is far behind us now; we have gone a league since then. We may not turn back.”
And the king again wondered at the great skill of his horse-keeper and thought to himself, “Perhaps he can teach me what he knows.”
Now the king had great skill at mathematics. He thought, ‘Each one has his own knowledge; his is horses, mine is numbers.’ He could calculate the number of leaves on a tree by counting the branches. And so to impress Nala, he told him how many leaves and fruits were on a tamarind tree that they passed.
Nala stopped the horses. He lost his kingdom when his brother Pushkar cheated him at dice. His ignorance of mathematics had cost him dearly, and now he could see his redemption. He returned to the tree and carefully counted the leaves. “How is it possible that you have dominated the science of numbers so well?”
And the king taught him the trick, saying, “I know many things. If you like I can teach you. But in return I must learn from you how you dominate horses.”
Vahuka the dwarf said, “It may be easy if you know how. But this skill really eludes me. I would like to learn about the laws of probability and how to calculate odds at dice playing. I am not very expert in dice. In fact as a consequence of some bad bets I made, I am in the condition you see me now, reduced to poverty. Teach me about mathematics, dice, and the laws of probability, and I shall teach you everything I know about horses.”
They stopped along the road there and made camp for the night, for Vahuka was sure he could still make Vidarbha by sunrise. And all through the night, Nala taught the king the different mantras for controlling horses and the king taught Nala everything he needed to know to win at dice.”
By early morning, Nala had mastered mathematics and the art of throwing dice.
With this, Kali knew that at last he was defeated. He had suffered long with the poison of the Naga prince, but now he had lost control of Nala. He came out of his body, ending his possession of that miserable king, and vomiting the poison of the viper Karkotaka. And as Kali left the body of Nala, so did the curse that had caused him such great misfortune. And Nala, seeing his demon tormentor was about the curse Kali, who cowered before him.
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