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Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati Ṭhakura |
শ্রী গৌड़िয-কন্ঠহার
Gaudiya Kanṭhahāra:
The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas
13th Jewel
The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas
13th Jewel
The Practice of Divine Love
Being a compendium of quotations from revealed scriptures
concerning the truths about the cult of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu
Compiled under the authority and direction of
His Divine Grace
Bhaktisiddhānta Sāraswāti Goswāmī
Translated and edited, with original Sanskrit and Bengali and Roman transliteration by
B. V. Mahāyogi, Michael Dolan
Being a compendium of quotations from revealed scriptures
concerning the truths about the cult of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu
Compiled under the authority and direction of
His Divine Grace
Bhaktisiddhānta Sāraswāti Goswāmī
Translated and edited, with original Sanskrit and Bengali and Roman transliteration by
B. V. Mahāyogi, Michael Dolan
Jñāna-miśra-bhakti: Devotion Mixed with
ब्रह्म-भूतः प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न काङ्क्षति
समः सर्बेषु भूतेषु मद्-भक्तिं लभते पराम्
brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śocati na kāṅkṣati
samaḥ sarveṣu bhūteṣu mad-bhaktiṁ labhate parām
One who is situated in Brahman is joyful. He never laments nor hankers for
anything. He is equally disposed toward every living being. In that state he
attains pure devotional service unto Me. (Bhagavad-gītā 18.58)
Karma-miśra-bhakti Devotion Mixed with
यत् करोषि यद् अश्नासि यज् जुहोषि ददासि यत्
यत् तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत् कुरुष्व मद्-अर्पणम्
yat karoṣi yad aśnāsi yaj juhoṣi dadāsi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat kuruṣva mad-arpaṇam
O son of Kuntī, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give
away, as well as whatever austerities you perform should be done as an offering
unto Me.
(Bhagavad-gītā 9.27)
वर्णाश्रमाचारवता पुरुषेण परः पुमान्
विष्णुर्-आराध्यते पन्था नान्यस् तत्-तोष-कारकः
varṇāśramācāravatā puruṣeṇa paraḥ pumān
viṣṇur-ārādhyate panthā nānyas tat-toṣa-kārakaḥ
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Viṣṇu, is worshiped by the proper execution of prescribed duties in the system of varṇāśrama-dharma. There is no other way to satisfy Lord Viṣṇu. One must be situated in the one of the four varṇas and āśramas. (Viṣṇu Purāṇa 3.8.9)
यज्ञार्थात् कर्मणो ऽन्यत्र लोको ऽयं कर्म- बन्धनः
तद्-अर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्त-सङ्गः समाचर
yajñārthāt karmaṇo 'nyatra loko 'yaṁ karma- bandhanaḥ
tad-arthaṁ karma kaunteya mukta-saṅgaḥ samācara
Work done as a sacnfice for Viṣṇu must be performed, otherwise work binds one to the material world. Therefore, O son of Kuntī, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain free from bondage.
(Bhagavad-gītā 3.9)
The Definition of Bhakti
सा परानुभक्तिरीश्वरे
sā parānubhaktirīśvare
Transcendental attachment to the Supreme Lord is called bhakti.
अन्याभिलाषिता-शून्यं ज्ञान-कर्माद्य्-अनावृतम्
आनुकूल्येन कृष्णानु- शीलनं भक्तिर्-उत्तमा
anyābhilāṣitā-śūnyaṁ jñāna-karmādy-anāvṛtam
ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānu- śīlanaṁ bhaktir-uttamā
Pure devotional service is free from all impurities, beginning with karma and
jñāna. In other words, it is devoid of all attempts to attain fulfillment through
power and knowledge. Śuddha-bhakti is the favorable cultivation of service to
Kṛṣṇa. In śuddha-bhakti a devotee constanly serves Kṛṣṇa's desires.
