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Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswati Ṭhakura |
শ্রী গৌड़िয-কন্ঠহার
Gaudiya Kanṭhahāra:
The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas
14th Jewel
The Jeweled Necklace of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas
14th Jewel
The Ontology of Social Classes
Being a compendium of quotations from revealed scriptures
concerning the truths about the cult of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu
Compiled under the authority and direction of
His Divine Grace
Bhaktisiddhānta Sāraswāti Goswāmī
Translated and edited, with original Sanskrit and Bengali and Roman transliteration by
B. V. Mahāyogi, Michael Dolan
The One Branch and the Many Branches
यद् अप्य् उक्तं गर्भाधानादि-दाहान्त- संस्कारान्तर-सेवनाद् भागवता नामब्राह्मण्यम्-
इतिः तत्राप्य्-अज्ञानम्-एवापराध्यति, न पुनरायुस्मतो दोषः॑
यदेते वंश-परम्परया बाजसनेय-शाखा- मधीयानाः कात्यायनादिगृह्योक्त-
मार्गेण गर्भाधानादि-संस्कारान् कुर्वते, ये पुनः
सार्वत्रनुवचन-प्रभृति त्रयी-धर्म-त्यागेन एकायन-श्रुति-विहितानेव
चत्वारिंशत् संस्कारान् कुर्वते तेऽपि स्वशाखा गृह्योक्तम्-अर्थं
यथादनुतिष्ठमानाः न शाखान्तरीय- कर्मानुष्ठानाद्-बृआह्मण्यात् प्रच्यवन्ते, अन्येषामपि परशाखा-विहित- कर्मान् अनुष्ठान-निमित्ताब्राह्मण्य- प्रसण्गात्.
yad apy uktaṁ garbhādhānādi-dāhānta- saṁskārāntara-sevanād bhāgavatā nāmabrāhmaṇyam-
itiḥ tatrāpy-ajñānam-evāparādhyati, na punarāyusmato doṣaḥ;
yadete vaṁśa-paramparayā bājasaneya-śākhā- madhīyānāḥ kātyāyanādigṛhyokta-
mārgeṇa garbhādhānādi-saṁskārān kurvate, ye punaḥ
sārvatranuvacana-prabhṛti trayī-dharma-tyāgena ekāyana-śruti-vihitāneva
catvāriṁśat saṁskārān kurvate te'pi svaśākhā gṛhyoktam-arthaṁ
yathādanutiṣṭhamānāḥ na śākhāntarīya- karmānuṣṭhānād-bṛāhmaṇyāt pracyavante, anyeṣāmapi paraśākhā-vihita- karmān anuṣṭhāna-nimittābrāhmaṇya- prasaṇgāt.
[In the Āgama-Prāmāṇya, Yāmunācārya establishes the Prāmāṇya, or authority, of the Pañcarātrika scriptures (āgama, tantra, śāstra) in defense against the community of smārta brāhmaṇas who were at the time challenging the authority of the Pañcaratra traditions as being non-Vedic. Because Yāmunācārya's credibility as a Vedic brāhmaṇa could not be challenged, he was in a strong position to mount a defense of Pañcarātrika traditions.
According to Yāmunācārya, the class of qualified brāhmaṇas included those
Deity worshipers who were not professional, but who worshiped only for their
own benefit and the benefit of others, and who performed forty saṁskāras or
purificatory practices based on the ancient Vājasaneya or Śukla Yajur Veda as
an alternative to the traditional Vedic practices.
The ritualistic priests, or smārta-brāhmaṇas, who were Yāmunācārya's enemies claimed that the practice of these
alternate saṁskāras were non-Vedic, and therefore unholy. They accused Yāmunācārya of deceit by trying to base the system of saṁskāras on the lost Vedic scriptures.
The ācārya's arguments on this point were difficult for the
smārtas to defeat, however, since the practice of referring to lost or apocryphal Vedic
scriptures was invented by the smārtas themselves to justify their own non-Vedic
practices and give them a "Vedic" basis.
Even the strictest smārta brāhmaṇa has to admit that there are injunctions and rituals in the dharma-śāstras for which
there are no known Vedic injuctions, but for which a Vedic basis must be presumed.
In light of this, smārta brāhmaṇas have often appealed to the lost Vedic scriptures (such as the single original Veda which
Vyāsadeva divided into three parts) in order to justify the practices and rules of corollary Vedic literatures such as the Manu-saṁhitā, which forms much of the basis for smārta ritual.
While the smārtas attempt to discredit the idea that their own arguments can be used against them to establish Vedic support for Pañcarātrika practice, Yāmunācārya's arguments cannot be defeated without also destroying the basis for smārta ritual. Editor's Note]
Yāmunācārya says: It has been said that the devotees of Vishnu, or bhāgavatas are polluted, because they have given up the Vedic saṁskāras, and have accepted an alternative system of purifactory rituals, beginning with the garbhādhāna-saṁskāra and ending with the funeral ceremony.
My opponents have argued that the verdict of the scripture concerning offenders is clear on this point. In answer to this, I must say, in the words of Ayuñmān, that there is no fault in my opponents; the only fault is with their ignorance, because the forty purificatory rituals of saṁskāras practiced by the Bhāgavatas have descended from the "one Veda," the Ekāyana
Śākha, or the "one branch" of the Śukla Yajur Veda, beginning with the Kātyāyana, which includes scriptural injuctions about the prescribed religious ceremonies to be performed at birth, marriage, and so on.
This entire process of ritual and ceremony has descended through an ancient and unbroken family tradition in different brahminical families who for many generations have followed all these purifcatory practices, beginning with the garbhādhāna and other saṁskāras. In fact, those who perform these forty saṁskāras cannot be considered unbrahminical for failing to follow the saṁskāras as they are mentioned in the three Vedas.
They do not fall from brahminical status simply for favoring the ancient and more traditional saṁskāras mentioned in the One
Veda (Ekāyana-śruti) over those recommended in the three Vedas. These devotee brāhmaṇas are simply following carefully the ancient tradition of the one Veda and cannot be faulted for not following another branch of the Vedas.
If it were the case that a brāhmaṇa who follows the rules of one branch of the Vedas is not "Vedic" and loses his caste for not following the rules of another branch of the Vedas, then all brāhmaṇas would lose their caste, because different systems of rules governing rituals ae found in different parts of the Vedas.
(And it is not possible to follow all of them, since by following the rules of one system one will violate the rules of other systems).
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama-prāmāṇa)
Vaiṣṇavas are not Śūdras
न शूद्रा भगवद्-भक्तास् ते तु भागवता मताः
सर्व-वर्णेषु ते शूद्रा ये न भक्ता जनार्दने
na śūdrā bhagavad-bhaktās te tu bhāgavatā matāḥ
sarva-varṇeṣu te śūdrā ye na bhaktā janārdane
One who is a paragon of devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can
never be called a śūdra; rather he is glorified as a Bhāgavata, or one who is
connected with Bhagavān, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. On the other hand, those who are antagonistic to
bhakti are considered to be śūdras, no matter what caste they are born in.
(Haribhakti- vilāsa, 10.165)
Devotees May Worship in Varṇāśrama and Accept the Sacred Thread, Except for Paramahaṁsas.
Being a compendium of quotations from revealed scriptures
concerning the truths about the cult of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu
Compiled under the authority and direction of
His Divine Grace
Bhaktisiddhānta Sāraswāti Goswāmī
Translated and edited, with original Sanskrit and Bengali and Roman transliteration by
B. V. Mahāyogi, Michael Dolan
The One Branch and the Many Branches
यद् अप्य् उक्तं गर्भाधानादि-दाहान्त- संस्कारान्तर-सेवनाद् भागवता नामब्राह्मण्यम्-
इतिः तत्राप्य्-अज्ञानम्-एवापराध्यति, न पुनरायुस्मतो दोषः॑
यदेते वंश-परम्परया बाजसनेय-शाखा- मधीयानाः कात्यायनादिगृह्योक्त-
मार्गेण गर्भाधानादि-संस्कारान् कुर्वते, ये पुनः
सार्वत्रनुवचन-प्रभृति त्रयी-धर्म-त्यागेन एकायन-श्रुति-विहितानेव
चत्वारिंशत् संस्कारान् कुर्वते तेऽपि स्वशाखा गृह्योक्तम्-अर्थं
यथादनुतिष्ठमानाः न शाखान्तरीय- कर्मानुष्ठानाद्-बृआह्मण्यात् प्रच्यवन्ते, अन्येषामपि परशाखा-विहित- कर्मान् अनुष्ठान-निमित्ताब्राह्मण्य- प्रसण्गात्.
yad apy uktaṁ garbhādhānādi-dāhānta- saṁskārāntara-sevanād bhāgavatā nāmabrāhmaṇyam-
itiḥ tatrāpy-ajñānam-evāparādhyati, na punarāyusmato doṣaḥ;
yadete vaṁśa-paramparayā bājasaneya-śākhā- madhīyānāḥ kātyāyanādigṛhyokta-
mārgeṇa garbhādhānādi-saṁskārān kurvate, ye punaḥ
sārvatranuvacana-prabhṛti trayī-dharma-tyāgena ekāyana-śruti-vihitāneva
catvāriṁśat saṁskārān kurvate te'pi svaśākhā gṛhyoktam-arthaṁ
yathādanutiṣṭhamānāḥ na śākhāntarīya- karmānuṣṭhānād-bṛāhmaṇyāt pracyavante, anyeṣāmapi paraśākhā-vihita- karmān anuṣṭhāna-nimittābrāhmaṇya- prasaṇgāt.
[In the Āgama-Prāmāṇya, Yāmunācārya establishes the Prāmāṇya, or authority, of the Pañcarātrika scriptures (āgama, tantra, śāstra) in defense against the community of smārta brāhmaṇas who were at the time challenging the authority of the Pañcaratra traditions as being non-Vedic. Because Yāmunācārya's credibility as a Vedic brāhmaṇa could not be challenged, he was in a strong position to mount a defense of Pañcarātrika traditions.
According to Yāmunācārya, the class of qualified brāhmaṇas included those
Deity worshipers who were not professional, but who worshiped only for their
own benefit and the benefit of others, and who performed forty saṁskāras or
purificatory practices based on the ancient Vājasaneya or Śukla Yajur Veda as
an alternative to the traditional Vedic practices.
The ritualistic priests, or smārta-brāhmaṇas, who were Yāmunācārya's enemies claimed that the practice of these
The ritualistic priests, or smārta-brāhmaṇas, who were Yāmunācārya's enemies claimed that the practice of these
alternate saṁskāras were non-Vedic, and therefore unholy. They accused Yāmunācārya of deceit by trying to base the system of saṁskāras on the lost Vedic scriptures.
The ācārya's arguments on this point were difficult for the
The ācārya's arguments on this point were difficult for the
smārtas to defeat, however, since the practice of referring to lost or apocryphal Vedic
scriptures was invented by the smārtas themselves to justify their own non-Vedic
practices and give them a "Vedic" basis.
Even the strictest smārta brāhmaṇa has to admit that there are injunctions and rituals in the dharma-śāstras for which
Even the strictest smārta brāhmaṇa has to admit that there are injunctions and rituals in the dharma-śāstras for which
there are no known Vedic injuctions, but for which a Vedic basis must be presumed.
In light of this, smārta brāhmaṇas have often appealed to the lost Vedic scriptures (such as the single original Veda which
Vyāsadeva divided into three parts) in order to justify the practices and rules of corollary Vedic literatures such as the Manu-saṁhitā, which forms much of the basis for smārta ritual.
While the smārtas attempt to discredit the idea that their own arguments can be used against them to establish Vedic support for Pañcarātrika practice, Yāmunācārya's arguments cannot be defeated without also destroying the basis for smārta ritual. Editor's Note]
Yāmunācārya says: It has been said that the devotees of Vishnu, or bhāgavatas are polluted, because they have given up the Vedic saṁskāras, and have accepted an alternative system of purifactory rituals, beginning with the garbhādhāna-saṁskāra and ending with the funeral ceremony.
My opponents have argued that the verdict of the scripture concerning offenders is clear on this point. In answer to this, I must say, in the words of Ayuñmān, that there is no fault in my opponents; the only fault is with their ignorance, because the forty purificatory rituals of saṁskāras practiced by the Bhāgavatas have descended from the "one Veda," the Ekāyana
My opponents have argued that the verdict of the scripture concerning offenders is clear on this point. In answer to this, I must say, in the words of Ayuñmān, that there is no fault in my opponents; the only fault is with their ignorance, because the forty purificatory rituals of saṁskāras practiced by the Bhāgavatas have descended from the "one Veda," the Ekāyana
Śākha, or the "one branch" of the Śukla Yajur Veda, beginning with the Kātyāyana, which includes scriptural injuctions about the prescribed religious ceremonies to be performed at birth, marriage, and so on.
This entire process of ritual and ceremony has descended through an ancient and unbroken family tradition in different brahminical families who for many generations have followed all these purifcatory practices, beginning with the garbhādhāna and other saṁskāras. In fact, those who perform these forty saṁskāras cannot be considered unbrahminical for failing to follow the saṁskāras as they are mentioned in the three Vedas.
They do not fall from brahminical status simply for favoring the ancient and more traditional saṁskāras mentioned in the One
They do not fall from brahminical status simply for favoring the ancient and more traditional saṁskāras mentioned in the One
Veda (Ekāyana-śruti) over those recommended in the three Vedas. These devotee brāhmaṇas are simply following carefully the ancient tradition of the one Veda and cannot be faulted for not following another branch of the Vedas.
If it were the case that a brāhmaṇa who follows the rules of one branch of the Vedas is not "Vedic" and loses his caste for not following the rules of another branch of the Vedas, then all brāhmaṇas would lose their caste, because different systems of rules governing rituals ae found in different parts of the Vedas.
(And it is not possible to follow all of them, since by following the rules of one system one will violate the rules of other systems).
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama-prāmāṇa)
Vaiṣṇavas are not Śūdras
न शूद्रा भगवद्-भक्तास् ते तु भागवता मताः
सर्व-वर्णेषु ते शूद्रा ये न भक्ता जनार्दने
न शूद्रा भगवद्-भक्तास् ते तु भागवता मताः
सर्व-वर्णेषु ते शूद्रा ये न भक्ता जनार्दने
na śūdrā bhagavad-bhaktās te tu bhāgavatā matāḥ
sarva-varṇeṣu te śūdrā ye na bhaktā janārdane
One who is a paragon of devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can
One who is a paragon of devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can
never be called a śūdra; rather he is glorified as a Bhāgavata, or one who is
connected with Bhagavān, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. On the other hand, those who are antagonistic to
bhakti are considered to be śūdras, no matter what caste they are born in.
(Haribhakti- vilāsa, 10.165)
Devotees May Worship in Varṇāśrama and Accept the Sacred Thread, Except for Paramahaṁsas.
न शूद्रा भगवद्-भक्तास् ते तु भागवता मताः
सर्व-वर्णेषु ते शूद्रा ये न भक्ता जनार्दने
bahiḥ sūtram tyajed-vidvān yogam uttamam āsthitaḥ
brahma-bhāva-mayaṁ sūtraṁ dhārayed yaḥ sa
Established in the state of the highest yoga, the wise should reject the external sacred thread. One who is really self-conscious must put on the thread constituted by awareness of spiritual reality.
