नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्
Story of Savitri: Part Three
Death Meets a Lady:
Savitri and Yamaraja
"Who are you,¨ said Savitri?
“I am Death. I come for Satyavan. His numbered days have run out. I shall bind his soul in my noose and remove him from this world.”
The shadowy form fixed his gaze upon Satyavan as he came closer with his noose. The Princess folded her hands and kneeled before him.
Yama said, “You are a faithful wife, O Savitri. You are always true to your vows, pious, and dutiful. Do not be afraid for your time has not come. But your prince, here will leave this world now. I shall bind his subtle body and take him from life. It is my duty.”
“Forgive me sir,” she said, “But I have heard that the Lord of death has messengers called the Yamaduttas, who serve his purpose. It is their duty to come for us mortals when we die and fetch us away to the next life. Why then are you here? Why come in person?”
And Death said, “He was an unparalleled prince. I did not send my messengers for him. He deserved better.”
He dangled his noose above the prince’s heart until a subtle body began to emerge, a mere thumb in length. This he trapped within his noose as a spider traps an insect in his web. And binding Satyavan’s vital essence, Death withdrew.
Savitri held her Prince within her arms. The Prince looked pale. His breath had stopped. His skin was cold as stone. His grace was gone. His lifeless heart beat no more. Savitri saw the shade of death bearing the shining essence of Satyavan in his silken noose. She arose and followed, leaving the stony cadaver.
Walking southward, the Shadow of Death bore the Prince’s soul trapped in his noose. Savitri was afraid. Her heart fluttered like a tiny bird flapping her wings. And yet, her purity made her bold. She followed Death towards the South.
“Wait!” she said.
And Death turned.
“Go back,” he said. “Pay him his funeral rites.”
But still, she followed.
“Turn back,” he said. “You may follow me no farther.”
And Death began to wander further South. He entered a strange part of the woods that she had never seen before. All was quiet. She hadn’t noticed how the time had passed. The Sun was beginning its decline. The afternoon had faded.
And Death turned again. “You may come no farther. Follow me at your own peril. I shall now travel towards the underworld where no mortal can go. Turn back.”
And Savitri said, “Wherever my love goes, I shall follow. Wherever my Prince is borne I shall go. This is my duty and my vow. I have never broken a vow. My word is true. I have no other duty than to serve him. This is Sanåtana Dharma. And if he travels to the land of death, I shall follow. My service to my guru stands for nothing if I cannot practice my vows.”
“Go back. There is nothing for you here.”
“The sages teach that if you walk seven steps with another, you become friends. We have now walked together quite a ways. I do not know this place. But now that we have walked together, we are friends, you and I.”
Savitri was firm. She said, “Allow me to recite two verses in Sanskrit before I leave you:
नानात्मवन्तस् तु वनेचरन्ति॑
धर्मं च वासं च परिश्रमं च |
विज्ञानतो धर्मम् उदाहरन्ति॑
तस्मात् सन्तो धर्मम् आहुः प्रधानम् ||२४||
nānātmavantas tu vane caranti;
dharmaṃ ca vāsaṃ ca pariśramaṃ ca
vijñānato dharmam udāharanti;
tasmāt santo dharmam āhuḥ pradhānam
एकस्य धर्मेण सतां मतेन॑
सर्वे स्म तं मार्गम् अनुप्रपन्नाः |
मा वै द्वितीयं मा तृतीयं च वाञ्छे॑
तस्मात् सन्तो धर्मम् आहुः प्रधानम् ||२५||
ekasya dharmeṇa satāṃ matena;
sarve sma taṃ mārgam anu-prapannāḥ
mā vai dvitīyaṃ mā tṛtīyaṃ ca vāñche;
tasmāt santo dharmam āhuḥ pradhānam
Be thou master of your own self;
If you would follow the path of dharma.
Seek truth, live simply, control the mind; Do this:
Wherever you live or work, do good.
The science of true dharma is this:
Wise men know that dharma is bliss.
And dharma is chastity, wisdom, wimple living,
And above all this: surrender.
(Mahābhārata, Vana-Parva, 3.281.24-25)
Savitri said, “There is really only one path of dharma. (ekasya dharmeṇa satāṃ matena) Others say there is the twofold path, or the threefold path. This is good. One may follow the four ways of dharma, by offering charity, being truthful, maintaining chastity, and leading a clean and simple life. This is good. Mercy (or Charity), Cleanliness, Chastity, and Truth are the four-fold path of dharma. (This is worshipful).
“We know that violence to living creatures and flesh-eating destroy charity and mercy. Gambling and speculation destroy truth-seeking. Unfaithful sex destroys chastity. And intoxication destroys clean living. The threefold and fourfold paths of dharma are good. mā vai dvitīyaṃ mā tṛtīyaṃ ca vāñche)
Savitri said, “And yet even greater than all these religious principles is the idea of surrender, prapanna. (sarve sma taṃ mārgam anu-prapannāḥ ) The highest path is surrender to God. This is the greatest truth I know. This is what the saints call dharma.”