(Bhaktirasāmṛta- sindhu, Pūrva-vibhāga 1.11)
सर्वोपाधि-विनिर्मुक्तं तत्-परत्वेन निर्मलम्
हृषीकेण हृषीकेश- सेवनं भक्तिरुच्यते
sarvopādhi-vinirmuktaṁ tat-paratvena nirmalam
hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa- sevanaṁ bhaktirucyate
Devotional service means engaging all our senses in the service of the Lord of
the senses. By this one is liberated from all material designations and one's
senses are purified.
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, Pūrva-vibhāga 1.12)
The Śrutis Glorify Bhakti
भक्तिर् एवैनं नयति भक्तिर् एवैनं दर्शयति
भक्ति-वशः पुरुषो भक्तिर् एव भूयसी
bhaktir evainaṁ nayati bhaktir evainaṁ darśayati
bhakti-vaśaḥ puruṣo bhaktir eva bhūyasī
Bhakti leads the jīva to the Lord, and enables the soul to see the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. The Lord is controlled by bhakti. Bhakti is best of all.
(Mādhvācārya's commentary on Vedānta-Sūtra 3.3.53)
ओं अमृतरूपा च
oṁ amṛtarūpā ca
Bhakti is the very form of immortal nectar.
(Nārada-bhakti- sūtra 1.3)
ओं यल् लब्धा पुमान् सिद्धो भवत्यमृती- भवति तृप्तो भवति
oṁ yal labdhā pumān siddho bhavatyamṛtī- bhavati tṛpto bhavati
On attaining divine love man attains perfection and immortality. He becomes
thoroughly satisfied.
(Nārada-bhakti-sūtra 1.4)
ओं यत् प्राप्य न किञ्चित् वाञ्छति
न शोचति न द्वेष्टि
न रमते नोत्साही भवति
oṁ yat prāpya na kiñcit vāñchati
na śocati na dveṣṭi
na ramate notsāhī bhavati
Upon attaining love of God one neither hankers nor laments. He is freed from
attachment and detachment, and takes no pleasure in material things.
(Nāradabhakti- sūtra 1.5)
There are Two Kinds of Bhakti: Vaidhī or regulated and Rāgānugā or spontaneous
शास्त्रोक्तया प्रबलया तत्-तन्-मर्यादयान्विता
वैधी भक्तिर् इयं कैश्चिन्- मर्यादामार्ग उच्यते
śāstroktayā prabalayā tat-tan-maryādayānvitā
vaidhī bhaktir iyaṁ kaiścin- maryādāmārga ucyate
Devotional service governed by the rules and regulations of the scriptures is also
called maryāda-mārga, or the reverential path of devotion, the path of serving
the Lord in opulence, by different scholars [such as Vallabhācārya].
(Bhaktirasāmṛta-sindhu, Pūrva-vibhāga 2.269)
इष्टे स्वारसिकी रागः परमाविष्टता भवेत्
तन्-मयी या भवेद्-भक्तिः साऽत्र रागात्मिकोदिता
iṣṭe svārasikī rāgaḥ paramāviṣṭatā bhavet
tan-mayī yā bhaved-bhaktiḥ sā'tra rāgātmikoditā
Rāga-bhakti is complete absorbtion in the Deity of one's choice; that absorbing
devotion is here described as rāgātmikā-bhakti. In other words, spontaneous
attraction for Kṛṣṇa while being completely absorbed in thoughts of Him with
an intense desire of love.
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta- sindhu, Pūrva-vibhāga 2.272)
Vaidhī-bhakti Or "regulative" bhakti.
सुरर्षे विहिता शास्त्रे हरिमुद्दिश्य या क्रिया
सैव भक्तिर् इति प्रोक्ता तया भक्तिः परा भवेद्
surarṣe vihitā śāstre harimuddiśya yā kriyā
saiva bhaktir iti proktā tayā bhaktiḥ parā bhaved
O sage amongst the demigods, Nārada, those activities prescribed in the revealed scriptures for satsifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Hari, are called the regulative principles of bhakti, (sādhana-bhakti), by practicing which one may attain the highest bhakti (prema).