(Brahmopaniṣad 28)
The Sacred Thread Worn by Those who are
Brāhmaṇas in Name Only is the Ugly Conceit of the Proud
ब्रह्म-तत्त्वं न जानाति ब्रह्म-सूत्रेण गार्वितः
तेनैव स च पापेन विप्रः पशुरुदाहृतः
brahma-tattvaṁ na jānāti brahma-sūtreṇa gārvitaḥ
tenaiva sa ca pāpena vipraḥ paśurudāhṛtaḥ
A so-called brāhmaṇa who has no spiritual knowledge, but who, out of pride, wears the thread of a brāhmaṇa is certainly only a sinful impostor who is no better than a two-legged animal.
(Atri Saṁhitā 372)
Real Brāhmaṇas
यथा काष्ठमयो हस्ती यथा चर्म-मयो मृगः
यश् च विप्रो ऽनधीयानस् त्रयस्ते नाम विब्रते
yathā kāṣṭhamayo hastī yathā carma-mayo mṛgaḥ
yaś ca vipro 'nadhīyānas trayaste nāma vibrate
Just as an elephant made of wood is an elephant in name only, and a deer made of leather is a deer in name only, similarly a brāhmaṇa who is devoid of Vedic knowlege is a brāhmaṇa in name only. (Manu- saṁhitā 2.157)
Giving the Sacred Thread to Those not on the
Vedic Path is Forbidden
yo'nadhītya dvijo vedam anyatra kurute śramam sa jīvan eva śūdratvam āśu gaccati sāṇvayaḥ
A brāhmaṇa who without studying the Vedas who labors for other things material wealth, position, adoration, and other opulences, becomes śūdra along with all his family members.
(Manu-saṁhitā 2.168)
१४.८१ - ८४
विप्रः संस्कार-युक्तो न नित्यं सन्ध्यादि- कर्म यः
नैमितिकस्तु नो कुर्यात् ब्राह्मण-ब्रुव उच्यते युक्तः स्यात् सर्व-संस्कारैर्-द्विजस्तु नियम- व्रतैः
कर्म किञ्चित् न कुरुते वेदोक्तं ब्राह्मण ब्रुवः गर्भाधानादिभिर् युक्तस् तथोपनयनेन च
न कर्म-कृत् न चाधीते स ज्ञेयो ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
अध्यापयति नो शिष्यान् नाधीते वेदम् उत्तमम् गर्भाधानादि-संस्कारैर् युतः स्याद् ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
14.81 - 84
vipraḥ saṁskāra-yukto na nityaṁ sandhyādi- karma yaḥ
naimitikastu no kuryāt brāhmaṇa-bruva ucyate yuktaḥ syāt sarva-saṁskārair-dvijastu niyama- vrataiḥ
karma kiñcit na kurute vedoktaṁ brāhmaṇa bruvaḥ garbhādhānādibhir yuktas tathopanayanena ca
na karma-kṛt na cādhīte sa jñeyo brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
adhyāpayati no śiṣyān nādhīte vedam uttamam garbhādhānādi-saṁskārair yutaḥ syād brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
A"brāhmaṇa" who has failed to perform any of the ten kinds of saṁskāras, who fails to regularly perform the duties of a brāhmaṇa, beginning with sandhya, vandya, etc., is a brāhmaṇa in name only (brāhmaṇa-bruva). Such a "brāhmaṇa" fails to follow any rules or vows, nor does he perform the ceremonial purificatory rituals mentioned in the
Vedas. He has not been properly purified either by garbadhāna-saṁskāra or by the sacred thread
ceremony, and neither does he study the Vedas. Such a worthless, so-called
brāhmaṇa does not study the best of Vedic scriptures, nor does he teach them to
his so-called disciples.
(Padma Purāṇa)
कुल्लुक-भट्ट-टीका यो ब्राह्मणः क्रिया-रहित आत्मानं ब्राह्मणं ब्रवीति स ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
kulluka-bhaṭṭa-ṭīkā yo brāhmaṇaḥ kriyā-rahita
ātmānaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ bravīti sa brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
According to the commentary of Kulluka Bhaṭṭa, one who is devoid of proper behavior of a brāhmaṇa, and yet represents himself as a brāhmaṇa is a brāhmaṇa in name only.
(Manu-saṁhitā 7.58)
अतपास्-त्वनधीयानः प्रतिग्रह-रुचिर्-द्विजः अम्भस्य्-अश्म-प्लवेनैव सह तेनैव मज्जति
atapās-tvanadhīyānaḥ pratigraha-rucir-dvijaḥ ambhasy-aśma-plavenaiva saha tenaiva majjati
A brāhmaṇa devoid of austerity, who has not studied the Vedas, and yet accepts charity as a brāhmaṇa is condemned. Such brāhmaṇas are like a stone raft both themsleves and those who give them charity are doomed to go down in the ocean
of hellish material existence.
(Manu-saṁhitā 4.190)
The Consequences for those who are the brāhmaṇas in Name Only
अलिङ्गो लिङ्गिवेषेण यो-वृत्तिम्-उपजीवति
स लिङ्गिनां हरत्येनस्- तिर्यग् योनौ चजायते
aliṅgo liṅgiveṣeṇa yo-vṛttim-upajīvati
sa liṅgināṁ haratyenas- tiryag yonau cajāyate
When one unfit to wear the sacred thread of a brāhmaṇa wears it and earns his livelihood through sinful and unholy behaviour, such a person incurs sin and takes birth in sub-human wombs.
(Manu-saṁhitā 4.200)
Students and Pracitioners of Professional Brahmanism are Condemned
भृतक्-आध्यापको यश् च भृतक्-आध्यापितस्- तथा
शूद्र-शिष्यो गुरुश् चैव वाग् दुष्टः कुण्ड- गोलोकौ
bhṛtak-ādhyāpako yaś ca bhṛtak-ādhyāpitas- tathā
śūdra-śiṣyo guruś caiva vāg duṣṭaḥ kuṇḍa- golokau
One who teaches the Vedas by accepting salary, one who studies by giving salary, disciple of a śūdra, guru of a śūdra, one who speaks nonsense and those who are bastards should be avoided.
(Manu-saṁhitā 3.156)
Demigod Worship and Other Unbrahminical Activities
अपि चाचारतस्-तेषाम् अब्रह्मण्यं प्रतीयते वृत्तितो देवता-पूजा-दीक्षा-नैवेद्य-भक्षणम् गर्भाधानादि-दाहान्त-संस्कारान्तर-सेवनम् श्रौतक्रियाऽ ननुष्ठानं द्विजैः सम्बन्ध- वर्जनम् इत्य्-आदिभिरनाचारैर्-अब्रह्मन्यं सुनिर्णयम्
api cācāratas-teṣām abrahmaṇyaṁ pratīyate vṛttito devatā-pūjā-dīkṣā-naivedya-bhakṣaṇam garbhādhānādi-dāhānta-saṁskārāntara-sevanam śrautakriyā' nanuṣṭhānaṁ dvijaiḥ sambandha- varjanam ity-ādibhiranācārair-abrahmanyaṁ
Professional temple priests, who perform ritual worship of demigods in order to
maintain their livelihood and who accept non- Vedic tantric initiations to do so
find that their pūjā, their dīkṣā, their sacrificial offerings, and their offerings of
foodstuffs are all unclean and unbrahminical. The results of their so-called
saṁskāras, beginning with the garbhādhāna-saṁskāra, are burned to ashes. In
order to correct themselves they must again undergo all the saṁskāras
mentioned in the scriptures. Their study of the śruti is without any positon;
having given up their connection with the genuine communtiy of twice-born
brāhmaṇas, their worship is void and unbrahminical, and their association is
polluting to true brāhmaṇas.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya, discussion of Sātvata Śāstra)
Demigod Worship by Brāhmaṇas is Condemned
देवकोशोपजीवी यः स देवलक उच्यते वृत्त्यर्थं पूजयेद्-देवं त्रीणि वर्षाणि यो द्विजः
स वै देवलोको नाम सर्व-कर्मसु गर्हितः
devakośopajīvī yaḥ sa devalaka ucyate vṛttyarthaṁ pūjayed-devaṁ trīṇi varṣāṇi yo dvijaḥ
sa vai devaloko nāma sarva-karmasu garhitaḥ
One who worships the demigods in order to increase his material wealth is
called a "devala." Any brāhmaṇa who worships the demigods for three years is
considered to be a devala. All his work is condemned from beginning to end.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya)
एषां वंशक्रमा देव देवार्चा वृत्तितो भवेत् तेषाम् अध्ययने यज्ञे याजने नास्ति योग्यता
eṣāṁ vaṁśakramā deva devārcā vṛttito bhavet teṣām adhyayane yajñe yājane nāsti yogyatā
Whoever worships the demigods on the basis of his family tradition his study of
the Vedas, his yajña, and his worship have no connection with proper brahminical conduct.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya)
Demigod Worship is Damned
आपद्यपि च कष्ठायां भीतो व दुर्गतोऽपि वा पूजयेनैव वृत्त्यर्तं देव-देवं कदाचन
āpadyapi ca kaṣṭhāyāṁ bhīto va durgato'pi vā pūjayenaiva vṛttyartaṁ deva-devaṁ kadācana
One should not engage in demigod worship, in which one must suffer pain,
trouble, fear, danger, and difficulty.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya) Spiritual Brahmanism
य एतद् अक्षरं गार्गि विदित्वास्माल्-लोकात् प्रैति स ब्राह्मणः
ya etad akṣaraṁ gārgi viditvāsmāl-lokāt praiti sa brāhmaṇaḥ
O Gārgi, one who is acquainted with that infallible truth by which one
transcends death is a brāhmaṇa.
(Bṛhad- Āraṇyaka 3.9.10)
तम् एव धीरो विज्ञाय प्रज्ञां कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणः
tam eva dhīro vijñāya prajñāṁ kurvīta brāhmaṇaḥ
A wise person who knows the Supreme Lord, Parabrahman, through the process
of devotion, is a brāhmaṇa.
(Bṛhad-Āraṇyaka 4.4.21)
Who is a Brāhmaṇa?
जात-कर्मादिभिर्-यस्तु संकारैः संस्कृतः शुचिः
वेदाध्ययन-सम्पन्नः षड् सट् कर्मस्वस्थितः
शौचाचारस्थितः सम्यग् विघसाशी गुरुप्रियः
नित्यब्रली सत्यपरः स वै ब्राह्मण उच्यते
jāta-karmādibhir-yastu saṁkāraiḥ saṁskṛtaḥ śuciḥ
vedādhyayana-sampannaḥ ṣaḍ saṭ karmasvasthitaḥ
śaucācārasthitaḥ samyag vighasāśī gurupriyaḥ
nityabralī satyaparaḥ sa vai brāhmaṇa ucyate
[Bharadvāja Muni said, "O best of the twice- born, Ṛṣi among the brāhmaṇas,
best of the orators of Vedic knowledge, kindly instruct us in the differences
between brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, and śūdras." Bhṛgu Muni replied]:
One whose birth and subsequent works have all been purified by the appropriate
saṁskāras, who has the qualities of purity and cleanliness, who is devoted to
Vedic study, who performs worship of the Supreme Lord, Viṣṇu, and who
instructs others in that worship, who is a paragon of the six activities of a
brāhmaṇa, whose behaviour is never impure, who eats the remnants of his
guru's prasṁda, who is dear to the guru, who always carefully follows his vows,
and who is fixed in the truth is known as a brāhmaṇa.
(Bhāradvāja Muni)
A Vaiṣṇava is the Best of all the varṇas and the Guru of Everyone
viṣṇor ayaṁ yato hyāsīt tasmād-vaiṣṇava ucyate
sarveśāṁ caiva varṇānāṁ vaiṣṇavaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ ucyate
One who is related to Viṣṇu through devotion is known as a Vaiṣṇava. A
genuine Vaiṣṇava is superior to all the varṇas and is the best of all.
(Parma Purāṇa, Uttara Khaṇḍa 39)
A Vaiṣṇava from a Caṇḍala Family is Worshipable by Brāhmaṇas
उर्ध पुण्ड्रम् मृजुं सौम्यं सचिह्नं धारयेद् यति
स चण्डालोऽपि शुद्धात्मा पूज्य एव सदा द्विजैः
urdha puṇḍram mṛjuṁ saumyaṁ sacihnaṁ dhārayed yati
sa caṇḍālo'pi śuddhātmā pūjya eva sadā dvijaiḥ
A caṇḍāla who is a pure Vaiṣṇava at heart and who decorates the eleven parts of his body with viṣṇu-tilāka and sandalwood paste is always worshipable, even by the best of brāhmaṇas.
(Padma Purāṇa, Uttatra Khaṇḍa 66.84)
सकृत् प्रणामी कृष्णस्य मातुः स्तन्यं पिबेन्न हि
हरिपादे मनो येषां तेभ्यो नित्यं अमो नमः
पुक्कसः श्वपचो वापि ये चान्ये म्लेच्छ-जातयः
तेऽपि वन्द्या महाभागा हरि पादैक-सेवकाः
sakṛt praṇāmī kṛṣṇasya mātuḥ stanyaṁ pibenna hi
haripāde mano yeṣāṁ tebhyo nityaṁ amo namaḥ
pukkasaḥ śvapaco vāpi ye cānye mleccha-jātayaḥ
te'pi vandyā mahābhāgā hari pādaika-sevakāḥ
One who even once completely gives up false ego and offers obeisances to the
lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa will never have to take birth again. One who keeps the holy
feet of Hari within his mind is always worthy of worship. Whether one is a
pukkasaū, a dog-eater, or a mleccha, if he takes shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī
Hari with pure devotion, and serves Him with attachment, is to be considered
most fortunate and highly worship able.
(Parma Purāṇa, Svarga Khaṇḍa, 50.10)
Vaiṣṇavas are Infallible
सर्वत्रास्खलितादेशः सप्त-द्वीपैक-दण्ड- धृक्
अन्यत्र ब्राह्मण-कुलाद् अन्यत्राच्युत-गोत्रतः
sarvatrāskhalitādeśaḥ sapta-dvīpaika-daṇḍa- dhṛk
anyatra brāhmaṇa-kulād anyatrācyuta-gotrataḥ
Mahārāja Pṇthu was an unrivalled king who had the scepter for ruling all seven islands on the surface of the globe. No one could disobey his irrevocable orders except for the saintly persons, the brāhmaṇas, and the decendants of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead (the Vaiṣṇavas).
(Bhāg. 4.21.12)
The Difference Between a Devotee
who is Low-Born and an Expert Brāhmaṇa-
न मे प्रियश् चतुर्वेदी मद्-भक्तः श्वपचः प्रियः
तस्मै देयं ततो ग्राह्यं स च पूज्य् यथा ह्य् अयम्
na me priyaś caturvedī mad-bhaktaḥ śvapacaḥ priyaḥ
tasmai deyaṁ tato grāhyaṁ sa ca pūjy yathā hy ayam
A brāhmaṇa who is expert in studying all four Vedas is not dear to Me. But a
devotee who comes from a family of caṇḍālas is dear to Me. He should be
offered gifts and one should accept gifts from him. He is as worhipable as I am.
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 10.127)
One who Takes the Holy Name of Kṛṣṇa, has
Performed Austerity, Sacrifice, Holy Baths, and Vedic Study, and is Saved
अहो बत श्व-पचो ऽतो गरीयान्
यज्-जिह्वाग्रे वर्तते नाम तुभ्यम्
तेपुस् तपस् ते जुहुवुः सस्नुर् आर्या
ब्रह्मानूचुर् नाम गृणन्ति ये ते
aho bata śva-paco 'to garīyān
yaj-jihvāgre vartate nāma tubhyam
tepus tapas te juhuvuḥ sasnur āryā
brahmānūcur nāma gṛṇanti ye te
O Lord, how glorious are they whose tongues always chant Your holy name!
Even if born in a family of dog-eaters, such persons are worshipable. Those who
chant Your holy name must have performed all kinds of austerities and
sacrifices. They must have achieved all the good qualities of the Āryans. They
must have bathed at all the holy places, studied the Vedas, and fulfilled all to
chant the Vedas and perform yajña.
(Bhāg. 3.33.7)
The Behavior of Advaita Prabhu Instructs
that a Vaiṣṇava is the Guru of the Brāhmaṇas
আচার্য কহেন, "তুমি না কারিহ ভয সেই আচরিব, যেই শাস্ত্র-মত হয
তুমি খাইলে হয কোটী-ব্রাহ্মণ-ভোজন" এত বলি, শ্রদ্ধ-পাত্র করাইল ভোজন
ācārya kahena, "tumi nā kāriha bhaya sei ācariba, yei śāstra-mata haya
tumi khāile haya koṭī-brāhmaṇa-bhojana" eta bali, śraddha-pātra karāila bhojana
[After Advaita Ācārya offered Haridāsa Ṭhākura the śrāddha-paṭra, which is usually offered to a worshipable brāhmaṇa, Haridāsa Ṭhākura was surprised. Reassuring him] Advaita Ācārya replied, "My dear Haridāsa, do not be afraid, I
shall behave strictly according to the principles of the revealed scriptures. Feeding you is equal to feeding ten million brāhmaṇas. Therefore, accept this śrāddha-pātra." Thus Advaita Ācārya made him eat.
(Cc. Antya 3.221-222)
A Vaiṣṇava is the Guru for Millions of Brāhmaṇas
ब्राह्मणानां सहस्रेभ्यः सत्रयाजी विशिष्यते
सत्र-याजि सहस्रेभ्यः सर्व-वेदान्त-पारगः
सर्व-वेदान्त-वित्-कोट्या विष्णु-भक्तो विशिष्यते
वैष्णवानां सहस्रेभ्य एकान्त्य् एको विशिष्यते
brāhmaṇānāṁ sahasrebhyaḥ satrayājī viśiṣyate
satra-yāji sahasrebhyaḥ sarva-vedānta-pāragaḥ
sarva-vedānta-vit-koṭyā viṣṇu-bhakto viśiṣyate
vaiṣṇavānāṁ sahasrebhya ekānty eko viśiṣyate
Among many thousands of brāhmaṇas, a yajñika brāhmaṇa expert in Vedic sacrifice is best.
Among thousands of yajñika brāhmaṇas, one who fully knows Vedānta is best. Among millions of knowers of Vedānta, one who is a devotee of Viṣṇu is best.
And among thousands of devotees of Viṣṇu, one who is an unalloyed Vaiṣṇava is best.
(Bhakti-sandarbha 177)
Thus ends the Fourteenth Jewel of the Gauḍīya- Kaṇṭhahāra, entitled Varṇadharma-tattva
न शूद्रा भगवद्-भक्तास् ते तु भागवता मताः
सर्व-वर्णेषु ते शूद्रा ये न भक्ता जनार्दने
न शूद्रा भगवद्-भक्तास् ते तु भागवता मताः
सर्व-वर्णेषु ते शूद्रा ये न भक्ता जनार्दने
bahiḥ sūtram tyajed-vidvān yogam uttamam āsthitaḥ
brahma-bhāva-mayaṁ sūtraṁ dhārayed yaḥ sa
Established in the state of the highest yoga, the wise should reject the external sacred thread. One who is really self-conscious must put on the thread constituted by awareness of spiritual reality.
(Brahmopaniṣad 28)
The Sacred Thread Worn by Those who are
Brāhmaṇas in Name Only is the Ugly Conceit of the Proud
ब्रह्म-तत्त्वं न जानाति ब्रह्म-सूत्रेण गार्वितः
तेनैव स च पापेन विप्रः पशुरुदाहृतः
ब्रह्म-तत्त्वं न जानाति ब्रह्म-सूत्रेण गार्वितः
तेनैव स च पापेन विप्रः पशुरुदाहृतः
brahma-tattvaṁ na jānāti brahma-sūtreṇa gārvitaḥ
tenaiva sa ca pāpena vipraḥ paśurudāhṛtaḥ
A so-called brāhmaṇa who has no spiritual knowledge, but who, out of pride, wears the thread of a brāhmaṇa is certainly only a sinful impostor who is no better than a two-legged animal.
A so-called brāhmaṇa who has no spiritual knowledge, but who, out of pride, wears the thread of a brāhmaṇa is certainly only a sinful impostor who is no better than a two-legged animal.
(Atri Saṁhitā 372)
Real Brāhmaṇas
यथा काष्ठमयो हस्ती यथा चर्म-मयो मृगः
यश् च विप्रो ऽनधीयानस् त्रयस्ते नाम विब्रते
यथा काष्ठमयो हस्ती यथा चर्म-मयो मृगः
यश् च विप्रो ऽनधीयानस् त्रयस्ते नाम विब्रते
yathā kāṣṭhamayo hastī yathā carma-mayo mṛgaḥ
yaś ca vipro 'nadhīyānas trayaste nāma vibrate
Just as an elephant made of wood is an elephant in name only, and a deer made of leather is a deer in name only, similarly a brāhmaṇa who is devoid of Vedic knowlege is a brāhmaṇa in name only. (Manu- saṁhitā 2.157)
Just as an elephant made of wood is an elephant in name only, and a deer made of leather is a deer in name only, similarly a brāhmaṇa who is devoid of Vedic knowlege is a brāhmaṇa in name only. (Manu- saṁhitā 2.157)
Giving the Sacred Thread to Those not on the
Vedic Path is Forbidden
yo'nadhītya dvijo vedam anyatra kurute śramam sa jīvan eva śūdratvam āśu gaccati sāṇvayaḥ
A brāhmaṇa who without studying the Vedas who labors for other things material wealth, position, adoration, and other opulences, becomes śūdra along with all his family members.