She looked at the dark figure who held the soul of her husband in his noose and said, “Now that I have walked with you on the path, I tell you this as a friend. This is what I have learned.”
And Death turned to her and said, “Fair Lady. Enough. I have taken many souls from this world to the next. None have offered me friendship. My task is cold. No one speaks to Death with such sweet words as these. I am moved. Your fine words are proper and correct. Ask me anything. Except for the life of your husband, I shall give you whatever you like.”
Savitri said, “My father-in-law is just and wise. While he is a king, he lives in the forest like a saint. And yet he is blind. Restore his sight, that he may see the blossoming woods and the crystal waters of the holy river. Let him be strong and healthy again.”
And Death said, “So be it. And yet I see you are weary with fasting. You are tired with your journey. Go home now to your father-in-law. Even now his sight has been restored.”
But Savitri said, “As long as I am near my husband I feel no fatigue. Wherever you are taking him I shall follow. Very few understand dharma as you do. I am glad of your company. Take me with you.”
“Your words move me, Princess.” Said Yamaraja, Lord of Death. “You are as wise as you are fair. Ask again. You have been too generous. You asked for your father-in-law. Ask something for yourself. Ask anything except the life of Satyavan. What else can I give you?”
And Savitri said, “My father-in-law lost his kingdom and was exiled. Restore his kingdom to him, for he is a wise ruler and would do much good to his citizens.”
“So be it.” Said Death. “Your father-in-law’s kingdom is restored. Even now messenger are arriving in the forest with the news. And still you ask nothing for yourself. Ask again. But do not ask for the life of your husband.”
“Then let me have a hundred children born of Satyavan; let them be strong and healthy and live a long life.”
“So be it,” said the Lord of Death. “Now go. Return to your father-in-law and live in peace. He awaits you now, his sight and kingdom restored. Follow me no longer into the world of darkness.” He continued on his path, still holding the soul of Satyavan, trapped within his noose. “Leave me.”
But Savitri persisted. “O god. O Yama, my friend, Death. The eternal duty of good souls is compassion towards the others. We should never injure others in thought or deed but treat them with love and kindness.”
And Death said, “Yes, this is a lesson that many never learn. I want to bid you farewell, and yet your words are like honey.”
Savitri said, “Many are cruel. They have neither truth nor devotion. And yet the good show them compassion.”
They walked on a bit further. It was getting darker. The sun could no longer be seen through the treetops. The shadows thickened.
“Return,” said Death. “It is time.”
Savitri said, “Here, by my husband’s side I have lost track of time. We have passed so little time together. A year has passed and it seems only a day. I know you have prohibited me from asking you a favor, but I am only a woman.”
Death paused, dangling his noose. “Woman, you are wise. Ask again, but guard your words.”
“You are the son of Vivasvat and are called Vaivasvata. You give justice equally to all and are known as Yamaraja, the lord of Justice. No one is as true or righteous as you. The earth rejoices as the righteous pass, for they are the protectors of all. I asked for sons and you have granted my wish. But how can I have sons without my husband? What righteousness is there in raising a hundred sons if they have no father? Without my husband I have no life, even with a hundred sons. He is my prince. How can I leave him now, bound in your noose, to wander into the next life? You grant me a hundred sons but take away their father. How can this be righteous? Therefore, O righteous one, I ask you now for a great favor. I ask you for an incomparable boon. Restore my husband’s life. If my vows have been fulfilled, if I have done any service to my guru, please, restore Satyavan to life.”
Never before had Death seen such a saintly woman speak so sweetly and with such reverence. Never before had a plea been made with such grace and righteousness. Never before had Death been addressed with such friendship and erudition by a fair and gentle princess.
“So be it,” said Yamaraja, the Lord of Death. With this, he loosened the noose that held Satyavan’s soul in limbo.
“O auspicious and chaste lady.” He said, “Your husband is freed. He shall attain success. Along with you he shall live a long life of fame and fortune and together you shall have a hundred sons. These kshatriyas with their sons and grandsons shall also be famous kings. Your father also shall beget a hundred sons upon your mother Malavi. They shall be known as the Malavas and history will remember their names for thousands of years.”
With this, Death departed for his abode and the shadows lifted. It was not night at all. The sun was still high in the sky. Savitri returned to the place where Satyavan’s ashen body lay. She sat next to him and again took his head on her lap. Satyavan moaned and turned over. He blinked. His cheeks were rosy as his color returned. He sighed. At once, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he smiled. Awake at last, he looked at Savitri and said, “How long have I been asleep?”

“Just a moment, my dear,” she said. “You took a little rest from chopping wood. Now we must hurry and finish collecting the firewood before the sun goes down.”
“Yes, I remember now,” said Satyavan. “I had a headache and rested. Let us return now with what wood we have, for my father will miss us if we arrive late.”
And so Satyavan and Savitri gathered their basket of fruits and flowers along with the wood that Satyavan had chopped and began the long way home.
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