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, Pūrvavibhāga 2.13)
লোক-ধর্ম, বেদ-ধর্ম, দেহ-ধর্ম, কর্ম
লজ্জা, ধৈর্য়, দেহ-সুখ, আত্ম-সুখ-মর্ম
দুস্ৎয়জ আর্য়-পথ, নিন্জ পরিজন স্ব-জনে
করয়ে য়ত তাডন-ভর্ৎসন সর্ব-ৎয়াগ করিঽ করে
কৃষ্ণের ভজন কৃষ্ণ-সুখ-হেতু করে
প্রেম-সেবন ইহাকে কহিয়ে কৃষ্ণে দৃঢ অনুরাগ
স্বচ্ছ ধৌত-বস্ত্রে য়ৈছে নাহি কোন দাগ
অতএব কাম-প্রেমে বহুত অন্তর
কাম অন্ধ-তমঃ, প্রেম-নির্মল ভাস্কর
অতএব গোপী-গণের নাহি কাম-গন্ধ
কৃষ্ণ-সুখ লাগি মাত্র, কৃষ্ণ সে সম্বন্ধ
আত্ম-সুখ-দুঃখে গোপীর নাহিক বিচার
কৃষ্ণ-সুখ-হেতু চেষ্ট মনো-ব্য়বহার
কৃষ্ণ লগিঽ আর সব করে পরিৎয়াগ
কৃষ্ণ-সুখ-হেতু করে শুদ্ধ অনুরাগ
loka-dharma, veda-dharma, deha-dharma, karma
lajjā, dhairya, deha-sukha, ātma-sukha-marma
dustyaja ārya-patha, ninja parijana sva-jane
karaye yata tāḍana-bhartsana sarva-tyāga kari' kare
kṛṣṇera bhajana kṛṣṇa-sukha-hetu kare
prema-sevana ihāke kahiye kṛṣṇe dṛḍha anurāga
svaccha dhauta-vastre yaiche nāhi kona dāga
ataeva kāma-preme bahuta antara
kāma andha-tamaḥ, prema-nirmala bhāskara
ataeva gopī-gaṇera nāhi kāma-gandha
kṛṣṇa-sukha lāgi mātra, kṛṣṇa se sambandha
ātma-sukha-duḥkhe gopīra nāhika vicāra
kṛṣṇa-sukha-hetu ceṣṭa mano-vyavahāra
kṛṣṇa lagi' āra saba kare parityāga
kṛṣṇa-sukha-hetu kare śuddha anurāga
Social dharma, Vedic dharma, bodily dharma, and duty karma; The gopīs have given up everything for Kṛṣṇa.
They have no interest in chastity, patience, bodily pleasures, and even self-satisfaction: They have forsaken the Aryan path of varnāśramadharma, as well as the welfare of their own relatives and family. They have given up all these in spite of harsh words, punishment and scolding, for the sake of serving Lord Kṛṣṇa.
The gopis render loving service to Him for the sake of His enjoyment.
This kind of bhakti is called firm attachment (anurāga) to the Lord. It is spotlessly pure, like clean white cotton that has no stain.
Therefore lust and divine love are quite different. Lust is like dense darkness, but
prema love is like the bright sun.
Thus there is not the slightest taint of lust in the gopīs love. Their relationship with Kṛṣṇa is only for the sake of His enjoyment.
The gopīs do not care for their own pleasures or pains. All their physical and mental
activities are directed toward offering enjoyment to Kṛṣṇa. They have renounced everything for Kṛṣṇa. They have pure attachment (anurāga) to giving Kṛṣṇa pleasure.
(Cc. Ādi 4.167-172, 174-175)
The Nine Limbs of Bhakti
श्रबणं कीर्तनं बिष्णोः स्मरणं पाद- सेबनम्
अर्चनं बन्दनं दास्य़ं सख्य़म् आत्म- निबेदनम्
śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇaṁ pāda- sevanam
arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁ sakhyam ātma- nivedanam
Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities,
paraphernalia and pastimes of Lord Viṣṇu, remembering them, serving the lotus
feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship with sixteen types of
paraphernalia, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming His servant, considering
the Lord one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in other
words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) these nine processes are
accepted as pure devotional service.
(Bhāg. 7.5.23)
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