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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

La Gran Conversacion II

Uddhava Gīta en Español


 Tapananandini dd, 

discípula de Su Divina Gracia Bhakti Sundar Govinda.

Nota de la traductora: 

 “Uddhava Gita” es la conversación entre Śrī Kṛṣṇa y el brāhmaṇa Uddhava del Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. (11.6.41-11.29.49). Esta Primera Parte de la traducción y las subsiguientes del Uddhava-Gita están basadas en varias fuentes y traducciones de Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Principalmente hago referencia a la edición del Bhaktivedānta Book Trust bajo la supervisión de Su Divina Gracia A.C. Bhaktivedānta Swāmi Prabhupāda (1996) disponible en la versión electrónica “Bhaktivedanta Vedabase.” La traducción siempre es una tarea difícil. La mayoría de versiones en español son traducidas del inglés, que a su vez ha sido traducida del sanscrito. Así contamos con una traducción de una traducción y perdemos una gran parte de sentido del original. La edición arriba mencionada incluye el sanscrito original, con traducción de cada palabra sánscrita y definiciones más amplias de su propio diccionario. 

En vez de traducir la interpretación del inglés, hice mi mejor esfuerzo para extraer el significado profundo de cada verso, basándome en el texto original y su sentido primero, con la ayuda también de diccionarios sánscritos y según el punto de vista e interpretación de Su Divina Gracia Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev Goswāmī, tal como entiendo su versión y comentarios acerca de la senda de Bhakti y del propio Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. 

 Mientras la traducción ofrecida por otras versiones es adecuada, quise profundizar en el sentido ontológico y universal del original, siguiendo el ejemplo y estilo de traducción del Bhagavad Gīta del fundador Acarya del Śrī Caitanya Saraswat Math, Su Divina Gracia Śrīla Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev Goswāmī y apegándome a su visión trascendental, la cual ha llegado hasta mí gracias a sus libros y a la ayuda y profundidad de Bhakti Sudihir Goswami y Bhakti V. Mahayogi. 

Mi fascinación con la materia y las explicaciones de Govinda Maharaja, provocaron en mí la necesidad de una nueva interpretación en mi propio idioma que extraiga las gotas de néctar que Sukadeva Goswami ha vertido en cada uno de los ślokas de este libro sagrado mientras relata la conversación última entre Uddhava, el discípulo amado y Śrī Kṛṣṇa, la Personalidad Suprema de Dios. 

 Tapananandini dd, discípula de Su Divina Gracia Bhakti Sundar Govinda.

Uddhava Gīta
Segunda Parte
Śrī Bhāgavān dijo, Refugiado por completo en Mí, con la mente fija en el servicio devocional tal como lo he descrito, uno ha de practicar el sistema social varṇāśrama sin deseos materiales que busquen el engrandecimiento propio.
SB 11.10.1
 Aquí Kṛṣṇa está diciendo que el sistema varṇāśrama no está reñido con la devoción, pero que éste ha de practicarse sin deseos de beneficio propio. Él habla de la forma original del sistema de clases, es decir, que las actividades tienen que realizarse de acuerdo a la naturaleza de cada quien, pero este sistema no está concebido para provocar explotación ni abusos, sino para que las diferentes cualidades, de las diferentes entidades vivientes en un cuerpo humano, se unan para beneficio mutuo. Pero este sistema original y bueno, fue pervertido, fomentando la explotación de la gran mayoría en beneficio de una minoría explotadora, el sometimiento perverso de los más débiles y el abuso de unos contra otros.
Esto dio lugar a la encarnación de Buda, quien castigó a la casta brāhmaṇa que se había vuelto muy abusiva hacia las otras clases.
Posteriormente la casta brahmánica recuperó poder, y los abusos especialmente dirigidos a los llamados “descastados” se acentuaron. Pero Caitanya Mahāprabhu abolió el sistema de castas para Kalī Yuga, y a este sistema, desprovisto de toda bondad, lo llamó superfluo (eho bāya), anulándolo por completo y guiando a sus seguidores a realizar sus actividades ofreciéndolas por completo a Śrī Bhāgavān.
Un alma purificada contemplará cómo aquellos seres encarnados, que consideran como única verdad  la gratificación de sus sentidos, inevitablemente provocan su propia caída.
SB 11.10.2
Quien medita, sabe que quien duerme y sueña con el disfrute de los sentidos es igual aquél que busca en la variedad de creaciones de la naturaleza material imperfecta la perfección a través de los sentidos materiales, con una inteligencia parcial.
SB 11.10.3
Quien me ha fijado en su mente, ya no busca la satisfacción de sus sentidos, actúa sin apego, y quien así se ha dedicado a Mí, no acepta las escrituras que regulan el karma.
SB 11.10.4
B.V. Mahayogi, ha hecho una extensa explicación en su traducción del Canto de Bhāgavān (Bhagavad- Gīta) acerca de lo que este śloka significa. Él explica que las actividades maniqueas que sólo contemplan el bien y el mal, son inferiores a las actividades llevadas a cabo con el fin de servir a Bhagavān, quien se halla por encima de cualquier dualidad.
Esto no quiere decir que un devoto ha de dedicarse a actividades perversas, ni que ha de buscar la satisfacción de sus sentidos, esto quiere decir que naturalmente el devoto abandona la concepción moral, la cual se transforma con las épocas, y dedica por completo sus actividades para satisfacción de Kṛṣṇa, liberado así de la reacción del karma. Así como la comida ofrecida a Kṛṣṇa (prasadam) es capaz de purificar a quien la consume, así mismo las actividades, a veces incomprensibles de un devoto genuino, purifican a todos quienes las contemplan. Siempre y cuando estas actividades estén realmente reguladas por los principios supremos de amor y dedicación, y no sean realizadas como una simple imitación de la devoción, con el fin del engrandecimiento personal, o con el fin adquirir fama de ser un devoto o en busca de fortuna.
Los principios regulativos principales como el no matar han de ser observados, al igual que la pureza de los sentidos, por aquel que es devoto Mío, hasta donde le sea posible quien me reconoce en el Guru, ha de servir pacíficamente considerándolo como Yo mismo.
SB 11.10.5
Libre de ego falso, sin considerarse el hacedor, sin pereza, sin deseo de posesión, afectuoso hacia el maestro espiritual,  sin dejarse seducir por la pasión, deseoso de aprender acerca de la verdad, libre de envidia, y abandonado el habla inútil.
SB 11.10.6
Con visión de equidad, será neutral a los intereses de la esposa, los hijos, la propiedad, los amigos y parientes, y las riquezas, viendo en todos ellos el mismo propósito que en sí mismo.
 SB 11.10.7
El propósito máximo de la vida es alcanzar el conocimiento que nos libera del dolor de la existencia temporal y nos encamina hacia la realización positiva en el plano del amor divino, por ello, el darnos cuenta que todos y todo aquello que nos rodea, sabiéndolo o no, están en busca de este mismo objetivo, la visión de que somos almas prevalecerá por encima de la relación que exista de parentesco o amistad. La ecuanimidad es una virtud muy deseable para quien busca la auto-realización. Kṛṣṇa lo expresa en el Bhagavad-Gita de la siguiente manera:
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
prakāśaṁ ca pravṛttiṁ ca
moham eva ca pāṇḍava
na dveṣṭi sampravṛttāni
na nivṛttāni kāṅkṣati
udāsīna-vad āsīno guṇair yo na vicālyate
guṇā vartanta ity evaṁ
yo ’vatiṣṭhati neṅgate
sama-duḥkha-sukhaḥ sva-sthaḥ sama-loṣṭāśma-kāñcanaḥ
tulya-priyāpriyo dhīras
mānāpamānayos tulyas tulyo mitrāri-pakṣayoḥ
guṇātītaḥ sa ucyate
“Bhāgavān dijo, quien no odia la iluminación, ni el apego, ni la ilusión, oh hijo de Pandu, quien es neutral cuando progresa y no odia el detenerse, sabiendo que son las cualidades de la naturaleza ilusoria las que están actuando y que no vacila ni se agita ante la aflicción o la felicidad, permaneciendo siempre estable y que ve un puñado de tierra, una piedra, o el oro como iguales: y que tiene la misma disposición hacia lo deseable que hacia lo indeseable y que permanece firma ante la difamación o la alabanza, en el honor y el deshonor, que ve iguales a amigos y enemigos, a los diferentes bandos, y el esfuerzo, es en verdad un renunciante que ha trascendido las modalidades de la naturaleza ilusoria.”
Bg 14.22-25
 Lo sutil y lo burdo son de distintas cualidades, como el cuerpo y el espíritu, quien ve y el ser iluminado. Tal como el fuego es distinto de la leña que ha de encenderse para que arda e ilumine a otros.
SB 11.10.8
La vista y la iluminación espiritual son ambas cualidades potenciales en el cuerpo pero una es sutil y depende del alma, y la otra es burda y depende en exclusiva del sentido de la vista pero ¿quién ve? Damos por sentada la vista, a través de la que podemos contemplar todo lo que existe, pero si no tenemos vista, aun así continuamos siendo nosotros mismos, las consideraciones más sutiles de la existencia son posibles aunque no podamos ver. Así que quien ve es de distinta naturaleza al sentido a través del cual ve.  Así que esta analogía entre el fuego y el alma se nos indica que así como en la leña existe imperceptible el potencial de iluminar y arder, así mismo el cuerpo que contiene el alma, tiene el potencial de alcanzar la iluminación debido a la naturaleza espiritual del alma.
La auto iluminación sólo es posible si nos acercamos al elemento iluminador, la leña tiene la cualidad de poder dar refugio si con ella se construye una casa, igualmente el cuerpo da refugio al alma, pero aunque en la propia naturaleza de la leña existe el potencial del fuego, el fuego en sí mismo es de distinta naturaleza, el fuego, el sol, son elementos iluminadores y podrían equipararse al alma y a la Alma Suprema, que cuantitativamente son distintas, pero que comparten la naturaleza espiritual. Pero a diferencia del alma, el cuerpo se consume, mientras que el alma iluminada, conectada con al Alma Suprema, permanece.
¿Está sujeta el alma a los cambios de la naturaleza material? En el Bhagavad Gīta Kṛṣṇa afirma que no, él dice:
acchedyo ’yam adhāhyo ’yam akledyo ’śoṣya eva ca
nityaḥ sarva-gataḥ sthāṇur acalo ’yaṁ sanātanaḥ
El alma es irrompible, no puede ser quemada, ni diluida, ni secada; y es eterna, omnipresente, inmutable e inamovible, el alma es eternamente la misma.
Bg. 2.24
El fuego puede estar latente, manifiesto, ser pequeño o enorme, dependiendo de las cualidades internas de la materia que lo produce, igual a la entidad trascendental que toma un cuerpo con ciertas cualidades.
SB 11.10.9
Este cuerpo burdo es construido por las guṇas (bondad, pasión e ignorancia) de la naturaleza material que se expanden desde Purṣa (La Persona Suprema) y las cuales atan a la existencia material a la entidad viviente, cercenándola del conocimiento acerca del alma.
SB 11.10.10
Nacemos carentes de todo conocimiento acerca de quiénes somos, de dónde venimos y cuál es nuestro potencial. Y por ello, la búsqueda de nuestro origen último es sin duda la búsqueda más importante, pero debido a esa misma naturaleza material, conforme nos movemos en el mundo fenomenal, experimentamos esta naturaleza humana como la realidad última, pues estamos inconscientes a nuestra auténtica naturaleza espiritual, atemporal y sutil, pero también, debido a la naturaleza espiritual de nuestra alma, estamos dotados del potencial que necesitamos para conectar con el plano de la existencia trascendental.
Por lo tanto, cultivando el conocimiento en uno mismo acerca de la Súper-alma, pura, suprema y trascendental, y acercándose hacia este conocimiento, uno abandonará paso a paso los conceptos de la realidad objetiva.
SB 11.10.11
Las instrucciones del maestro ejemplar (ācāryaḥ) han de considerarse como la vara intermedia que enciende el fuego sagrado, ya que darán sostén al discípulo, quien será como la vara que se halla encima, conectando así la parte de arriba con la madera del fondo, otorgándole el conocimiento trascendental, tal como la fricción eleva el fuego de una hoguera, trayendo gran felicidad. 
SB 11.10.12
El conocimiento completo e impoluto que posee el maestro experto, repele y pacifica la ilusión de las guṇas producida por la propia naturaleza de la ilusión, la cual, cesa como el fuego que se queda sin combustible.
SB 11.10.13
Se habla de que un momento de asociación con quien posee este conocimiento trascendental acerca de la realidad, es capaz de libera a las almas caídas de este mundo mortal e iniciarlas en la senda de la realización positiva. ‘bhaktyā sañjātayā bhaktyā’ el amor es despertado con el amor, y el maestro que posee ese amor, esa devoción que es la conclusión máxima de todo el conocimiento, es capaz de encender la flama en el corazón de su discípulo. Sin esa cualidad del maestro, si no es a través del afecto, ¿cómo puede uno conectar con el Alma Suprema quien es la fuente de ese amor? No son los grandes sacrificios que buscan beneficios para sí, ni las religiones mundanas contaminadas que dirigen al alma hacia la senda del karma, no, ninguna de estas pueden satisfacer al alma y mucho menos dirigirla hacia la inmortalidad positiva, no es ahí donde el alma halla su posición constitucional en el plano supremo del amor y la belleza.
Hace poco leía que los científicos se aproximan a la realidad y a su concepto de evolución, ya no desde la perspectiva de los cuerpos que mutan, sino a través de la evolución de la belleza, pero esa belleza del mundo mortal, es apenas una insignificante manifestación de lo que la belleza es, puesto que en este mundo ésta se extingue con el paso del tiempo, al amanecer vemos surgir una flor de gran belleza, como por ejemplo la de una calabaza, que se abrirá por la mañana, enorme y luminosa, pero que en el transcurso del día se perderá.
Hay que trazar la línea que conduce hacia la belleza inmortal, y en este sentido la palabra yoga, que significa arado, será la herramienta que utilice simbólicamente el maestro genuino, para unier el alma condicionada con el Alma Suprema, y desde ahí, abrir los surcos en donde se plantará la semilla de la enredadera de bhakti que nos conduce hacia Prema. Las sendas a las que se refiere la palabra “yoga” tienen destinos de acuerdo a la calidad de la semilla que es plantada en esos surcos, si la semilla proviene de un conocimiento parcial, la espiritualidad nos dirigirá hacia destinos materiales, neutros, pero si la semilla proviene de alguien que ha realizado la totalidad del absoluto, comprendiendo la existencia del Alma Suprema, Bhāgavān, entonces su destino último será la realidad positiva y el amor inmortal. 
El conocimiento acerca del karma y los textos que las exaltan, quienes viven bajo su influencia en busca del disfrute, de las variedades de la dicha y la desgracia y la existencia del mundo material a través del tiempo, considerándolas la totalidad del ser, al igual que los objetos materiales y sus propias formas presentes, y las formas que nacen a partir de las variantes de otros seres encarnados, sólo perpetúan a través del contacto de los miembros de sus cuerpos a través del tiempo, los mismos estados de existencia que producen una y otra vez, constantemente.
SB 11.10.14-16
Del esfuerzo por obtener placeres que derivan de las actividades del karma, puede observarse la falta de independencia de quien así actúa; quien carece de autocontrol,  estará en busca del disfrute y hallará como resultado tanto la felicidad pasajera como la desgracia.
SB 11.10.17
La desdicha puede hallarse en los seres inteligentes, como también en los tontos se hallará felicidad, y ambos serán producto únicamente del ego inútil.
SB 11.10.18
Aunque se sepa alguna fórmula para remover la dicha y la desgracia, aun así ignoran cómo detener el proceso poderoso de la muerte que se cierne sobre ellos.
SB 11.10.19
SB 11.10.20
Toda felicidad material puede verse que está contaminada por celos, envidia y mortandad, decadencia y obstáculos, aceptar una felicidad de esa índole es como aceptar una agricultura que no da frutos.
SB 11.10.21
El mayor peligro de la agricultura corrompida en la actualidad, es que las semillas modificadas genéticamente no producen semillas que puedan germinar, son semillas que necesitan excesos de herbicida, el cual erradica otras especies que son benéficas para el desarrollo de una parcela, y gran cantidad de insecticida que destruye también a los insectos que pueden ser benéficos para las plantas situadas en un ambiente propicio. La ignorancia acerca del medio ambiente ha creído que puede manipular los aspectos externos de una planta determinada, y fomentarla en exclusiva, y sólo con el fin de explotar, controlar y dominar el mercado de las semillas. Pero este prepotente intento y esta concepción de agricultura, pronto mostraron su faz amarga, pues sólo beneficiaba a quienes vendían las semillas, haciendo incosteable para los agricultores esta forma de producción, y los productos así obtenidos, además, llegaron cargados de glifosato a las mesas de los consumidores, provocando deformaciones y enfermedades; y poniendo en riesgo el futuro de la agricultura en general. Sin embargo, agricultores de pensamiento más profundo, como Masanobu Fukuoka en su Revolución de un Rastrojo, propone erradicar todas las substancias toxicas y más bien aprender de las cualidades de una agricultura inclusiva, que cree ambientes propicios para el desarrollo natural de la semilla, de modo que la semilla fructifique en un entorno natural y libre de contaminantes, en donde las plantas se protegen entre sí y le permitan vivir sana y fuerte. Descubrió así, que las plagas sólo aparecen en ambientes desprotegidos y carentes de plantas rizoma que la protejan del sol, el exceso de agua e incluso, algunas de ellas, de algunos insectos que podrían dañarlas. Es el mismo principio de la permacultura propuesto por australianos Bill Mollison y David Holmgren en 1978; y que hoy está proliferando como último recurso para salvar a la sociedad y a los espacios naturales. Este tipo de propuestas, desgraciadamente, van en contra de los intereses egoístas de agricultores voraces que ven el medio ambiente como su posibilidad de alcanzar la “felicidad, la riqueza y su propio placer” sin tener en cuenta el daño que causan a la sociedad humana. Ese mismo principio de disfrute, tan destructivo, es el que en estos versos está siendo denunciado. ¿Qué futuro tiene un alma si vive en medio de una supuesta felicidad que le es amargada y arrebatada por un entorno que le pasa factura a cada paso? Las plagas de la envidia, la avaricia, y la propia mortandad le arrebatarán todo lo obtenido, no será fruto que pueda consumir en su agonía. ¿Para qué sembrar en el campo de la mortandad nuestras esperanzas de felicidad?
Al respecto de este śloka Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura comenta:
“Comúnmente, cuando no hay un impedimento específico, los empeños agrícolas fructificarán. Sin embargo, si hay un defecto en la semilla, o si el suelo es demasiado salado o estéril, o si hay sequía o plagas, lluvia excesiva o demasiado calor en una estación, o si hay perturbaciones provocadas por animales, pájaros o insectos, entonces las actividades agrícolas no darán la deseada cosecha. Igualmente, aquellos expertos en el análisis del mundo material ven las situaciones ofrecidas en los Vedas básicamente como muy parecidas a su vida terrenal. Por la interacción de las almas condicionadas inevitablemente surgirán los celos cuando se uno se distingue como superior del otro. Con el poder del tiempo, estas posiciones pueden revertirse, y por ello habrá violencia y la intriga perturbará la vida, incluso en los planetas celestiales. De hecho, el intento de promoverse uno mismo hacia los planetas celestiales se halla lleno de problemas y disturbios. Uno por ello ha de entender que el reino de Dios, Vaikuṇṭha, es trascendental a las limitaciones y perturbaciones impuestas por las leyes de la naturaleza material en este mundo. Si equivocadamente uno concluye que tales imperfecciones se hallan también presentes en el reino de Dios, entonces uno será corrompido por la contaminación material.”