(Manu-saṁhitā 2.168)
१४.८१ - ८४
विप्रः संस्कार-युक्तो न नित्यं सन्ध्यादि- कर्म यः
नैमितिकस्तु नो कुर्यात् ब्राह्मण-ब्रुव उच्यते युक्तः स्यात् सर्व-संस्कारैर्-द्विजस्तु नियम- व्रतैः
कर्म किञ्चित् न कुरुते वेदोक्तं ब्राह्मण ब्रुवः गर्भाधानादिभिर् युक्तस् तथोपनयनेन च
न कर्म-कृत् न चाधीते स ज्ञेयो ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
अध्यापयति नो शिष्यान् नाधीते वेदम् उत्तमम् गर्भाधानादि-संस्कारैर् युतः स्याद् ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
14.81 - 84
विप्रः संस्कार-युक्तो न नित्यं सन्ध्यादि- कर्म यः
नैमितिकस्तु नो कुर्यात् ब्राह्मण-ब्रुव उच्यते युक्तः स्यात् सर्व-संस्कारैर्-द्विजस्तु नियम- व्रतैः
कर्म किञ्चित् न कुरुते वेदोक्तं ब्राह्मण ब्रुवः गर्भाधानादिभिर् युक्तस् तथोपनयनेन च
न कर्म-कृत् न चाधीते स ज्ञेयो ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
अध्यापयति नो शिष्यान् नाधीते वेदम् उत्तमम् गर्भाधानादि-संस्कारैर् युतः स्याद् ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
14.81 - 84
vipraḥ saṁskāra-yukto na nityaṁ sandhyādi- karma yaḥ
naimitikastu no kuryāt brāhmaṇa-bruva ucyate yuktaḥ syāt sarva-saṁskārair-dvijastu niyama- vrataiḥ
karma kiñcit na kurute vedoktaṁ brāhmaṇa bruvaḥ garbhādhānādibhir yuktas tathopanayanena ca
na karma-kṛt na cādhīte sa jñeyo brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
adhyāpayati no śiṣyān nādhīte vedam uttamam garbhādhānādi-saṁskārair yutaḥ syād brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
A"brāhmaṇa" who has failed to perform any of the ten kinds of saṁskāras, who fails to regularly perform the duties of a brāhmaṇa, beginning with sandhya, vandya, etc., is a brāhmaṇa in name only (brāhmaṇa-bruva). Such a "brāhmaṇa" fails to follow any rules or vows, nor does he perform the ceremonial purificatory rituals mentioned in the
Vedas. He has not been properly purified either by garbadhāna-saṁskāra or by the sacred thread
ceremony, and neither does he study the Vedas. Such a worthless, so-called
brāhmaṇa does not study the best of Vedic scriptures, nor does he teach them to
his so-called disciples.
(Padma Purāṇa)
कुल्लुक-भट्ट-टीका यो ब्राह्मणः क्रिया-रहित आत्मानं ब्राह्मणं ब्रवीति स ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
कुल्लुक-भट्ट-टीका यो ब्राह्मणः क्रिया-रहित आत्मानं ब्राह्मणं ब्रवीति स ब्राह्मण- ब्रुवः
kulluka-bhaṭṭa-ṭīkā yo brāhmaṇaḥ kriyā-rahita
ātmānaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ bravīti sa brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
ātmānaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ bravīti sa brāhmaṇa- bruvaḥ
According to the commentary of Kulluka Bhaṭṭa, one who is devoid of proper behavior of a brāhmaṇa, and yet represents himself as a brāhmaṇa is a brāhmaṇa in name only.
(Manu-saṁhitā 7.58)
अतपास्-त्वनधीयानः प्रतिग्रह-रुचिर्-द्विजः अम्भस्य्-अश्म-प्लवेनैव सह तेनैव मज्जति
अतपास्-त्वनधीयानः प्रतिग्रह-रुचिर्-द्विजः अम्भस्य्-अश्म-प्लवेनैव सह तेनैव मज्जति
atapās-tvanadhīyānaḥ pratigraha-rucir-dvijaḥ ambhasy-aśma-plavenaiva saha tenaiva majjati
A brāhmaṇa devoid of austerity, who has not studied the Vedas, and yet accepts charity as a brāhmaṇa is condemned. Such brāhmaṇas are like a stone raft both themsleves and those who give them charity are doomed to go down in the ocean
A brāhmaṇa devoid of austerity, who has not studied the Vedas, and yet accepts charity as a brāhmaṇa is condemned. Such brāhmaṇas are like a stone raft both themsleves and those who give them charity are doomed to go down in the ocean
of hellish material existence.
(Manu-saṁhitā 4.190)
The Consequences for those who are the brāhmaṇas in Name Only
अलिङ्गो लिङ्गिवेषेण यो-वृत्तिम्-उपजीवति
स लिङ्गिनां हरत्येनस्- तिर्यग् योनौ चजायते
अलिङ्गो लिङ्गिवेषेण यो-वृत्तिम्-उपजीवति
स लिङ्गिनां हरत्येनस्- तिर्यग् योनौ चजायते
aliṅgo liṅgiveṣeṇa yo-vṛttim-upajīvati
sa liṅgināṁ haratyenas- tiryag yonau cajāyate
When one unfit to wear the sacred thread of a brāhmaṇa wears it and earns his livelihood through sinful and unholy behaviour, such a person incurs sin and takes birth in sub-human wombs.
When one unfit to wear the sacred thread of a brāhmaṇa wears it and earns his livelihood through sinful and unholy behaviour, such a person incurs sin and takes birth in sub-human wombs.
(Manu-saṁhitā 4.200)
Students and Pracitioners of Professional Brahmanism are Condemned
भृतक्-आध्यापको यश् च भृतक्-आध्यापितस्- तथा
शूद्र-शिष्यो गुरुश् चैव वाग् दुष्टः कुण्ड- गोलोकौ
भृतक्-आध्यापको यश् च भृतक्-आध्यापितस्- तथा
शूद्र-शिष्यो गुरुश् चैव वाग् दुष्टः कुण्ड- गोलोकौ
bhṛtak-ādhyāpako yaś ca bhṛtak-ādhyāpitas- tathā
śūdra-śiṣyo guruś caiva vāg duṣṭaḥ kuṇḍa- golokau
One who teaches the Vedas by accepting salary, one who studies by giving salary, disciple of a śūdra, guru of a śūdra, one who speaks nonsense and those who are bastards should be avoided.
(Manu-saṁhitā 3.156)
Demigod Worship and Other Unbrahminical Activities
अपि चाचारतस्-तेषाम् अब्रह्मण्यं प्रतीयते वृत्तितो देवता-पूजा-दीक्षा-नैवेद्य-भक्षणम् गर्भाधानादि-दाहान्त-संस्कारान्तर-सेवनम् श्रौतक्रियाऽ ननुष्ठानं द्विजैः सम्बन्ध- वर्जनम् इत्य्-आदिभिरनाचारैर्-अब्रह्मन्यं सुनिर्णयम्
अपि चाचारतस्-तेषाम् अब्रह्मण्यं प्रतीयते वृत्तितो देवता-पूजा-दीक्षा-नैवेद्य-भक्षणम् गर्भाधानादि-दाहान्त-संस्कारान्तर-सेवनम् श्रौतक्रियाऽ ननुष्ठानं द्विजैः सम्बन्ध- वर्जनम् इत्य्-आदिभिरनाचारैर्-अब्रह्मन्यं सुनिर्णयम्
api cācāratas-teṣām abrahmaṇyaṁ pratīyate vṛttito devatā-pūjā-dīkṣā-naivedya-bhakṣaṇam garbhādhānādi-dāhānta-saṁskārāntara-sevanam śrautakriyā' nanuṣṭhānaṁ dvijaiḥ sambandha- varjanam ity-ādibhiranācārair-abrahmanyaṁ
Professional temple priests, who perform ritual worship of demigods in order to
Professional temple priests, who perform ritual worship of demigods in order to
maintain their livelihood and who accept non- Vedic tantric initiations to do so
find that their pūjā, their dīkṣā, their sacrificial offerings, and their offerings of
foodstuffs are all unclean and unbrahminical. The results of their so-called
saṁskāras, beginning with the garbhādhāna-saṁskāra, are burned to ashes. In
order to correct themselves they must again undergo all the saṁskāras
mentioned in the scriptures. Their study of the śruti is without any positon;
having given up their connection with the genuine communtiy of twice-born
brāhmaṇas, their worship is void and unbrahminical, and their association is
polluting to true brāhmaṇas.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya, discussion of Sātvata Śāstra)
Demigod Worship by Brāhmaṇas is Condemned
देवकोशोपजीवी यः स देवलक उच्यते वृत्त्यर्थं पूजयेद्-देवं त्रीणि वर्षाणि यो द्विजः
स वै देवलोको नाम सर्व-कर्मसु गर्हितः
देवकोशोपजीवी यः स देवलक उच्यते वृत्त्यर्थं पूजयेद्-देवं त्रीणि वर्षाणि यो द्विजः
स वै देवलोको नाम सर्व-कर्मसु गर्हितः
devakośopajīvī yaḥ sa devalaka ucyate vṛttyarthaṁ pūjayed-devaṁ trīṇi varṣāṇi yo dvijaḥ
sa vai devaloko nāma sarva-karmasu garhitaḥ
One who worships the demigods in order to increase his material wealth is
One who worships the demigods in order to increase his material wealth is
called a "devala." Any brāhmaṇa who worships the demigods for three years is
considered to be a devala. All his work is condemned from beginning to end.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya)
एषां वंशक्रमा देव देवार्चा वृत्तितो भवेत् तेषाम् अध्ययने यज्ञे याजने नास्ति योग्यता
एषां वंशक्रमा देव देवार्चा वृत्तितो भवेत् तेषाम् अध्ययने यज्ञे याजने नास्ति योग्यता
eṣāṁ vaṁśakramā deva devārcā vṛttito bhavet teṣām adhyayane yajñe yājane nāsti yogyatā
Whoever worships the demigods on the basis of his family tradition his study of
Whoever worships the demigods on the basis of his family tradition his study of
the Vedas, his yajña, and his worship have no connection with proper brahminical conduct.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya)
Demigod Worship is Damned
आपद्यपि च कष्ठायां भीतो व दुर्गतोऽपि वा पूजयेनैव वृत्त्यर्तं देव-देवं कदाचन
आपद्यपि च कष्ठायां भीतो व दुर्गतोऽपि वा पूजयेनैव वृत्त्यर्तं देव-देवं कदाचन
āpadyapi ca kaṣṭhāyāṁ bhīto va durgato'pi vā pūjayenaiva vṛttyartaṁ deva-devaṁ kadācana
One should not engage in demigod worship, in which one must suffer pain,
One should not engage in demigod worship, in which one must suffer pain,
trouble, fear, danger, and difficulty.
(Śrī Yāmunācārya, Āgama Prāmāṇya) Spiritual Brahmanism
य एतद् अक्षरं गार्गि विदित्वास्माल्-लोकात् प्रैति स ब्राह्मणः
य एतद् अक्षरं गार्गि विदित्वास्माल्-लोकात् प्रैति स ब्राह्मणः
ya etad akṣaraṁ gārgi viditvāsmāl-lokāt praiti sa brāhmaṇaḥ
O Gārgi, one who is acquainted with that infallible truth by which one
transcends death is a brāhmaṇa.
(Bṛhad- Āraṇyaka 3.9.10)
तम् एव धीरो विज्ञाय प्रज्ञां कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणः
तम् एव धीरो विज्ञाय प्रज्ञां कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणः
tam eva dhīro vijñāya prajñāṁ kurvīta brāhmaṇaḥ
A wise person who knows the Supreme Lord, Parabrahman, through the process
of devotion, is a brāhmaṇa.
(Bṛhad-Āraṇyaka 4.4.21)
Who is a Brāhmaṇa?
जात-कर्मादिभिर्-यस्तु संकारैः संस्कृतः शुचिः
वेदाध्ययन-सम्पन्नः षड् सट् कर्मस्वस्थितः
शौचाचारस्थितः सम्यग् विघसाशी गुरुप्रियः
नित्यब्रली सत्यपरः स वै ब्राह्मण उच्यते
जात-कर्मादिभिर्-यस्तु संकारैः संस्कृतः शुचिः
वेदाध्ययन-सम्पन्नः षड् सट् कर्मस्वस्थितः
शौचाचारस्थितः सम्यग् विघसाशी गुरुप्रियः
नित्यब्रली सत्यपरः स वै ब्राह्मण उच्यते
jāta-karmādibhir-yastu saṁkāraiḥ saṁskṛtaḥ śuciḥ
vedādhyayana-sampannaḥ ṣaḍ saṭ karmasvasthitaḥ
śaucācārasthitaḥ samyag vighasāśī gurupriyaḥ
nityabralī satyaparaḥ sa vai brāhmaṇa ucyate
[Bharadvāja Muni said, "O best of the twice- born, Ṛṣi among the brāhmaṇas,
nityabralī satyaparaḥ sa vai brāhmaṇa ucyate
[Bharadvāja Muni said, "O best of the twice- born, Ṛṣi among the brāhmaṇas,
best of the orators of Vedic knowledge, kindly instruct us in the differences
between brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, and śūdras." Bhṛgu Muni replied]:
One whose birth and subsequent works have all been purified by the appropriate
saṁskāras, who has the qualities of purity and cleanliness, who is devoted to
Vedic study, who performs worship of the Supreme Lord, Viṣṇu, and who
instructs others in that worship, who is a paragon of the six activities of a
brāhmaṇa, whose behaviour is never impure, who eats the remnants of his
guru's prasṁda, who is dear to the guru, who always carefully follows his vows,
and who is fixed in the truth is known as a brāhmaṇa.
(Bhāradvāja Muni)
A Vaiṣṇava is the Best of all the varṇas and the Guru of Everyone
viṣṇor ayaṁ yato hyāsīt tasmād-vaiṣṇava ucyate
sarveśāṁ caiva varṇānāṁ vaiṣṇavaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ ucyate
sarveśāṁ caiva varṇānāṁ vaiṣṇavaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ ucyate
One who is related to Viṣṇu through devotion is known as a Vaiṣṇava. A
genuine Vaiṣṇava is superior to all the varṇas and is the best of all.
(Parma Purāṇa, Uttara Khaṇḍa 39)
A Vaiṣṇava from a Caṇḍala Family is Worshipable by Brāhmaṇas
उर्ध पुण्ड्रम् मृजुं सौम्यं सचिह्नं धारयेद् यति
स चण्डालोऽपि शुद्धात्मा पूज्य एव सदा द्विजैः
urdha puṇḍram mṛjuṁ saumyaṁ sacihnaṁ dhārayed yati
स चण्डालोऽपि शुद्धात्मा पूज्य एव सदा द्विजैः
urdha puṇḍram mṛjuṁ saumyaṁ sacihnaṁ dhārayed yati
sa caṇḍālo'pi śuddhātmā pūjya eva sadā dvijaiḥ
A caṇḍāla who is a pure Vaiṣṇava at heart and who decorates the eleven parts of his body with viṣṇu-tilāka and sandalwood paste is always worshipable, even by the best of brāhmaṇas.
A caṇḍāla who is a pure Vaiṣṇava at heart and who decorates the eleven parts of his body with viṣṇu-tilāka and sandalwood paste is always worshipable, even by the best of brāhmaṇas.
(Padma Purāṇa, Uttatra Khaṇḍa 66.84)
सकृत् प्रणामी कृष्णस्य मातुः स्तन्यं पिबेन्न हि
हरिपादे मनो येषां तेभ्यो नित्यं अमो नमः
पुक्कसः श्वपचो वापि ये चान्ये म्लेच्छ-जातयः
तेऽपि वन्द्या महाभागा हरि पादैक-सेवकाः
सकृत् प्रणामी कृष्णस्य मातुः स्तन्यं पिबेन्न हि
हरिपादे मनो येषां तेभ्यो नित्यं अमो नमः
पुक्कसः श्वपचो वापि ये चान्ये म्लेच्छ-जातयः
तेऽपि वन्द्या महाभागा हरि पादैक-सेवकाः
sakṛt praṇāmī kṛṣṇasya mātuḥ stanyaṁ pibenna hi
haripāde mano yeṣāṁ tebhyo nityaṁ amo namaḥ
pukkasaḥ śvapaco vāpi ye cānye mleccha-jātayaḥ
te'pi vandyā mahābhāgā hari pādaika-sevakāḥ
One who even once completely gives up false ego and offers obeisances to the
te'pi vandyā mahābhāgā hari pādaika-sevakāḥ
One who even once completely gives up false ego and offers obeisances to the
lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa will never have to take birth again. One who keeps the holy
feet of Hari within his mind is always worthy of worship. Whether one is a
pukkasaū, a dog-eater, or a mleccha, if he takes shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī
Hari with pure devotion, and serves Him with attachment, is to be considered
most fortunate and highly worship able.
(Parma Purāṇa, Svarga Khaṇḍa, 50.10)
Vaiṣṇavas are Infallible
सर्वत्रास्खलितादेशः सप्त-द्वीपैक-दण्ड- धृक्
अन्यत्र ब्राह्मण-कुलाद् अन्यत्राच्युत-गोत्रतः
सर्वत्रास्खलितादेशः सप्त-द्वीपैक-दण्ड- धृक्
अन्यत्र ब्राह्मण-कुलाद् अन्यत्राच्युत-गोत्रतः
sarvatrāskhalitādeśaḥ sapta-dvīpaika-daṇḍa- dhṛk
anyatra brāhmaṇa-kulād anyatrācyuta-gotrataḥ
Mahārāja Pṇthu was an unrivalled king who had the scepter for ruling all seven islands on the surface of the globe. No one could disobey his irrevocable orders except for the saintly persons, the brāhmaṇas, and the decendants of the
Mahārāja Pṇthu was an unrivalled king who had the scepter for ruling all seven islands on the surface of the globe. No one could disobey his irrevocable orders except for the saintly persons, the brāhmaṇas, and the decendants of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead (the Vaiṣṇavas).
(Bhāg. 4.21.12)
The Difference Between a Devotee
who is Low-Born and an Expert Brāhmaṇa-
न मे प्रियश् चतुर्वेदी मद्-भक्तः श्वपचः प्रियः
तस्मै देयं ततो ग्राह्यं स च पूज्य् यथा ह्य् अयम्
न मे प्रियश् चतुर्वेदी मद्-भक्तः श्वपचः प्रियः
तस्मै देयं ततो ग्राह्यं स च पूज्य् यथा ह्य् अयम्
na me priyaś caturvedī mad-bhaktaḥ śvapacaḥ priyaḥ
tasmai deyaṁ tato grāhyaṁ sa ca pūjy yathā hy ayam
A brāhmaṇa who is expert in studying all four Vedas is not dear to Me. But a
devotee who comes from a family of caṇḍālas is dear to Me. He should be
offered gifts and one should accept gifts from him. He is as worhipable as I am.
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 10.127)
One who Takes the Holy Name of Kṛṣṇa, has
Performed Austerity, Sacrifice, Holy Baths, and Vedic Study, and is Saved
अहो बत श्व-पचो ऽतो गरीयान्
यज्-जिह्वाग्रे वर्तते नाम तुभ्यम्
तेपुस् तपस् ते जुहुवुः सस्नुर् आर्या
ब्रह्मानूचुर् नाम गृणन्ति ये ते
अहो बत श्व-पचो ऽतो गरीयान्
यज्-जिह्वाग्रे वर्तते नाम तुभ्यम्
तेपुस् तपस् ते जुहुवुः सस्नुर् आर्या
ब्रह्मानूचुर् नाम गृणन्ति ये ते
aho bata śva-paco 'to garīyān
yaj-jihvāgre vartate nāma tubhyam
tepus tapas te juhuvuḥ sasnur āryā
brahmānūcur nāma gṛṇanti ye te
tepus tapas te juhuvuḥ sasnur āryā
brahmānūcur nāma gṛṇanti ye te
O Lord, how glorious are they whose tongues always chant Your holy name!
Even if born in a family of dog-eaters, such persons are worshipable. Those who
chant Your holy name must have performed all kinds of austerities and
sacrifices. They must have achieved all the good qualities of the Āryans. They
must have bathed at all the holy places, studied the Vedas, and fulfilled all to
chant the Vedas and perform yajña.
(Bhāg. 3.33.7)
The Behavior of Advaita Prabhu Instructs
that a Vaiṣṇava is the Guru of the Brāhmaṇas
আচার্য কহেন, "তুমি না কারিহ ভয সেই আচরিব, যেই শাস্ত্র-মত হয
তুমি খাইলে হয কোটী-ব্রাহ্মণ-ভোজন" এত বলি, শ্রদ্ধ-পাত্র করাইল ভোজন
আচার্য কহেন, "তুমি না কারিহ ভয সেই আচরিব, যেই শাস্ত্র-মত হয
তুমি খাইলে হয কোটী-ব্রাহ্মণ-ভোজন" এত বলি, শ্রদ্ধ-পাত্র করাইল ভোজন
ācārya kahena, "tumi nā kāriha bhaya sei ācariba, yei śāstra-mata haya
tumi khāile haya koṭī-brāhmaṇa-bhojana" eta bali, śraddha-pātra karāila bhojana
[After Advaita Ācārya offered Haridāsa Ṭhākura the śrāddha-paṭra, which is usually offered to a worshipable brāhmaṇa, Haridāsa Ṭhākura was surprised. Reassuring him] Advaita Ācārya replied, "My dear Haridāsa, do not be afraid, I
shall behave strictly according to the principles of the revealed scriptures. Feeding you is equal to feeding ten million brāhmaṇas. Therefore, accept this śrāddha-pātra." Thus Advaita Ācārya made him eat.
(Cc. Antya 3.221-222)
A Vaiṣṇava is the Guru for Millions of Brāhmaṇas
ब्राह्मणानां सहस्रेभ्यः सत्रयाजी विशिष्यते
सत्र-याजि सहस्रेभ्यः सर्व-वेदान्त-पारगः
सर्व-वेदान्त-वित्-कोट्या विष्णु-भक्तो विशिष्यते
वैष्णवानां सहस्रेभ्य एकान्त्य् एको विशिष्यते
ब्राह्मणानां सहस्रेभ्यः सत्रयाजी विशिष्यते
सत्र-याजि सहस्रेभ्यः सर्व-वेदान्त-पारगः
सर्व-वेदान्त-वित्-कोट्या विष्णु-भक्तो विशिष्यते
वैष्णवानां सहस्रेभ्य एकान्त्य् एको विशिष्यते
brāhmaṇānāṁ sahasrebhyaḥ satrayājī viśiṣyate
satra-yāji sahasrebhyaḥ sarva-vedānta-pāragaḥ
sarva-vedānta-vit-koṭyā viṣṇu-bhakto viśiṣyate
vaiṣṇavānāṁ sahasrebhya ekānty eko viśiṣyate
Among many thousands of brāhmaṇas, a yajñika brāhmaṇa expert in Vedic sacrifice is best.
Among thousands of yajñika brāhmaṇas, one who fully knows Vedānta is best. Among millions of knowers of Vedānta, one who is a devotee of Viṣṇu is best.
And among thousands of devotees of Viṣṇu, one who is an unalloyed Vaiṣṇava is best.
satra-yāji sahasrebhyaḥ sarva-vedānta-pāragaḥ
sarva-vedānta-vit-koṭyā viṣṇu-bhakto viśiṣyate
vaiṣṇavānāṁ sahasrebhya ekānty eko viśiṣyate
Among many thousands of brāhmaṇas, a yajñika brāhmaṇa expert in Vedic sacrifice is best.
Among thousands of yajñika brāhmaṇas, one who fully knows Vedānta is best. Among millions of knowers of Vedānta, one who is a devotee of Viṣṇu is best.
And among thousands of devotees of Viṣṇu, one who is an unalloyed Vaiṣṇava is best.
(Bhakti-sandarbha 177)
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