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Friday, May 29, 2015


As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi


Image result for Mahabharata
recontado por

Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

y traducido en español por Teresa Loret de Mola, Tapanandini DD

Origen de los Pāṇḍavas

Kunti dijo,
“Y fue así que viví como princesa de Panchala en el palacio del Rey Kunti-bhoja.

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Un día, sucedió que un maestro erudito en los Vedas, Durvasa Muni se llamaba, llegó a refugiarse con mi padre.
Estaba de camino hacia los sitios sagrados, una peregrinación hacia tierras lejanas.
Venía desde lejos y necesitaba descansar un poco. A cambio de comida y hospedaje, se quedó como nuestro huésped durante algunas quincenas, e instruyó en los Vedas a los niños de la casa. Yo fui una de sus alumnas más brillantes y entre mis deberes, le serví de comer y beber a Durvasa Muni.
Ahora bien Durvasa Muni un gran hombre santo que entendía los Vedas a profundidad era conocido por tener un temperamento ardiente. Todo el tiempo que se alojó con el rey, yo serví a ese gran maestro preparando sus comidas y velando por su hospedaje. Él siempre estaba absorto en leer las escrituras y en escribir comentarios que posteriormente entregaba a sus estudiantes. Cuando estaba absorto en sus escritos y meditaciones, se enojaba ante la mínima molestia.
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Durvasa Muni
De hecho, me enteré personalmente de situaciones en las que el gran sabio incluso maldijo a alguien. Así que le servía en silencio, humildemente y sin pretensiones, incluso si estaba enojado y me hablaba de manera áspera.

“¡Niña!” decía, “Trae agua.”
Image result for Durvasa Muni
[¡Niña! Trae agua.[

Y de nuevo, “¡Niña! Trae arroz.”
Yo admiraba mucho y respetaba al erudito Durvasa, y toleraba sus malas maneras. Yo le contestaba, “Sí mi señor. No, mi señor. Como guste, mi señor. Enseguida, mi señor” Y de este modo,  mientras pasó algún tiempo en el palacio de mi padre, estuvo contento conmigo, Un día, justo antes de abandonarnos, me llamo, dijo, “¡Niña! Ven aquí.”

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Y fui hacia él.
“¿Qué es lo que más te agrada, niña?”

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“Pues tener un buen esposo y buenos hijos que continuaran la dinastía. Entonces podría vivir en un hermoso palacio, incluso mayor al de mi padre- y que mi padre estuviera complacido.”
Courtyard of the Maharaja's Palace - Bangalore India
“Y así será niña mía,” dijo el erudito Durvasa Muni, fijando en mí su mirada. “Escucha.” Y habló palabras en una lengua extraña. Me gustó el sonido de las palabras. Me sonaban a poesía pero no podía entender el significado.
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“Ahora repite cada palabra cuando te la diga.” Dijo, de nuevo entonó palabras extrañas. Y así, pensando que era un juego, reí y repetí cada palabra tal como me la iba diciendo.
“Estas palabras son un mantra, niña. Sonido divino. Lanzan un hechizo al que ni los dioses pueden resistirse.”

“¿Por qué me estás diciendo esto a mí, mi señor? Pregunté.
“Me has servido bien, niña, y estoy complacido. Este es mi regalo para ti. Cuando necesites ayuda  para encontrar a un buen esposo, tienes que decir este mantra. El dios al que llames aparecerá ante ti para satisfacer tu deseo.”

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En mi infancia escuché muchas historias acerca de deseos satisfechos y bendiciones dadas. Conocía los Vedas y muchas historias de los libros ancestrales. Pensé que tal vez todo esto eran cuentos populares, o la mitología de mi abuela; pero los ojos de Durvasa Muni traspasaron mi alma.  Era un hombre de gran poder. Yo estaba hipnotizada con él. Era imposible no creerle a este extraño joven, tan iracundo y tan erudito que se sentaba ante mí a enseñarme el mantra.

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“¿Has memorizado el mantra?” me preguntó. Sonreí y dije. “Sí, mi señor.”
“Bien, entonces,” dijo. “Ahora ve por agua.”
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Fui al río Ganges y traje agua en un pote, pero cuando regresé, el erudito Durvasa Muni había partido. Cuando consulté a mi padre, me dijo únicamente que Durvasa Muni se había ido que nunca estaba mucho tiempo en el mismo sitio.
“Estaba complacido con tu servicio,” dijo mi padre.
“Durvasa Muni te ha bendecido,” dijo, riendo. No presté más atención al asunto, era una dulce jovencita en este mundo.
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Pronto empecé a extrañar al joven erudito de temperamento agudo. La luna llena vino y se fue. Escuché que se había ido hacia las montañas en algún lugar en el Este.

Resources for a critical reading of Mahabharata

नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्
 देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयम् उदीरयेत्

As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

As retold by
Michael Dolan, B.V. Mahāyogi

नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्

     देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयम् उदीरये
 nārāyaṇaṃ namaskṛtya naraṃ caiva narottamam

      devīṃ sarasvatīṃ caiva tato jayam udīrayet

Resources  for a critical reading of Mahabharata:

For those readers interested in a deeper understanding of the story I'm retelling, you can take a look at some of the resources I've been through. Here's a brief bibliography, I'll post more as time permits.