Los obstáculos no afectan si el dharma se realiza perfectamente, pero incluso la plataforma que se alcance se desvanecerá con el tiempo. Por favor, escucha.
SB 11.10.22
La adoración de este mundo dirigida a los semidioses conduce a los planetas celestiales, quien ha realizado esos sacrificios disfrutará ahí como un dios, alcanzará para sí placeres que pertenecen a esos planetas.
SB 11.10.23
Glorificado con cantos de gandharvas*, se elevará en una nave por sus propias actividades piadosas acumuladas, disfrutará de una vida en medio de dioses celestiales, usando ropas encantadoras.
SB 11.10.24
En esa nave, decorada de campanas, irá a donde desee, tendrá mujeres hermosas, y mientras disfruta de los placeres celestiales de los semidioses pasará por alto su inminente caída.
SB 11.10.25
Hasta que se agote el resultado de sus actividades piadosas, disfrutará en esos cielos, pero a pesar de ser contrario a su deseo, descenderá de nuevo, empujado por el tiempo.
SB 11.10.26
Quien llega a ocuparse en la irreligión, asociado con gente materialista, no se ocupará de controlar sus sentidos, vivirá para complacer sus deseos sexuales, vivirá para la miserable avaricia, cazando mujeres, cometerá violencia contra los animales, sin ninguna guía, adorará fantasmas infernales en busca de placeres materiales, descenderá hacia la oscuridad causando su propia infelicidad una y otra vez, tomando cuerpos inferiores que lo comprometerán siempre a ese disfrute que conduce hacia la muerte.
SB 11.10.27-29
Kṛṣṇa explica a Uddhava el resultado bueno y malo de las actividades, debido a que el mundo material está gobernado por esa dualidad, al igual que toda la creación material que depende del sacrificio y la actividad en el plano de la bondad para su elevación y cuya caída depende de la duración e intensidad del karma. Así que las actividades del mundo material, tanto las buenas como las malas, son producto de la ilusión y por lo tanto condenan al alma a permanecer en su esfera. Por ello muchas escuelas de enseñanza acerca del plano espiritual han llegado a la conclusión de que suspender las actividades es lo mejor para liberarse del karma, pero a través de la suspensión de actividades se llega a un estado neutral, en donde no hay desdicha, pero tampoco hay dicha, y de ningún modo este estado puede considerarse la realización última, pues al mínimo movimiento, al salir del estado de quietud perfecta, por cualquier motivo o al ser agitada por los cambios del tiempo universal, el alma que ha alcanzado este estado también caerá de regreso hacia el océano de la existencia material. Entonces, el estado de nuestra conciencia, el nivel de conciencia en el que nos encontremos al momento de que se agote el karma de nuestro cuerpo presente, es el sitio hacia donde nos dirigiremos. Y aunque toda lo que existe es en esencia de naturaleza espiritual y consciente, los planos de ésta son de diferentes cualidades. Quien disfruta de matar, y se alimenta de la matanza, tiene un nivel de conciencia distinto de quien se dedica a la adoración y sólo se alimenta de leche, pero ninguna de esas actividades, por sí mismas, son capaces de extraerlos de la conciencia material. Desde la perspectiva del absoluto supremo, si un alma es dirigida hacia una forma inferior, no es una “venganza”, sino que su propio nivel de conciencia lo ha situado en una condición determinada, desde la cual podrá elevarse de nuevo, una vez que se haya agotado su karma, bueno o malo. 
Los líderes de los sistemas planetario, me temen, hasta aquellas jīvas que viven una kalpa(1), incluso el supremo Brahmā quien llega a vivir dos parārdhas(2), tiene miedo de Mí.
SB 11.10.30
Las guṇas crean las actividades del karma, y los sentidos materiales que permiten a la Jīva movilizarse en el campo de la experimentación de las guṇas, ocupando así al alma individual y generando distintos resultados.
SB 11.10.31
Mientras la concepción de las guṇas de existencia separada y de dualidad del alma subsistan, el alma estará cautiva.
SB 11.10.32
Estando así cautivos, los seres vivientes temerán al controlador Supremo, īśvara, y debido a esa concepción de vida estarán siempre sumergidos en la lamentación.
SB 11.10.33
Aquellos agitados por las guṇas, Me llamarán tiempo, ātmā, inconcebible, universo, naturaleza, dharma, y de otras formas.
SB 11.10.34
Śrī Uddhava dijo, así situados en las guṇas, aunque nacidos de un cuerpo, y habiéndonos purificado de lo indeseable, ¿Está el alma atada o liberada en este cuerpo, o cómo sucede esto, Alma Todopoderosa (vibho)?
SB 11.10.35
De qué modo se halla situado aquél que disfruta, cómo distinguirlo y cómo saber si aquel que come, evacua,  duerme, se sienta y anda es un alma eternamente liberada o cautiva. Oh Infalible Acyuta, responde mi pregunta, Tú, quien mejor respondes; y da certeza en mi confusión.
SB 11.10.36-37
Mientras la Jīva condicionada, situada en un cuerpo material, piensa que su cuerpo es él mismo, siempre tendrá temor de lo que pueda ocurrirle a su cuerpo, temerá también por sus seres queridos, sin entender que toda la naturaleza material es perecedera. Este campo de experimentación y el propio cuerpo, permiten al alma la posibilidad de liberarse del cautiverio material. Aquí Kṛṣṇa indirectamente está revelando que Él es todo, es decir que la naturaleza, el tiempo, el universo, etc… son él mismo, y esto nos revela la naturaleza consciente de la realidad material que nosotros consideramos de manera abstracta, o como objeto de nuestro entendimiento, cuando en realidad, es el Sujeto Supremo quien se halla presente, pero con nuestra presente concepción parcial acerca de la realidad, somos incapaces de entenderlo de forma vivencial. Por ello, las almas liberadas aparecen en este mundo para ayudarnos a que nuestra conciencia avance, y pueden parecer seres ordinarios, y confundir incluso a personalidades como Uddhava. De ahí la inquietud de Uddhava para poder distinguir un alma cautiva de un alma liberada.
(1) kalpa equivale a un día de Brahmā
(2) Dos parardhas, la duración de la vida de Brahmā y equivale a 311,040,000,000,000 de años.
Śrī Bhāgavān dijo, hay que entender con relación al cautiverio y la liberación, que es mi potencia ilusoria (Māyā) la que en realidad crea las guṇas; y puesto que yo soy la causa, ni están liberadas ni están cautivas.
SB 11.11.1
Lamentación e ilusión, felicidad y desdicha también el aceptar un cuerpo influenciado por māyā es como un sueño, una idea creada por la inteligencia que de hecho no es real.
SB 11.11.2
Entiende Uddhava, que tanto la ignorancia como el conocimiento provienen de mi energía manifiesta, y que de la liberación y el cautiverio creadas por Māyā, yo soy la causa original.
SB 11.11.3
Las jīvas ciertamente son fragmentos míos, y están atadas perpetuamente por la ignorancia y son liberadas por el conocimiento, oh tú, el más inteligente Uddhava.
SB 11.11.4
Así que ahora te hablaré, querido Uddhava, de las características de las almas cautivas y liberadas. De las dos naturalezas opuestas situadas en el cuerpo.
SB 11.11.5
Es importante señalar aquí, que aunque el alma individual es un fragmento aparentemente separado del infinito, en realidad su esencia primera es espiritual, al igual que todo lo que le rodea, creado por la propia energía ilusoria de  īśvara, el Controlador Supremo. Pero en este punto, muchos han sido confundidos y piensan que son uno con el Alma Suprema, pero de ser así, ¿qué sentido tendría la existencia? El entendimiento correcto se halla en la diversidad y la posibilidad de que el alma individual, esencialmente espiritual; y aunque igual en esencia, pero  diferente en potencia, puede relacionarse con el aspecto personal del infinito, Kṛṣṇa. El alma individual por sí misma, y en su condición cautiva, cubierta por la ilusión, no puede  liberarse a menos que adquiera el conocimiento acerca de su realidad, todos en sus diversos campos, conscientes o no, exploran la realidad en busca de la verdad, considerando que esa verdad parcial es la realidad, pero ese conocimiento parcial no libera del círculo del nacimiento y muerte al que está sujeta el alma individual en la esfera del karma. Pero el conocimiento acerca de la Súper Alma y su relación con el alma individual es la máxima realización, y la que libera definitivamente al alma de su cautiverio. Sin esta comprensión, el alma individual, sumergida en la ignorancia acerca de sí misma, navegará sin rumbo a través de la existencia material una y otra vez, sufriendo y alegrándose, pagando y siendo retribuido por la ilusión que le esclaviza. Ahora Kṛṣṇa, disipará todas las dudas de Uddhava profundizando en este tema.
Dos pájaros similares, amigos, pueden hacer nido en un árbol, de ellos dos, uno come los frutos del árbol mientras que el otro no, ya que su fuerza es superior.
SB 11.11.6
El alma Suprema, omnisciente, es quien no come los frutos del árbol y posee el conocimiento perfecto, y es un alma eternamente liberada, mientras que el pájaro que se alimenta de los frutos, se halla en la ignorancia y es un alma eternamente cautiva.
SB 11.11.7
Aunque un alma liberada se halle en un cuerpo, se ve a sí mismo como quien ha despertado de un sueño, mientras que el tonto  considera que el cuerpo de este sueño es él mismo.
SB 11.11.8
Aunque los sentidos y los objetos de los sentidos son generados por las guṇas, y aunque el ego falso es aceptado como el ser, éste no puede crear, pues es producto también de estas guṇas, por ello el ser iluminado no es afectado por los deseos materiales.
SB 11.11.9
De las actividades previas del cuerpo material, sujeto por las guṇas que lo producen, uno es situado en la esfera del karma, el tonto considera que es el hacedor, y por ello se encadena.
SB 11.11.10
Así, desapegado del disfrute sensorial, el hombre inteligente no está atado cuando duerme, se sienta o se baña, al ver, tocar, oler, comer, escuchar y demás; él puede ver que la causa de toda actividad nace de las guṇas.
SB 11.11.11
A pesar de estar situado en el mundo material, se halla completamente desapegado del disfrute de los sentidos, tal como el cielo, el sol y el viento; con su experta visión, afilada por el desapego, despedaza las dudas y despierta del sueño de la dualidad  que y lo conduce hacia la renuncia.
SB 11.11.12-13
Aquellos que están liberados de los deseos materiales, liberan su respiración, sentidos, mente e inteligencia,  de las cualidades de las guṇas (bondad, pasión e ignorancia), aun estando en el cuerpo.
SB 11.11.14
Quien es inteligente no es afectado cuando su cuerpo es atacado por fieras, por alguien o por algo, o si es adorado, o si va a alguna parte.
SB 11.11.15
Un santo liberado con visión ecuánime, ni halaga ni desprecia a quien trabaja muy bien o muy mal, ni a quienes hablan de lo bueno y lo malo.
SB 11.11.16
Un santo vivirá y vagará en el asombro del placer de la realización, y no hablará ni verá las cosas como buenas y malas.
SB 11.11.17
La conciencia social tiende a crear un sistema maniqueo y define las cosas como buenas y malas en un sentido parcial, así que es bueno para algunos matar, en ciertas circunstancias, por ejemplo, un rey puede enviar a la guerra a sus ejércitos y hará que combatan a muerte en un campo de batalla con el fin de proteger a su pueblo, pero si uno de los soldados que vuelve a casa mata para robar, ya no está protegido por las órdenes del rey y tendrá que enfrentar la ley. Desde el punto de vista mundano, el rey ha hecho lo correcto, pero si profundizamos un poco acerca de las motivaciones del rey, podríamos concluir que tal vez el interés del rey era mantenerse en el poder, que tal vez no lo movía el interés hacia su pueblo, habríamos de ver las condiciones en que vive el pueblo que ese rey gobierna, etcétera; y en fin, consideraciones más amplias podrían surgir aquí, consideraciones que incluso hicieron dudar al mismísimo Arjuna antes de entrar en batalla contra su propia familia. Entonces, el interés mundano es superficial y sujeto a las leyes del karma, al entender Arjuna su posición ¿qué dice?
arjuna uvāca
naṣṭo mohaḥ smṛtir labdhā tvat-prasādān mayācyuta
sthito ’smi gata-sandehaḥ kariṣye vacanaṁ tava
Arjuna dice
“Mi ilusión ha sido disipada, por Tu misericordia he recuperado la memoria. Oh infalible, Acyuta, todas mis dudas han sido eliminadas y estoy listo a ejecutar Tu orden”
Esto quiere decir que el interés supremo se halla por encima de toda consideración superficial, pero aunque algunos piensan que se hallan en la posición de ejecutores del karma, en realidad, este campo de experimentación y el cuerpo que hemos adquirido, que es diferente a multiplicidad de cuerpos manifestados por las guṇas, nos posibilita a convertirnos en partículas útiles al servicio del bien absoluto y nuestra actividad ha de encaminarse en ese sentido. Pues en el campo de batalla de Kurukṣetra, un ejército actuó bajo las órdenes de Kṛṣṇa, mientras que el otro actuaba por defender aquello que no les pertenecía, pues se consideraban los hacedores y propietarios de un reino que no era suyo. Así que los Kurus, envidiosos de la propiedad de sus parientes los Pāṇḍavas, estaban dispuestos a darles muerte para satisfacerse, ansiaban el triunfo motivado en su egoísmo y vanidad; y para ello, habían realizado toda clase de actos despreciables como querer desnudar a Draupadī e intentar asesinar a sus parientes una y otra vez, desoyendo incluso los consejos del propio Kṛṣṇa.
Otros piensan que si matan animales está bien, y que al alimentarse con ellos no pasa nada, pero esa no es la opinión de las almas liberadas, pues el Alma Suprema se halla en todas las entidades vivientes. Pero aun así, no critican, ni juzga a quien así hace, sabiendo que es la ignorancia la que no les permite entender la realidad. Pues aunque socialmente la matanza de animales es aceptada, (y he aquí un ejemplo claro de lo que se habla cuando se menciona la dualidad del mundo material), esto no quiere decir que tal actividad no esté sujeta a las reacciones del karma que condenan y esclavizan al alma a los nacimientos repetidos una y otra vez. Pero comer sólo verduras tampoco libera al alma, muchos comen sólo verduras para mantener la salud, o para estar delgados. La recomendación de la senda de Bhakti, es el alimentarse a uno mismo únicamente de aquellos alimentos que se han preparado y ofrecido con el fin de complacer a Kṛṣṇa. Alimentos que al ser aceptado por Kṛṣṇa, se convierte en misericordia pura, prasāda.

El estudioso dedicado a los Vedas que no absorbe su mente en el Supremo, pierde el fruto a pesar de sus esfuerzos, se parece al hombre que cuida a la vaca que no da leche.
SB 11.11.18
Como vaca ya ordeñada, o esposa infiel que entrega a otros su cuerpo, o los hijos inútiles y dependientes, o la fortuna que no llega al dueño, Oh Uddhava, así es el conocimiento ilusorio que provoca sufrimiento a quien lo procura.
SB 11.11.19
Oh Uddhava, aquello que no es purificado por Mí,  por mis actividades, sustento, creación y aniquilación del mundo ilusorio, o los pasatiempos de mis encarnaciones, y forma deseada, son vibraciones inútiles en las que el sabio no se apoya.
SB 11.11.20
Así, tras analizar este conocimiento, se abandona la idea errónea de multiplicidad material, y el alma cesa su participación; y fijando su mente en Mí, que todo lo penetro, se purifica. 
Pero si se es incapaz de fijar la mente en la plataforma espiritual, libre de deseos materiales, ejecuta tus actividades ofreciéndolas a Mí, sin codiciar el fruto.
SB 11.11.22
Escucha con fe las narraciones acerca de Mí, que son benéficas para el mundo entero, y canta recordando mis actividades, nacimiento, también mis espectaculares dramas, una y otra vez para complacerme. Y dedica todo tu deber, placer, trabajo, tomando refugio en Mí, y así obtendrás amor por Mí, Oh Uddhava, y podrás dedicarte completamente a Mí.
SB 11.11.23-24
Por la cercanía de mi Devoto, se obtiene la devoción hacia Mí, al servir a esa persona, sin duda Yo me revelo. A través de mis devotos santos, se accede fácilmente a mi morada eterna.
SB 11.11.25
Śrī Uddhava dijo, Personalidad Suprema, en tu opinión, cómo ha de ser el servicio que te rinda la persona santa, cómo deseas que se lleve a cabo, cómo te honran tus grandes devotos, Oh Puruṣa ahyakṣa, controlador de todo gobernante, Señor de Vaikuṇṭha, Dios del Universo, habla de eso a tu devoto rendido que te ama y quien no tiene otro refugio aparte de Ti.
SB 11.11.26-27
Tú, Brahman Supremo, Señor del Cielo. Puruṣaḥ, eres trascendental a la naturaleza material, pero encarnas de acuerdo al deseo de tus devotos y tomas cuerpos diferentes.
SB 11.11.28
Aquí de nuevo e indirectamente Kṛṣṇa habla acerca de sí mismo, él dice que quien le recuerda, le ofrece sus actividades, se purifica y obtiene amor por Él. Es decir, Kṛṣṇa está hablando de la potencia del infinito personal de reciprocar. El Amor Supremo responde al alma condicionada que intenta alcanzarle. No estamos frente a un frío horizonte abstracto, sino frente al Alma Suprema, todopoderosa, omnisciente, que responde.
El poder purificador de Kṛṣṇa se eleva por encima de todo condicionamiento de su propia energía ilusoria, y sobrepasa el karma para liberar al alma de su condición esclavizada. La conciencia de Kṛṣṇa, la conciencia acerca del Absoluto y Su Aspecto Personal, lleno de cualidades, a las que Uddhava se refiere mencionando algunos de sus incontables nombres, acepta la ofrenda de aquél que aspira a conocerle. Pero, ¿dónde podemos encontrarle? No poseemos visión trascendental, ¿cómo podremos verle? No está en la potencia de nuestros cuerpos un logro semejante. Entonces, Kṛṣṇa nos aconseja aproximarnos a sus devotos santos, aquellos que poseen esa visión trascendental y que pueden encender el fuego que consuma  toda nuestra contaminación material. A veces los agricultores queman el campo antes de sembrar la semilla, y al igual que ellos preparan la tierra para ser sembrada, así el devoto genuino elimina y quema toda contaminación material y visión errónea de aquél que va al encuentro de la Realidad, la Hermosa Realidad, como la define B.R Sridhar Goswāmī. Y liberados así, los transporta hacia la orilla de la existencia eterna.
Sri Bhāgavān dijo, “Aquel que se duele ante el sufrimiento ajeno, y que nunca hace daño, que perdona a todos los seres, quien es veraz, y no padece la envidia, cuya conciencia es la misma en el sufrimiento y la felicidad, ocupado en buscar el bienestar de otros, que no es perturbado por los deseos materiales, cuya inteligencia se ocupa en el control de los sentidos, que no es despiadado, de comportamiento impecable, que no es posesivo y que está libre de actividades mundanas, que come austeramente, controla la mente y es estable en el cumplimiento del deber, quien ha conquistado las seis cualidades de las guṇas*, quien no desea prestigio, pero siempre ofrece respeto a los demás, y despierta la conciencia de Kṛṣṇa en otros; y quien es un amigo sincero, compasivo y desinteresado; y quien ha tomado de las guṇas las mejores cualidades, haciendo a un lado las malas, y la ilusión; y que por adorarme a Mí ha dejado hasta sus propios principios religiosos, es sin duda el mejor entre los santos.
SB 11.11.29-32
“Y aquellos entregados a mí que me aman y se dedican a mí, conociéndome, aunque no comprendan cómo es que existo, los considero los mejores devotos.
SB 11.11.33
“Aquellos que saben que aparezco como la deidad, me tocan, y adoran y rinden servicio, ofreciendo oraciones y reverencias; glorifican mis cualidades y actividades; con fe meditan en Mí. Oh Uddhava, todos los que se rinden a Mí ofreciéndose a servirme, lo logran todo; y se regocijan en celebrarme con canciones, danzas e instrumentos; y hablando de Mí entre ellos en los lugares sagrados, en los festivales, las celebraciones védicas relacionadas a mí, mencionadas en la literatura, toman iniciación, y observan votos; instalan deidades con gran fe y se ocupan en hacer jardines de flores y huertos; construyen y visitan sitios sagrados de pasatiempos y ciudades sagradas; y barren y sacuden los altares, limpiando con substancias sagradas, riegan agua de esencias y realizan mandalas para el altar, para complacerme; y me sirven sin desvío, y sin buscar el prestigio mundano, sin orgullo y sin buscar la fama; y encienden la luz de la lámpara que es Mía; y no se ocupan en la ofrenda de otros, sino que aquello que más aprecian de este mundo lo ofrecen a Mí, calificando así para la inmortalidad.
SB 11.11.34-41
“El sol, el fuego, los brahmanes, las vacas, los Vaiṣṇavas, el cielo, el viento, el agua, la tierra, el alma individual, todas las entidades vivientes, Oh Uddhava son sitios de adoración a Mí.
SB 11.11.42
“En el sol ofréceme oraciones y reverencias, en el fuego, mantequilla, así me adorarás; también recibiendo a tus visitantes imprevistos; quien así hace es el mejor de los brāmaṇas. En las vacas puedes ofrecerme pasto y refugio; en el Vaiṣṇava, ofrece afecto y amistad, y hónralo en tu corazón; en tu interior medita y fija tu inteligencia en la respiración que es lo más importante; en el agua ofrece los elementos de la tierra, en la tierra, mantras secretos; en la Jīva, ofrece objetos para disfrute de la Súper-alma en el interior del cuerpo de todos los seres, viendo todo con equidad, así haz de adorarme.
SB 11.11.43-45
“En esos sitios, así haz de adorar mi forma trascendental que lleva una caracola, el disco Sudarśan un mazo y una flor de loto, y que posee cuatro brazos; pacíficamente uno ha de adorarme así, concentrado por completo.
SB 11.11.46
“A través del sacrificio, la piedad, y la adoración, fijando la mente en Mí, aquel que me da su afecto, alcanza el conocimiento acerca de Mí, y por ese servicio se convierte en un sādhu.
SB 11.11.47
“La manera más práctica de adquirir amor por mí, es asociándose con Mis devotos. Sin ésta asociación, Uddhava, no es posible que funcione, pues Yo soy la senda de las almas liberadas.
SB 11.11.48
“Ahora te diré a ti que me escuchas, el secreto supremo, amado de la dinastía Yadu; y que es el más confidencial, pues eres mi siervo bienqueriente y mi amigo.
SB 11.11.49
Fin Segunda Parte de la traducción del Śrī Uddhava Gīta, realizada por Tapananandini dd, discípula de Bhakti Sundar Govinda.


Floral Paintings

Friday, July 19, 2019

Prema Dhama Stotram

The Sanskrit poetry of Shridhar Maharaja has often been overlooked, even forgotten. I include here the Prema Dhama Stotram, an amazing work of poetry that recapitulates the life and teachings of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in a happy and brilliant sanskrit style. 

Sri Sri Prema Dhama Deva Stotram

by Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara dev Goswami Maharaja

Verse 1
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The gods, perfected beings, liberated sages, mystic yogis and the dedicated devotees constantly sing the glories of the holy name of Sri Krishna. Like a raincloud showering nectar, the mere shadow of the Lord's holy name extinguishes the blazing forest fire of tormentful cravings and insatiable desires that chain the living soul within the material world, a place where the soul again and again experiences the agonies of birth, death and rebirth. Sri Krishna Chaitanya is the personified form of that oceanic consciousness of the flavour of nectar which is found in the holy names. Taking the heart and halo of Srimate Radharani, Krishna has reappeared in this present age ( Kali yuga ) in the golden form of Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 2
svarna-koti- darpanabha-deha-varna-gauravam
koti-kama-murchitanghri-rupa rasa-rangaram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The Lord's lustrous form surpasses the brilliance of a million mirrors of gold. The fragrance of heavenly and earthly lotus flowers is humbled by the subtle scent of nectar filling the air around Lord Sri Gaurasundara. Millions of cupids are stunned by his infinite beauty. Cupid's capacity to charm and create rapture is surpassed by the infinite attractiveness of the Lord. Sri Gaurasundara's dancing in various moods of rapture and love makes everyone seeing him swoon. Dancing in the deepest bliss of spiritual love, Sri Gaurasundara is the artful dancer Sri Krishna himself, come again to this Earth in a golden form.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 3
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The Lord revealed himself to the people of the world in a five-aspect form (panca-tattva) for the purpose of revealing the variegated beauties of his holy name, which is non-different from himself. Sri Krishna revealed himself in these five aspects: Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhar and Srivas Thakur.
Sri Krishna Chaitanya is Krishna himself, outwardly acting in the role of a devotee. Prabhu Nityananda is his other self and elder brother. Sri Advaita Acharya is the avatara who establishes the true religion for the age of Kali ( yuga dharma ). Gadadhar Pandit is the Lord's intimate associate accompanying Sri Gaurasundara as he enjoys contemplating the beauty of pure spiritual love. Srivas Pandit is foremost amongst the Lord's general associates who come with him whenever he appears.
In other ages when the Lord descends to Earth he comes with weapons such as the discus and mace which He uses to kill demons. But in this age of Kali ( kali-yuga ) when almost every person is possessed by the ghosts of lust, anger and violence, the Lord comes with the weapon of the holy name to destroy every kind of evil. Armed with the weapon of the holy name the Lord wandered through the streets and marketplaces of Nadia district, just like an ordinary resident of that place.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 4
santipurya- dhisa-kalya-dharma-duhka-dusaham
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Advaita Acharya, the avatara of Maha-Vishnu, came into the world to establish the true religion for the age of Kali. Advaita Acharya lived at Shantipur in the Nadia district of West Bengal. Seeing the intense illusion and suffering of the living beings in this mortal world, he felt intense grief. Advaita Acharya worshipped Lord Vaikunthapati Vishnu. Sri Advaita called to Lord Vaikunthapati and asked him to appear on Earth and show kindness to worldly people by distributing Krishna consciousness. This Krishna consciousness dispels all misconception and awakens divine knowledge within the soul. This Krishna consciousness is the true remedy for all kinds of suffering.
Appearing in the world in his Deity form of Sri Gaurasundara, Krishna descended to Earth and took away the pains suffered by the living beings. He pacified the grief of Advaita Acharya by widely distributing the nectar of his holy names.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 5
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Gauranga appeared in the sacred place known as Sri Nabadwip Dham, the spiritual city of nine islands situated within the eternal stream of the Ganges river. Sri Nabadwip Dham is non-different from Svetadwipa, the blissful island of Sriman Narayana, the Lord and compassionate guardian of all beings.
In his golden manifestation of Sri Gauranga the Lord engaged in the play of congregational chanting of the names of Sri Krishna ( nama-sankirtan ). He filled the hearts of everyone with the bliss of the holy name. Bringing his eternal family to Earth with him (his mother and father, brother and others) the Lord blessed the home of Srivas Pandit with his divine presence. In the home of Srivas, Sri Gauranga showed many wonderful revelations to the devotees.
Sri Gaurasundara is the controlling life-force of his consorts Laksmipriya-devi and Visnupriya-devi and his mind was filled with deep affection for his mother and father, Sacidevi and Jagannatha Mishra.
Verse 6
sri sachi dulala balya bala sangha cancalam
akumara sarva shastra daksha tarka mangalam
chatra sangha ranga digjigishu darpa samharam
prema dhama devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The young son of Sachidevi, Sri Gaurasundara, enjoyed mischief-making with other naughty boys, just as He had enjoyed making mischief in the previous age when he appearead as Krishna, the son of Yasoda. These childhood pastimes were enjoyable not only for the Lord and his young friends but also for the adults who were witnesses to his pranks and merry-making.
In his adolescence Sri Gaurasundara was recognised as a prodigy in matters of logic and debate. At that time he was known as Nimai Pandit, the son of Sachi and Jagannatha Mishra. Sri Gaurasundara used the skills of a logician to teach that the doctrine of pure devotion is the last word in philosophic thought.
On the banks of the Ganges at Sri Nabadwip Dham, Nimai Pandit met the most learned scholar of Sanskrit of all times, Digvijayi Pandit, and defeated the pandit in a debate. Digvijayi Pandit was amazed to find this boy Nimai Pandit could remember everything he had heard or read only once. The Digvijayi Pandit was lost for words to counter the logic and arguments of Sri Nimai Pandit. Students witnessing the debate began to laugh at Digvijayi Pandit, but gentle-hearted Nimai Pandit told the boys to be silent and not show disrespect. Then playful Nimai deconstructed his own arguments and stated that the arguments Digvijayi Pandit had put forward were correct. Digvijayi Pandit was utterly awestruck to see the depth of the boy's intelligence.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 7
varjya patra saramcya sarpa sangha khelanam
skandha bahi caura tirtha vipra citra lilanam
krishna nama matra balya kopa shanti saukaram
prema dhama devam eva naumi naumi gaura-sundaram

The Lord's childhood pastimes were most wonderful. As an infant, he was once found playing on top of a heap of disused cooking pots. When his mother told him to leave the unclean place the infant Nimai refused to do so. He presented his own clever reasoning and logic to assert his own wish to stay there and play. He played with unclean animals such as puppies and snakes. He once lay down on a cobra as if it were a bed.
One day two thieves kidnapped Nimai. One of the thieves lifted the child onto his shoulder and took him away with the intention of stealing his ornaments. But when the two thieves were running along a jungle path they found the path they were following had mysteriously brought them back to the child's home. The thieves left Nimai and fled in fear. Another day, a visiting brahmana cooked some food and offered it to the Deity of Krishna in the house of Sri Gaurasundara. The brahmana suddenly found the child Nimai was eating the offering. The brahmana was upset that his offering had been polluted. But then Sri Gaurasundara transformed revealed that he is Krishna, the very Deity the brahmana had been worshipping.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 8
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Playing and swimming in the waters of the Ganges with his friends, Sri Gaurasundara would sometimes tease young girls who came to the river to bathe and collect pots of water. This same young boy also put forward shrewd arguments to the Sanskrit teachers and logicians of the district.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 9
sri nimai-panditeti-nama-desa-vanditam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

During the Lord's adolescent pastimes, Sri Gaurasundara was known throughout Nadia district as the brilliant sholar Nimai Pandit. With his ingenious arguments he could humble the proud logicians. Rendering the scholars speechless by canceling and reversing their logic and conclusions, the Lord would then refute his own opinions and re-justify his opponent's original statements.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 10 sloka-ganga-vandanartha-digigisu-bhasitam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The world-conquering scholar Keshava Kashmiri met the Lord on the bank of the Ganges. At the Lord's request, the pandit composed many wonderful prayers glorifying the sacred Ganges. Nimai Pandit amazed the scholar when He pointed out several rhetorical errors in his poetry. Keshava Kashmiri skillfully presented logical arguments in his own favour, but was ultimately defeated in the debate. When the imperfections in the poetry of the pandit were exposed and he could think of no further arguments in support of his own conclusions, he became perplexed. Boys witnessing the pandit's discomfort began to laugh but Sri Gaurasundara showed respect to the pandit by stopping the students from laughing.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 11
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Elaborately explaining the sutras taught in Sanskrit grammar and the science of logic, Sri Gaurasundara explained to his students both the superficial and the deepest meanings of those sutras. The Lord's beautiful style of presentation of the inner significances of the sutras completely amazed all the learned sholars of Nadia. The Lord explained how all the seven thousand verbal root sounds contained in Sanskrit grammar find their fullest expression when they are understood to be vibrational energies emanating from the wondrous flute song of Sri Krishna. Scholars sat listening to him in amazement, their powerful intellects paralyzed by his intriguing presentation.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 12
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Gaurasundara explained how the sounds of the verses in the literature of the Veda and the meaning of those verses are simultaneously, inconceivably, different from from each other and non-different (acintya-bhedabheda). Ultimately, the sanction given by God is the deciding factor that correlates a sound and its intrinsic meaning. It is not because of the dictates of men that a sound has its meaning. That is, the meaning of the words of the Veda have not been assigned to them by scholars of grammar such as Panini. The purpose of every thing in existence, including such things as sounds and words, is to serve and enhance the beauty of the pastimes of the Lord who creates, maintains and dissolves the universes.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 13
krishna-nama-sidhu-sindhu-magna dik-caracaram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

After returning from Gaya where he took initiation from the devotee-ascetic Sri Ishwara Puri, the Lord was filled with ecstasy and bliss. In Nabadwip Dham the Lord met again with his students who wanted to continue hearing his amazing discourses about philosophy, Sanskrit and grammar. But spiritual sentiments overwhelming his heart carried Sri Gaurangasundar into states of rapture and joy. The Lord felt he was unable to continue as a teacher, and he resigned from that. Nimai's students, deprived to his association, were filled with lamentation. They considered themselves very unfortunate as they would no longer be able to meet with him each day at school. Seeing their grief, the Lord felt compassion for them. He told the boys to chant the Names of Hari and began singing "Hari haraye namah, Krishna ..." The boys sang along with him and accompanied the singing by clapping their hands. In the wake of this chanting the animate and inanimate living beings in all ten directions were touched by the holy vibration of the divine names and were penetrated by surging waves of the grand ocean of sweet devotional mellows.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 14
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Gaurasundara showed honour for the religious traditions of the ancient Aryan civilization of India ( sanatana dharma ). In this world filled with the darkness of the iron age (kali-yuga), in the city of Nabadwip Dham the Lord began the festival of congregational chanting of the Lord's holy names (sankirtan-yajna) in accordance with the instruction of Sri Ishwara Puri, his Guru. The Lord would continually chant Krishna's names. He is ever absorbed in his ecstatic dance of divine love, accompanied the sweet singing of thousands of devotees and the music of the mrdanga and kartals. He is the saviour of sinful and evil minded demons who are responsible for the destruction of religious principles, piety and truthfulness.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 15
mleccha-raja-nama-vadha-bhakta-bhiti banjanam
laksa-laksa dipa-naisa-koti-kantha-kirtanam
sri mridanga-tala-vadya-nritya-kaji-nistaram
prema dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Chand Kazi, the Muslim governor of Nabadwip, banned the performance of congregational chanting of Krishna's holy names on the streets of the city. The Lord then led an evening chanting procession of hundreds of thousands of devotees carrying lanterns and torches. Millions of devotees joined the procession, their voices singing the holy names, while they danced to the rhythm of drums, cymbals and other instruments. The Lord brought this huge procession to the door of the governor who was hiding in his house in a fearful state of mind. Sri Gaurasundara asked Chand Kazi to come out and meet with him and when the Kazi emerged Sri Gaurasundara hugged him. Sri Gaurasundara told Chand Kazi that the congregational chanting of the holy names of Krishna is not a politically inspired movement. It is a non-sectarian spiritual movement.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 16
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Gaurasundara departed from Nabadwip and went away to become a sannyasi (monk), leaving behind his family members and friends whose eyes were filled with tears. He accepted the staff and waterpot as his only possessions, the emblems of a renunciate. When his long hair was cut off and his head was shaved, thousands of voices sang the holy names. The devotee's eyes shed rivers of tears, since they knew he was going into the world and leaving them behind. From that time, whoever saw him in the red garments of a sannyasi cried out loud in grief.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 17
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Dressed in new clothes as a sannyasi, Sri Gaurasundara, the supreme controller of all renunciates, wandered through Bengal purifying the land with the touch of his feet. Known thereafter by his sannyasi name, Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the Lord rescued the living souls by giving them Krishna's holy names. Intoxicated with ecstatic emotions erupting from the deepest feelings of devotional love, he seemed like a golden volcano as he continuously trembled with joy whilst moving this way and that, running here and there in every direction. I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 18
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Accompanied by Sri Gadadhar Pandit and Prabhu Nityananda, Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya bestows good fortune to everyone. When Sri Chaitanya descended to Earth as the Avatara for the age of Kali, He fulfilled the prayers of Sri Advaita Acharya. To please his mother, Sachi Devi, the Lord agreed to stay nearby at Jagannathat Puri. I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 19
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Arriving in Puri, the city of Lord Jagannatha (Krishna), Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya met the famous pandit of Vedanta named Vasudeva Sarvabhauma, who he converted into a devotee. He then proceeded to South India where he encountered the followers of various philosophies. Like a tree that can produce any sweet fruit that anyone desires, the Lord fulfilled the heart's desires of all the devotees he visited in South India. He met with the great devotee Sri Ramananda Raya, who is like a deep raincloud full of the nectar of devotion, at a holy place on the bank of the Godavari River. Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya empowered Ramananda Raya to produce a shower of nectarean mellows of spontaneous loving service to Sri Krishna, as practiced by the most exalted devotees in the land of Vraja.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 20
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The original and ever fresh, ever new philosophy presented by Sri Krishna Chaitanya devastated the philosophy of Vasudeva Sarvabhauma, who had tried to use crooked logic and perversion of the meaning of words to assert the impersonalist philosophy of Sankara (vivartavarda), which is opposed to the auspicious doctrine of loving devotion to Lord Sri Krishna (suddha-bhakti). Sankara taught that this world of variegated forms is an illusion and that the individual soul (atma) is one with God. Sankara summed up his entire philosphy in four words: brahma satya jagan mithya (spirit is true, the phenomenal world is non-existent). But Sri Chaitanya taught that the world is real and that the souls in the world are tiny servants of God. Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya explained to Vasudeva Sarvabhauma that the Vedic literature in its entirety should be viewed as a temple enshrining the philosophy of pure devotion (suddha-bhakti). I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 21
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The tall, divine figure of Sri Gaurasundara, whose beautifully sharp features and well formed limbs seem wonderful to the devotees who adore him, is the perfect form of beauty and joy for the celestial gods who worship him. He is the complete embodiment of pure love. The radiant aura shining from his brilliant form makes the beauty of a million lotus flowers seem as nothing, whilst the moon's glow is soft and respectful in the light of Sri Gaurasundara. Sri Gaurasundara is the personification of the ever fresh moods of loving ecstasy that arise from dancing and singing the holy names of Krishna.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 22
rama-rama-gana-ramya-divya chanda-nartanam
prema-dhama devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Chanting "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna," and sometimes "Rama, Rama", infused with an inconceivable type of joy, the Lord danced and called out to Krishna, asking Krishna to reveal his presence. The footsteps of Sri Chaitanya were a joyful dance, and Sri Chaitanya's eyes and hands expressed wonderful gestures, full of meaning and deep significance. Sri Chaitanya called out to Krishna, asking Krishna to appear and fill up the void that is felt in Krishna's absence. When walking along roads and lonely pathways, or visiting temples or the homes of people he met during his tour of South India, Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya inspired everyone to become a devotee.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 23
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

In Chaitanya Charitamrita, written by Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami in the sixteenth century, there is a record of the conversation between Sri Krishna Chaitanya and Ramananda Raya known as ramananda samvad. In that conversation the highest form of dedication to Sri Krishna is described as loving devotion in the mellow of parakiya-rasa. Purest love for Krishna is devotion free from any attraction for any thing other than Krishna. The desire to engage in dutiful religious practices in a mood of awe-filled adoration and the desire to worship God for personal gain are both lesser types of devotion. The highest type of devotion is the exclusive devotion of the Gopis in Vrindaban, the land of Sri Krishna.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 24
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Krishna Chaitanya explained that there are various relationships in connection with Krishna. Those relationships begin with servitude and progress to friendship and to parental love, ultimately extending to an amorous relationship. Within the category of amorous love, the most beautiful form of loving devotion is pure devotional service to the lotus feet of Srimate Radharani in the moods of parakiya love for Sri Nandanandana (Krishna). Divine and spontaneous loving desires, in their most pure and pristine form, can have their full meaning only in the pastimes of Sri Vrajendranandana, Sri Krishna in Vraja Dham. Such inspiration was given by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 25
santa-mukta-bhritya tripta-mitra-matta-darsitam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanyadev explained that a devotee in a mood of passive adoration enjoys the happiness of being free from all miseries. A devotee feeling a sense of servitude relishes the pleasure of contentment. A devotee feeling friendship becomes overwhelmed with happiness arising from close affection. While a devotee with parental feelings for Krishna is free from any calculative mentality, experiencing deepened affection in ecstatic joy. Sri Gaurasundara further revealed that the devotee feeling amorous love for Krishna in the category of wedded love ( svakiya ) only partially relishes the sweetness of the mood of love, due to constraints of scriptural, religious and moral codes on the relationship. However, when feelings of the highest type of loving devotion beyond scriptural restrictions are expressed ( parakiya ), then the spontaneity and freedom in the divine relationships is unlimited. Added with the special mood of vamya, such service gives Krishna the greatest pleasure, providing full satisfaction for Sri Sri Radha-Govindasundar. The deep ocean of Srimati Radharani's love for Sri Krishna was explored by Sri Krishna Chaitanya, in the select company of his most confidential associates.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 26
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
Sri Ramananda Raya was graced to receive a divine vision of Sri Gaurasundara. Ramanada saw that Sri Gaurasundara is Krishna himself. Sri Krishna, covered by the radiant glow of the halo of Sri Radha's love. Ramananda Raya saw the divine form of the Deity of his heart: Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharvika Govindasunderjiu. Glimpsing this divine revelation for a brief moment, Ramananda Raya fainted and fell to the ground at the feet of the Lord. Sri Gaurasundara then restored Ramananda Raya to his waking consciousness. I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 27
ranganatha-bhatta bhakti-tusta-bhangi-bhasanam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

At Kurmakshetra in South India, Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya embraced a devotee afflicted with leprosy, the saintly brahmana Vasudev. By the Lord's Grace, Vasudev's leprosy was cured and his body became beautiful. Later, Sri Gaurasundara liberated the brahmana named Ramadas who was under the misconception that his worshipable Goddess, Sita, the wife of Rama, was touched by a demon. The Lord cited the Kurma Purana to prove that the transcendental form of Sita is beyond all material contamination. He blessed Ramadas with pure devotion. Further along in his journey through South India, Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya saved his servant Kala-Krishnadas from the clutches of the infamous Bhattathari sect.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 28
ranganatha-bhatta bhakti-tusta-bhangi-bhasanam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
The Lord visited Sri Ranga-kshetra in South India where the Vaishnavas are firmly devoted to the worship of Sri Lakshmi Narayan. In a playful mood, Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya had some discussions with the great devotee Sri Venkata Bhatta and instructed Venkata Bhatta that the rasa pastimes are unapproachable for Sri Laksmidevi, who could not enter the rasa lila pastimes even after prolonged penances. Even Laksmidevi is attracted by Krishna since Krishna is the ultimate source of all forms of loving devotion. Only the cowherd maidens of Vraja, headed by Srimati Radharani, can truly satisfy the Lord with their amorous devotion, while Laksmidevi always remains attached to the royal style of wedded devotion to Her Lord (svakiya).
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 29
sri prataparudra-raja-sirsa-sevya-mandiram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

While in South India the Lord discovered the ancient literature Sri Brahma Samhita, containing the perfect conclusions of pure devotion ( suddha-bhakti ). Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya had a copy of this book made and took it to show to the devotees of Bengal. Sri Krishna Chaitanya would sing the verses of Sri Krishna Karnamritam in which the wonderful pastimes of Sri Krishna in Vraja are glorified by the poet Bilvmangal Thakur. The king of Orissa, Maharaj Prataparudra, worshipped the feet of Sri Krishna Chaitanya and placed the Lord's feet upon his head.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 30
sri rathagra-bhakta-gita-divya-narttanadbhutam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Surrounded by innumerable devotees singing the holy names, Lord Gaurasundara danced in astonishing ways in front of the ratha (chariot) of Lord Jagannatha. He appeared as the divine and wonderful Nataraja, the king of dancers, astounding the pilgrims and relatives of King Prataparudra, filling their hearts with wonder. By his potency, the natural meaning of the pastimes of Lord Jagannatha's chariot ride to Gundica was manifest in the poem by Srila Rupa Goswami.
All glories, all glories to my golden Lord Gaurasundara the beautiful, the divine abode of pure love.
Verse 31
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The king of Orissa, Maharaj Prataparudra of Utkala, was overwhelmed and wonderstruck when he witnessed the pastimes and effulgent beauty of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Maharaj Prataparudra discarded all his previous religious views. He gave up thinking of himself as a hero and a king, realizing his real identity as an eternal servitor of the Lord. With a single-minded desire to satisfy the Lord, Prataparudra Maharaj threw himself to the ground at the feet of Sri Chaitanya, hoping that his head might be anointed with the dust of the Lord's feet. I sing with joy the glories of Sri Chaitanyadev, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 32
prema-dhama devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

When Sri Krishna Chaitanya was in South India the famous religious scholars recognized him as the crown jewel of devotion. He is the wish-fulfilling jewel who gives his devotees a true vision of the supernatural reality of loving devotional feelings ( bhakti-rasa ). The princes and government officials of South Indian states honoured and revered him, their inner hearts awakened with devotion by seeing the Lord.
In accordance with the ancient traditions of sannyasa (asceticism), Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu returned to Bengal to visit the Ganges and his homeland. Returning to Bengal for the last time, he came again to visit his mother and friends.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanyadev, the divine abode of pure love.
Verse 33
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The fame of Sri Chaitanyadev had spread far and wide. His name was known and revered throughout all of Bengal. He returned to Nabadwip Dham after an absence of five years and crowds of people came madly running along the roads and pathways hoping to catch a sight of him. Even the proud, atheistic logicians felt embarrassed, remembering the many troubles they had caused Sri Chaitanyadev when he first sent devotees out into the streets singing the holy name of the Lord. The scholarly atheists felt humbled when they saw how the ordinary folk in all walks of life had such resolute faith, such deep inner joy, and such strong feelings of affection for the Lord. Seeing the Lord again after long years of lonely separation, the Lord's mother Sachi Devi and other family members were overwhelmed with feelings of ecstasy. They felt they had gotten back their very life. I sing with joy the unending glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 34
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Millions of people, young and old, came to see him. Deeply moved, their eyes and faces filled with eagerness, they beheld their Lord who attracts the hearts of everyone. As millions upon millions of voices repeatedly sang out "Hari" and "Krishna", the tumultuous chanting of the devotees of Sri Gaurahari shook the heavens. I sing with joy the unending glories of Lord Gaurasundara the Beautiful, the divine abode of pure love.
Verse 35
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The Lord pacified his devotees who were feeling heartbroken since they had been unable to see the Lord of their life for such a long time. He forgave many malicious persons including Gopala Capala and others. Then he began to run towards Vrindaban, the land of Krishna, carrying thousands upon thousands of people in his wake. Rushing along the road in that way, Sri Chaitanya arrived at Ramkeli where he saw two brothers who appeared before him. The Lord was attracted to these two divine persons, his eternal associates Rupa and Sanatan, who at that time were ministers in the government of the king of Bengal.
I sing with joy the unending glories of Lord Gaurasundara the Beautiful, the divine abode of pure love.
Verse 36
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

As he went on, the Lord came to the Jhadadkanda jungle where the tigers, deer, elephants and other forest creatures were amazed at the sight of him. When the forest animals saw him dancing and singing the holy names in ecstasy, those animals also began to sing the names of Krishna in their own voices. The Lord was maddened by ecstasy. Dancing sweetly in the mood of divine love he easily proceeded through inaccessible forest paths with just a single devotee, Balabhadra Bhattacharya, for his companion.
I sing with joy the unending glories of Lord Gaurasundara the Beautiful, the divine abode of pure love.
Verse 37
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

At Varanasi and Prayag on the banks of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, Sri Gaurasundara visited temples and beheld Deities such as Bindu-Madhava and others. Following the course of the Yamuna river, the Lord began to run along the riverbank, anxious to catch a sight of the sacred place of Mathura. As thoughts of the pastimes of Radha Govinda in Vrindaban arose in his mind, he became fully transported to the sacred abode of Vrindaban where he tasted the painfully sweet feelings of separation felt by Sri Radha.
I sing with joy the unending glories of Lord Gaurasundara the Beautiful, the divine abode of pure love.
Verse 38
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu relished the mood of separation (vipralambha) tasted by the great saint Madhavendra Puri, as recorded in his poem describing Sri Radhika's divine mood of lament. Spoken in the mood of Sri Radha (mahabhava) the verse expresses her feelings when Sri Krishna left Vrindaban to go to the city of Mathura. Sri Radha said: "Oh Master of Mathura! When shall I see you again? Because of my not seeing you, my agitated heart has become unsteady. Oh most beloved sweetheart of my heart, what shall I do now?" With this meditation, Sri Chaitanya finally arrived in Vrindaban, the divine abode of love. He was absorbed to his heart's content in the sight of the beautiful flower gardens and forests of Vrindaban, which had been his playground in the previous age (dvapara-yuga) when he appeared there as the dark-skinned child Sri Krishna. Sri Chaitanya enjoyed affectionate dealings with the gopas and gopis in the twelve forests of Vrindabana.
I sing with joy the unending glories of the Sri Gaurasundara the beautiful, the one and only abode of pure love.
Verse 39
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Walking through the groves of Vrindaban, the Lord was welcomed by swarms of humming bumblebees hovering over the blooming flowers of the forest, all busily discussing together the pure love of Radha and Govinda. Different kinds of birds sang and danced in sheer delight when the Lord came walking amongst the trees that were bowing down before him out of respect. In the forest of Vrindaban the memory was aroused in him of his pastimes there in the previous age. He remembered how the cows and calves would all lovingly call out to him, their Lord and protector, the keeper of cattle, Sri Govinda. In this way the Lord would relive his previous pastimes in ecstasy.
I sing with joy the unending glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the divine abode of pure Love.
Verse 40
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Overwhelmed by the wave of love Lord Gaurasundara danced and chanted the holy names of Krishna. A stream of tears fell from his eyes, with teardrops falling onto his golden chest and his garments the colour of sunlight. The earth itself was drenched in his tears when he wandered here and there, deeply absorbed in remembrance of the divine love Sri Radha feels for Sri Krishna. In the mood of maha-bhava he would break out in loud laughter and cry out at the top of his voice, "Krishna, Krishna!" without restraint. In this way, by the many different aspects of his pastimes, the brilliance of his beauty and rapture was displayed to the highest degree for the fortunate devotees who were present there.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 41
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The Lord was filled with feelings of bliss and love and he danced and sang the glories of Krishna. He came to the sacred pond Sri Radha Kunda. He blessed the water of the paddy fields at Radha Kunda by bathing in it, thereby revealing that holy site. Then he sang verses from the scriptures glorifying that pool of divine love, named after the Lord's consort Srimate Radharani.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 42
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

At the place known as Imilitala, on the bank of the Yamuna river, Sri Gaurasundara sat beneath the ancient tamarind tree growing there since the previous age. He sat beneath the tree's branches and, seeing the dancing waves of the river, the memory of jala-keli was aroused withing him. He became immersed in thoughts of those confidential sporting pastimes of Lord Krishna in the water with the Gopis. Undisturbed, in that secluded place, his whole being was pervaded with thoughts of Radhika, her beauty and her sweetness.
This place Imilitala is the place of origin of Gaura-tattva, for it was here that Syamasundar Krishna became totally radiant in the halo and the heartfelt mood of Sri Radha. Mahaprabhu Sri Chaitanyadev eternally dwells in this place, his thoughts captured by the inconceivable sweetness of Sri Radha's feelings of devotion. I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 43
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanya spoke about a humorous talk between a parrot and his mate, in which Krishna the supreme cupid is described as bewildered, due to his feelings of separation from Sri Radhika. Hearing this story from the Lord, the devotee's hearts were filled with wonder, for the sweetness of Krishna's character is that he can be subdued by love. The female parrot said, "When Lord Krishna is with Radharani, he is the enchanter of cupid. When He is alone, he himself is enchanted by amorous feelings for Sri Radha, even though he enchants the whole universe." I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love.
Verse 44
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

At Prayag-dham, Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu empowered Srila Rupa Goswami to understand and teach that the ultimate objective of one's devotional practices is to serve Sri Krishna within the group of the milkmaids of Vrindaban, for the Gopis are able to relish the sweet mellows of love found in Krishna's amourous pastimes. At Kasi, He affectionately taught Srila Sanatan Goswami and other devotees many topics of pure dedication, including knowledge of reality, the means of applying that knowledge, and the ultimate goal of devotional service, which is to obtain pure love of Sri Sri Radha Govinda. At Kasi, the Lord destroyed the stubborn pride of the Advaita-Vedantist impersonalist philosophers, whose philosophy promotes self-adoration and is ultimately based on deep seated enviousness and narrow mindedness. The Lord freed these philosophers from their illusion, giving them the opportunity to worship the Supreme Person.
I sing, I sing with joy, the unending glories of my Golden Lord Gaurasundara the Beautiful, the divine abode of pure Love.
Verse 45
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanyadev rescued Prakasananda Saraswati, the leader of hundreds of thousands of Advaita-Vedanta sannyasis at Kasi, who had fallen into the empty hole of impersonalism, a black hole full of nothingness. The Lord delivered all the people of Kasi by giving them the immortal gift of the holy names of Krishna. The holy names alone give a soul real inner fulfillment and final liberation. Sri Chaitanyadev is the saviour who dispenses the eternal message of the scriptures of the Veda as handed down through the succession of spiritual teachers beginning with Narada and Vyasa.
I sing with joy the unending glories of Sri Chaitanyadev, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 46
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

When Sri Chaitanyadev was in Kasi, he taught the assembled impersonalist renunciates that the ancient scripture Srimad Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on the Brahmasutra (the philosophy section of the Veda). The proper understanding of reality presented in the Srimad Bhagavatam has been passed down through a succession of spiritual teachers from Sri Krishna to Brahma, Narada, Vyasa and his disciples (guru-parampara). In Sri Chaitanya's explanation of the four root Verses of Bhagavatam (catuh-sloki), He brilliantly revealed the truth of Sri Krishna, who is the non-dual Supreme Absolute Truth, the self evident spiritual reality of immortal consciousness and bliss. He taught that the transcendental sound vibration of the holy names of God (sabda-brahma) alone awards the individual soul its highest attainment, which is to enter into the liberated, positive life of devotional service to Sri Krishna.
I sing with joy the unending glories of my Golden Lord, Sri Gaurasundara the Beautiful, the divine abode of Pure Love.
Verse 47
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanya explained sixty one different meanings of the famous atmarama verse of Srimad Bhagavatam, presenting explanations that cut to pieces the Advaita Vedanta doctrine of Sankaracharya. With the support of numerous references from the Vedic literature, he brought to light the charming, sweet nature of the Absolute Being. He revealed that sweet Absolute to be a divine person: Sri Krishna. Sri Chaitanya denounced the false notion of the Advaita Vedantists, who consider the worshipable Deity forms of Sri Krishna to be material bodies formed from matter.
I fall at the Feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 48
sri rasa-svarupa-rasa-lila-gopa-sundaram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumigaura-sundaram

Referring to the verse brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate in the Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Chaitanya harmoniously accommodated Brahman realization (brahma-nirvana, the conception of the nondifferentiated aspect of reality which is the ultimate goal of the impersonalists), with Paramatma realization, the goal of the mystic perfectionists. The Lord adjusted these two truths by showing that they are included within, and surpassed by, the ultimate conception of the nondualistic Absolute Truth Sri Krishna (bhagavan), who is the primeval principle of reality. Revealing this axiomatic truth and explaining the confidential nature of the Supreme Lord's spiritual pastimes, Lord Chaitanya pointed out the divine nature of Krishna's holy abode of Vrindaban, which is eternally existing above the Vaikuntha plane, the realm of Lord Narayana.
vaikunthaj janito vara madhu-puri tatrapi rasotsavad
vridaranyam udara-pani-ramanat tatrapi govardhanah
radha-kundam ihapi gokula-pateh premamritaplavanat
kuryad asya virajato giri-tate sevam viveh na kah

"Superior to the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha is Mathura, where Sri Krishna first appears. Superior to Mathura is the Vrindaban forest where Krishna enjoyed the rasa dance. Better still is Govardhana Hill, which was the site of even more confidential pastimes of love. But best of all is Radha kunda, which is situated at the foot of Govardhana Hill, and holds the supreme position because it is overflooded with the nectar of the highest kind of divine love. Who, acquainted with the science of devotion, will not aspire for the divine service of Srimati Radharani at Radha kunda?"
Sri Chaitanya revealed the glories of the pure loving service rendered unto Krishna the son of Nanda Maharaja in the parental relationship (vatsalya rasa). Then, Lord Chaitanya described the ultimate aspect of the Supreme Lord's personality to be Sri Gopijanavallabha Krishna, the beloved of the milkmaids of Vrindaban, whose divine figure is the unlimited reservoir of all the primary and secondary mellows tasted by pure devotees. Sri Gauranga also explained that the joyful and charming rasa-lila pastimes are an all-conscious reality, none other than the personal potency of Srimati Radhika. Such transcendental pastimes are found within the superexcellent and inconceivable spiritual world and are the highest conception of spiritual existence, auspiciousness and beauty. Lord Chaitanya said this is the supreme achievable object of the living entities. I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 49
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanya discussed his joy-filled visions of Sri Krishna, reality the beautiful, in the company of devotees liberated from all worldly attachments. Lord Gauranga told his associates that all scriptural conclusions, as perfectly passed down from generation to generation by the exalted spiritual preceptors through the medium of sound, at last culminate in realization of Sri Radhavinode, the perfect embodiment of divine love. This realization of the Deity of divine love is the all-encompassing basis that provides a proper understanding of reality (sambandha-jnana). The means of attainment (abhidheya) by which someone may reach a proper understanding of the loving Lord Krishna is by chanting Krishna's holy names and discussing the qualities, pastimes and transcendental form of Sri Krishna in the association of pure devotees. The ultimate goal of the perfected devotees inspired by madhura-rasa in the mood of parakiya-bhava, is to render service to Sri Sri Radhavinode following the method practiced by the milkmaids of Vrindaban, the land of spiritual gemstones where every step is dancing and the sound of the flute is the constant companion. The song of Sri Krishna's flute awakens unrestrained feelings of pure love and surrender and the flute song calls the milkmaids to arise and perform service to Lord Krishna, who is so very dear to Sri Radha, the Queen of the cowherd maidens of Vrindaban (prayojana).
Again and again I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 50
sarva-sarva-yukta-tat tadartha-bhuridakaram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumigaura-sundaram

Lord Chaitanya explained to Srila Sanatana Gosvami the famous atmarama Verse of Srimad Bhagavatam, giving sixty-one different meanings:
atmaramas ca munayo nirgrantha apy urukrame
kurvanty ahaitukim bhaktim ittham-bhuta guno harih

"Even liberated souls fully satisfied in the self are irresistibly attracted by the superexcellent qualities of Krishna and surrender to him with unalloyed devotion."
The Lord separately combined each of the eleven words in that verse and established that each word is a treasurehouse of unlimited wealth supporting the conclusion of pure devotion. I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 51
sri sanatananu-rupa-jiva-sampradayakam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Lord Gaurasundara revealed his disciplic succession by inspiring Srila Sanatana Gosvami, his younger brother Srila Rupa Gosvami, and their nephew Srila Jiva Gosvami, to teach the conclusions of pure devotion (suddha-bhakti). The Lord told them to excavate the lost places of pilgrimage, to compose devotional literature explaining the proper methods of pure spiritual practice (sadhana-bhakti), and to teach about the path of spontaneous devotion (raga-marga). Lord Gauranga also carefully revealed his worshipable personality to the servitors of Sri Jagannatha Deva, the universal Lord of Purusottama Kshetra.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 52
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Lord Chaitanya strongly condemned those men who externally wear the dress of a renunciate but who secretly harbor lustful desires in their heart. When Sri Chaitanya was told that Ramananda Raya was teaching young girls a form of dance for the pleasure of Lord Jagannatha, Sri Chaitanya praised Ramananda Raya's mood of pure devotional service. Considering Ramananda's service to be on the platform of spontaneous devotion (raga-marga), the Lord proclaimed that such a level of selfless service was a great fortune attainable only after millions of lifetimes of devotional service.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 53
sri gadadhararpitadhikara-mantra-madhuram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Vallabha Bhatta, the famous spiritual preceptor of the Vishnusvami disciplic succession once personally served Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with resolute devotion at his house in sacred Prayag. Later, at Jagannatha Puri, Sri Chaitanya allowed Vallabha Bhatta to enter into the mood of service for youthful Krishna (madhura rasa), arranging for Vallabha Bhatta to learn appropriate mantras under the guidance of Sri Gadadhara Pandit.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 54
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Diving deep into the reality of his own beauty and sweetness, Lord Govinda stole the mood of Radharani and, garbing himself in Her brilliant luster, He appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. For the last twelve years of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's manifest pastimes He was deeply absorbed in union and separation. He shared his heart's innermost feelings with his most confidential devotees such as Swarup Damodar and Ramananda Raya:
bahire visajvala haya, antare anandamaya
"The wonderful characteristic of divine love of Krishna is that although externally it works like fiery lava, internally it is like sweet nectar filling the heart with the greatest joy."
Volcanic eruptions of ecstasy flowed from the heart of Sri Gauranga in the agony of Sri Radha's feelings of separation from Krishna. This golden Lord, who appeared like an intoxicated elephant, is none other than Lord Govinda.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 55
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Clasping the neck of Sri Swarup Damodar, Sri Gauranga began to recite the sad prayers spoken by Srimati Radhika in the agony of separation after Lord Krishna left Vrindaban and went to the city of Mathura. Sri Gauranga continuously tasted the blazing mood of Srimati Radhika. He experienced untold agony in the burning fire of Her separation from Krishna. With a heavy heart, in a divine trance, the Lord spoke to Sri Swarup Damodar and other most intimate associates, speaking of Sri Radhika's feelings of separation (vipralambha-bhava). Those discussions of Sri Chaitanya and his dearmost devotees are just like dreams to outsiders. I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 56
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

The eightfold symptoms of pure devotion enhance the beauty of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's transcendental form. He would sometimes withdraw his limbs into his body like a tortoise. Sometimes his body appeared elongated with his joints becoming slackened and dislocated. Sometimes Lord Gaurasundaraa's figure was as soft and tender as a sweet scented lotus flower. At other times the Lord's body would appear red, yellow, or brilliant white like the mallika flower.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 57
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Grief-stricken and overwhelmed with the feelings of separation, in the dark of night Lord Chaitanya ran to the lion-gate at the entrance of Lord Jagannatha's temple. He fell to the ground and manifest the form of the tortoise incarnation Kurma. An extraordinarily sweet fragrance of nectar emanated from the Lord's unconscious figure, attracting the telangi cows who reside at Lord Jagannatha's temple. The cows surrounded the Lord and began licking his divine body.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 58
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

On one moonlit night, Lord Gaurangadeva was wandering along the ocean's shore with his associates. He was relishing sweet discussions about the mellows of Sri Krishna's pastimes. Suddenly, Sri Gauranga saw the reflection of the moon dancing upon the rolling waves and he became overwhelmed with memories of Sri Krishna's playful pastimes in the Yamuna river with the Gopis. Lord Gauranga fell unconscious on the sand. Then suddenly, unseen by the devotees, the Lord's form (which seemed to be sleeping) became as light as air and he was carried away by the wind. The Lord's golden form drifted upon the crests of the rolling waves on the sea. His body was floating on the waves and inwardly, in a divine trance, Sri Chaitanyadev was seeing Lord Krishna's water-sport pastimes in the Kalindi River with his dearmost cowherd maiden friends. Sri Chaitanya dove deep and swam in the ocean of remembrance of Lord Krishna's water-sport pastimes.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 59
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

After searching for the Lord throughout the night, the exhausted devotees finally found him near Cakratirtha. The Lord's body was a figure of tranquility. his form was elongated, his limbs were stretched and slackened, as He lay relaxed and sleeping on the wet sands. The devotee's tear filled eyes were filled with joy as they gazed upon the delicate and serene figure of their Lord.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 60
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

As the anxious devotees began to loudly chant the holy names of Krishna, the divine vibration of the kirtan entered the Lord's ears and touched the depths of his heart. The Lord's dislocated joints all came together and he displayed his previous beautiful figure of Sri Gauranga. In a semiconscious state, heavy-hearted in the mood of separation, the Lord began to describe what he had seen while absorbed in divine trance.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 61
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

In the sacred waters of the Yamuna at Vrindabana, Lord Krishna and Srimati Radhika, along with their dearmost cowherd maiden friends, enjoy beautiful and varied water-sport pastimes. These divine pastimes are sometimes revealed, sometimes hidden, sometimes brilliant, and sometimes harmonious. The pastimes of the Lord in different moods, with loving expressions of relationship, create different types of divine hankering for the devotees. The sweet song of this most confidential spiritual treasure that astounds the entire universe was distributed by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 62
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Seeing the Cataka hill, the Lord remembered Govardhana hill. Intolerable feelings of separation overwhelmed him. The Lord would fall to the earth and begin to rub his beautiful face on the ground. When Sri Gauranga remembered the water-sport pastimes of Lord Krishna, he jumped into the ocean and exhibited the symptoms of someone intoxicated by love. By performing these pastimes the Lord astounded the devotees and inundated their hearts with waves from the grand ocean of love of Krishna. Those waves of desperate love were filled with both transcendental anxiety and joy. The waves of Sri Gauranga's feelings rose and fell upon the receptive shore of the devotee's hearts. Such inconceivable auspiciousness was bestowed only upon the Lord's most surrendered associates.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 63
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the Divine Person, Purusottama. He is the Lord himself. He exists forever in his own spiritual domain eternally manifest in the dimension of spirit, far above the perception of people with worldly minds. The thoughts of people of the world are influenced by their experiences in the material world. Living beings develop different understandings about reality on the basis of knowledge they acquire through sense perceptions (experiences of the objective world realized through the organs of smell, taste, touch, sight, sound and thought). But Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is God and he cannot be known through empirical knowledge about the material world, since Sri Chaitanya is always existing beyond the material world, even when he is present in the world. Sri Chaitanya cannot be understood by someone who chooses to think of him as a mortal man. Mahaprabhu is more than a man. He arrests and halts all intellectual endeavors to know him by the processes of logic and reasoning. Being situated in his own spiritual realm, he remains a mystery even for the sages. Sages also are unable to fully understand him. Sri Chaitanya astonishes even the liberated mystics who are fixed in the path of divine realization. The revealed scriptures (veda) spoken by Lord Brahma and the literatures spoken Lord Shiva (tantra) are simply searching after Sri Gaurasundara (satyam shivam sundaram). Indeed Brahma and Shiva, in their incarnations as Haridas and Sri Advaita, also say they are astonished when they see the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 64
stri pumadi-nirvivada-sarvavadikoddharam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

By freely distributing the holy name of Krishna, Sri Gaurangadeva purified the scholarly priestly class, the merchants and laborers and even the cow killing yavanas and other non-Aryans. The Lord alone is the embodiment of the greatest wealth for the rogues and honest men, the rich and poor, the aristocratic and low-born. He is unanimously glorified by all who received his mercy, both male and female alike, as the saviour of all beings in the spiritual and material universes.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 65
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

As the golden moon rises in the darkness, Sri Gauracandra appeared in the year 1407 sakabda (1486 AD), at the onset of a lunar eclipse on the full-moon evening in the month of March. When the Lord appeared on Earth as Sri Gauranga, revealing his eternal form in the beautiful home of mother Sachidevi, the residents of Mayapur were bathing in the sacred Ganges and singing the names of Hari together. The residents of Nabadwip were celebrating that auspicious moment, making offerings of different types of treasures to the Lord, and the sound of congregationally chanting the holy names of Hari filled the sky.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 66
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

This is the all conquering conclusion: the highest conception of the ultimate reality must also be the highest form of ecstasy (ananda). Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Krishna, ecstasy himself, tasting his own sweetness and dancing in ecstatic joy.
He is the source of that self-evident perfect bliss which is full of natural loving pastimes. His dancing (nrtya) arises from the intoxication of overflowing spiritual bliss, and his chanting (kirtan) is the distribution of bliss to others. These two characteristics are the two natural symptoms of the Absolute: the Absolute exists by itself and for itself. By Itself means that the Absolute has no other cause beyond itself - the Absolute is self manifest. For Itself means that the Absolute has its own purpose to fulfil. The supreme reality is not subject to any influences or plans originating from some other cause. Sri Chaitanya is self-absorbed, and within himself he is feeling full satisfaction. So much so that he is dancing in ecstasy. His own holy name is the cause of his ecstasy, which he expresses through his chanting. This dynamo creates ecstatic energy which makes him dance and his chanting and dancing is distribution of that ecstasy to others. Thus, the cause is the effect.
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 67
kesavakhya-bharati sakasa-kesa-raksitam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

Lord Gauranga accepted initiation from Sri Isvara Puri, bestowing great fortune upon him. Lord Gauranga accepted the garments of a renunciate (sannyasi) from Kesava Bharati and, on that day when Sri Gaurahari shaved his beautiful curly hair, the Loving Lord Sri Gauransundar ardently began his missionary work, journeying though the world searching for his lost servants. Lord Chaitanya adored pure loving service to Sri Krishna in the mood of amorous devotion (madhura rasa), as was shown by Sri Madhavendra Puri. He considered this mood of devotion to be the highest.
I sing with joy the unending glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 68
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Gauranga, who rose like a golden moon in Sri Mayapura in 1407 sakabda (1486 AD), who revealed the pastime of accepting the renounced order in 1431 sakabda (1510 AD), in order to benedict the entire material universe, and who disappeared beyond the vision of ordinary people in 1455 sakabda (1534 AD).
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 69
prema-dhama-devam eva naumigaura-sundaram

With great joy Sri Gaurasundara told his dearmost associates Sri Swarup Damodar and Ramananda Raya that the process of congregational chanting of the holy names of Krishna bestows the highest benediction upon the living entities in this age of Kali:
harse prabhu kahe suna svarupa ramaraya
nama samkirtana kalau parama upaya

In his famous composition Sri-Siksastakam also, Lord Gauranga has placed the chanting of Lord Krishna's names on the topmost level of importance. The Supreme Lord further taught that chanting Lord Krishna's names in pure love of Godhead perfectly nourishes and fully satisfies all the living entities in the universe. I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 70
prema hema-deva dehi-dasaresa manyatam
ksamyatam mahaparadha-rasiresa-ganyatam
rupa-kinkaresu ramananda dasa-sambharam
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

O my golden Lord! O golden volcano of divine love! O ocean of unalloyed dedication! Kindly grant me your treasure of divine love! Please give some slight attention to this fallen soul and pardon his unlimited offenses. There are so many servants of Sri Rupa who are so dear to you. My only aspiration is that you count me as one of those servitors. O Gaurasundara, you are the sole protector and embodiment of good fortune for me, Ramananda dasa (Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Maharaj).
I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden volcano of divine love.
Verse 71
stavah ko'pi pathan gauram radhasyamamayam vrajet

He who studies, recites or sings with regard, faith and devotion these seventy verses by the name of Prema-dhama-deva-stotram will obtain the loving devotional service of Sri Gaurasundara, who is Syamasundara himself, resplendent in the mood and lustre of Srimati Radharani.
Verse 72 pancame sata gaurabde sri-siddhanta-sarasvati sridharah ko'pi tacchisyastridandi-nauti-sundaram
These prayers have been composed in the fifth century after the appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by a certain sannyasi disciple of Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Goswami named Sridhara.