Mahabharata Translations:

The K.M. Ganguli version is an exhaustive translation of the entire work, the only complete translation available in English in the public domain:
You can find it here at

 The 12 volume set complete edition is available online at

Product Details

Another verse for verse translation was done by Manmathanath Dutta, 1895. Printed by H.C. Dass, This translation is also in the public domain and is indexed by verse, making it possible to cross-reference with a Sanskrit edition and check how each verse has been translated.  It's available from the digital archives at It reads almost exactly like the Ganguli translation done between 1883 and 1886. I'm of the opinion that Mr. Dutta probably used the authoritative Ganguli translation as his reference point, differing only slightly in his language. Dutta's work is a bit too literal for my taste, almost an exact word-for-word translation that tends to an awkward turn of phrase. But a comparison of the two makes a fascinating study for those interested in the whole problem of translation. It's also available, on, for a price.

I've been through the Bibek Debroy translation. His prose is a bit more terse; not sure if it's an overall improvement on Ganguli whose Victorian style is more sensitive to the spiritual aspects of the epic and whose turn of phrase is remarkably closer to that of A.C. Bhaktivedanta in his Bhagavad-gita As It Is. But here's the link on

Popular Versions and Retellings

Kamala Subramaniam
A more novelistic attempt at retelling the Mahabharata was done by Kamala Subramaniam: this version was the  popular favorite with Iskcon devotees back in the 70s. I've read this a few times. Tells the basic story of the Pandavas and their rivalry with the Kurus.

William Buck
The mysterious William Buck wrote a popular version of Mahabharata. According to legend he learned Sanskrit just to translate the work, but it seems clear to me he was using the Ganguli edition just as many other so-called "translators." Any good translator always looks for another version of the work just to have a reference point, I'm sure Mr. Buck was no exception. Mr. Buck's translation reads a bit like a "Beat" version, as if Jack Kerouac translated the Mahabharata. William Buck began with a promising career as a poet, but passed away untimely at the age of only 37.

Image result for william buck mahabharata

Check out the article here. You can buy the William Buck version at Amazon:

Films and TV Series
The Mahabharata has generated a number of film projects. Here are a few links, I'll add more as time permits.:

Various attempts have been made at filming the story, each with varying degrees of success.
Western audiences will perhaps be familiar with the version of Peter Brook, which took years to mount and began as a 9 hour stage-play. The film runs a little over 5 hours. Brook was attempting a "universal" approach, but in many ways fails to grasp the inner meaning of the story.

Here is a review of the stage play from the New York Times:

Image result for mahabharata peter brook
Imagine staging a nine-hour production based on an ancient Hindu poem combining strains of the War of the Roses and Gotterdammerung into the cosmic grandeur of an Indian epic. Stir in a clash of two great dynasties in the hands of the gods, opposing armies locked in battle and the moral struggle of ideal heroes representing divine forces arrayed against demonic ones. All this, set against a background of primordial forests and sumptuous palaces, is encompassed in the monumental saga, ''The Mahabharata'' - a theatrical challenge that would intimidate most directors.

An animated drama from India 

Critical Edition in Sanskrit

For Sanskrit scholars here's a critical sanskrit version:

General Information:

Wikipedia article

Date of Mahabharata War:

"The Gregorian calendar date for this event is February 18, 3102 BCE at 2:27:30 AM. Anybody with a good astronomy software can verify that this event if did indeed occur. Now, the eastern as well as the western astronomers have all accepted this date for the start of the Kaliyuga. A map on the last page will verify this. It does not show the North Node (Rahu), but both Rahu and Ketu (the south node) were in the same line 180 degrees apart."

Diverse theories regarding the actual date of Mahabharata War, Dr. Vartak:

Scholarly, linguistic, and genealogical analysis of date for Mahabharata War (This puts the date somewhere between 3100 B.C. and 192 B.C.)

Mahabharata Literary Criticism

Critical Understanding of Mahabharata by C.A. Vaidya 1905,
available as pdf or epub @

Discusses relationship between differrent narrators, Vyasa, Jaimini, Vaishampayana, Sauti, different iterations of the work, how it was expanded from 8,000 to 24,000, to 100,000 shlokas in sanskrit, possible interpolations by Vaishampayana and Sauti after the core work of Vyasa, early presence of Vaishnava and later Shivaite material, possible interpolations by smarta brahmanas, the literary value of the work, Mahabharata as epic poem vs. heroic poem, chronology of the work, spiritual aspects of the  poem, the nature of Mahabharata as scripture. Serious readers only; not for the faint-hearted.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Analysis

For an excellent analysis of the chronology of Mahabharata and the Puranas, as well as a deep understanding of their eternal meaning, read Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Krishna Samhita. This was highly recommended to me by Bhakti Rakshaka Shridhar Maharaja my mentor, guru, and spiritual father. I never fail to learn something new from Krishna Samhita: it includes not only philosophy and precept, but deep insight from an enlightened being.

You can find the PDF here:

Supplemental Materials, Vedic technology, civilization, weapons

Vedic technology:

Vedic weapons:

"Aryan" Civilization: