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Friday, March 8, 2019

Reflecciones sobre la conciencia

Capítulo Dos
La Ciencia del Atma
Por Michael Dolan/ B.V. Mahāyogi
Traducido por Teresa Loret de Mola, Tapanandini DD

Al inicio de esta parte vemos al gran guerrero Arjuna lamentando los horrores de la guerra y exponiendo argumentos profundos en contra de la guerra. Basa sus ideas en el deber, en lo que es correcto. Pero tal como señalará Krsna, todas estas son verdades relativas. La guerra, como la paz, son relativas y aspectos temporales en la lucha de la existencia. Cuando se le preguntó a Sridhar Maharaja acerca de si debemos entrar en pánico acerca de la guerra nuclear respondió que este mundo es temporal. Lo que sucede aquí es de índole relativa, incluso la guerra. En el contexto de vida eterna, la guerra es un punto en una línea. Una línea en un plano, un momento en el tiempo y espacio infinito.

Pero Arjuna se concentra en los hechos que están a la mano. Quiere lo que es mejor para su familia, pero su familia es tóxica. Quiere la paz con sus primos, pero para un tirano como Duryodhana no hay salvación. Incluso los gurus, bhishma y Drona están corrompidos. Se han alineado del lado de la corrupción. Algunos de sus enemigos han tenido buenas razones para tomar el lado equivocado en la guerra familiar. Al final el resultado será el mismo. No se podrá evitar el baño de sangre. Aun así Arjuna está afligido.

El conflicto de la guerra en un importante sentido, es una metáfora para la batalla que enfrentamos diariamente. En este contexto, el Bhagavad-gītā nos ofrece una perspectiva de cómo ocuparnos en la lucha cotidiana.

Krsna explica que no se puede evitar la batalla. Arjuna no puede huir. La cobardía no es la solución. Especialmente para un guerrero de su estatura, pero incluso para el hombre ordinario. No podemos escapar del combate de la vida. Tenemos que hacer frente a nuestros conflictos, no escapar de ellos.
Krsna señala a Arjuna que el acto de ocuparse en la batalla puede provocar la muerte. Pero al final, todos los cuerpos son mortales. La mortalidad corpórea es inevitable. Pues para quien ha nacido, la muerte es certera. Si la batalla es un conflicto de vida y muerte, debemos ver a través de las líneas superficiales de la disputa hacia el problema central: la propia muerte y vida.

Si la muerte es inevitable para el cuerpo humano, el alma es inmortal. Krsna da una profunda explicación acerca de la naturaleza del alma, la espiritualidad y el atma.
El alma nunca puede ser cortada ni quemada ni secada. Sobrevive al cuerpo mortal. Y si somos inmortales, entonces la muerte no puede tocarnos. Arjuna ha planteado el problema del pecado y el karma. ¿Nos consumirá el pecado de asesinar después de la muerte?
Pero antes de abordar con la cuestión de cómo el karma marca el alma. Kṛṣṇa quiere establecer la propia permanencia del espíritu. Karma, después de todo, es una cuestión relativa que se discutirá a detalle. Pero el propio espíritu se halla por encima del karma.

¿Somos mortales o inmortales? Kṛṣṇa dice que somos inmortales, y esta es en realidad su primera enseñanza a Arjuna en el capítulo segundo del Bhagavad-gītā.
La conciencia es real. El alma existe. Invisible al ojo humano, infinitesimal. Incluso el sabio no puede discernir cómo es que opera la conciencia, cómo se conecta con el cuerpo y la mente, Y sin embargo Kṛṣṇa nos dice que el alma o atma es trascendental tanto a la mente como al cuerpo. La propia mente es una construcción de la conciencia eterna. Esta alma toma cuerpos y luego los abandona tal como nos ponemos ropajes en la mañana y nos los quitamos en la noche.

Él le dice a Arjuna que deje de lado esta moralidad ordinaria por un momento y considere la naturaleza eterna del alma. Al final, el alma no se ensucia ni por el mal karma, porque en el curso de mil vidas se cometen errores. Y el atma sobrevivirá más de mil veces mil vidas. Así que uno ha de ver el alma. Nuestro interés personal permanente es más importante que nuestro interés en la sociedad y la familia.

Nuestra próxima vida puede ser tan infernal como la actual o puede ofrecer un elevado nacimiento y recompensas celestiales. Pero todo el mundo material es un círculo vicioso, una rueda de nacimiento y muerte. Una consideración más elevada es la liberación del ciclo de reencarnación.
Kṛṣṇa tratará con más detalle estas preguntas en el resto de la conversación. Pero por el momento quiere que Arjuna dirija su atención del conflicto inmediato hacia las cuestiones de la vida inmortal.
Todos debemos pelear nuestras batallas cada día. No debemos amilanarnos ante la lucha, Pero el conflicto verdadero es la lucha por la vida eterna. Enredados en la vida diaria, perdemos de vista nuestro interés espiritual. Antes de que podamos comenzar a andar en la senda espiritual, debemos reconocer la existencia del alma eterna.

Kṛṣṇa explica la naturaleza del atma o alma de la siguiente manera:
Para el alma nunca hay nacimiento ni muerte. Habiendo sido una vez, nunca deja de ser. Es in-naciente, eterna, existe siempre, es inmortal, y primigenia. No es asesinada cuando el cuerpo muere. (Bhagavad-gītā 2.20)
El alma no puede ser cortada en pedazos, ni ser quemada por el fuego, ni humedecida por el agua, ni marchitada por el viento. (Bhagavad-gītā 2.23)
Esta alma individual es irrompible e insoluble, no puede nunca ser quemada ni secada. Siempre duradera, impregna todo, es inmutable, inamovible y al mismo tiempo eternamente la misma.   (Bhagavad-gītā 2.24)
El Bhagavad-gītā  es llamado en ocasiones el “Gitopanishad” puesto que los conceptos ahí expresados están dados en forma de semilla como verdades axiomáticas. La idea de que el Atma o alma individual es energía espiritual atómica consciente hace eco en la versión de los textos del ancestral Upaniṣads:
Si dividimos la punta de un cabello en cien partes y tomamos una y la dividimos en otras cien, la diezmilésima parte será la dimensión de la entidad viviente. Y esta entidad viviente es capaz de alcanzar al Señor ilimitado.
(Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad 5.9) [1]
जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन्
नायं भूत्वा भविता वा भूयः
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतो ऽयं पुराणो
हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे

na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin
nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato 'yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre

[2] नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः
चैनं क्लेदयन्त्य् आपो शोषयति मारुतः

nainaṁ chindanti śastrāṇi nainaṁ dahati pāvakaḥ
na cainaṁ kledayanty āpo na śoṣayati mārutaḥ

[3] अच्छेद्यो ऽयम् अदाह्यो ऽयम् अक्लेद्यो ऽशोष्य एव
नित्यः सर्व-गतः स्थाणुर् अचलो ऽयं सनातनः

acchedyo 'yam adāhyo 'yam akledyo 'śoṣya eva ca
nityaḥ sarva-gataḥ sthāṇur acalo 'yaṁ sanātanaḥ

[4] बालाग्र-शत भागस्य शतधा कल्पितस्य
भागो जिवः विज्ञेयः चानन्त्याय काप्ते
bālāgra-śata bhāgasya śatadhā kalpitasya ca
bhāgo jivaḥ sa vijñeyaḥ sa cānantyāya kāpte

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Bhagavad-Gita Chapter Two

Bhagavad-Gita Explained

Chapter Two:

by Michael Dolan/B.V. Mahayogi

I'd like to dedicate this post to the memory of my old friend Yudhamanyu Prabhu, who passed away on Shiva-ratri. I know he's there waiting for us all in the big kirtan.

On this blog I've tried to do a bit of a study guide to the Bhagavad-Gita, which I posted here:

When I re-read what I had written, I realized that the summary of the second chapter was too short.

The thing is, I have read through the second chapter so often that it seems familiar to me. I feel like everyone already knows this, so I spent more time on other chapters. But some friends asked me to continue writing about the second chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita, so I decided to have another go.  I left the Sanskrit in footnotes to make it easier to read. 

Second Chapter of Bhagavad-Gita cont.

In the beginning of the section we find the great warrior Arjuna lamenting the horrors of war and giving profound antiwar arguments. Hes basing his ideas on duty, what is right. But as Krishna will point out, these are all relative truths. War, like peace, is a relative and temporary aspect of the struggle for existence. Shridhar Maharaja, when asked about whether we should be in a panic about nuclear war replied that this world is temporary. What goes on here is a relative concern, even war. In the context of eternal life, war is a point on a line, a line in a  plane, a moment in infinite time and space.

Portrait of Shridhar Maharaja by Mahayogi

But Arjuna is focusing on the events at hand. He wants what is best for his family, but his family is toxic. He wants peace with his cousins, but there is no saving a tryant like Duryodhana. Even the gurus, Bhishma and Drona are corrupt. They have lined upon on the side of corruption. Some of his foes have very good reasons for their taking the wrong side in a family war. In the end the result will be the same. There is no avoiding a blood bath. Still Arjuna is remorseful.

The war conflict is, in an important sense, a metaphor for the struggle we all face in daily life. In this sense, the Bhagavad-Gita offers us perspectives on how to engage in the battle of daily life.

Krishna explains that there is no avoiding the battle. Arjuna cannot run away. Cowardice is no solution. Especially not for a warrior of his stature, but even for ordinary men. We cannot escape the struggle of life. We must confront our conflicts, not run from them.

Krishna points out to Arjuna that the act of engaging in the struggle may result in death. But in the end, all bodies are all mortal. Bodily mortality is inevitable. For one who has been born, death is certain. If the battle is a life and death struggle, we must see through the superficial lines of conflict to the central problem: death and life itself.

If death is inevitable for the human body, the soul is immortal.
Krishna gives a deep explanation of the nature of the soul, spirituality, and the atma.
The soul can neither be cut nor burned nor dried. It outlives the mortal body. And if we are immortal, then death cannot touch us. Arjuna has raised the problem of sin and karma. Wont the sin of killing consume us after death?
But before dealing with the question of how karma marks the soul, Krishna wants to establish the permanence of spirit itself. Karma, after all, is a relative question which will be discussed at length. But spirit itself is above and beyond karma.

Are we mortal or immortal? Krishna says we are immortal, and this is really his first teaching to Arjuna in the second chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita.

Consciousness is real. The soul exists. It is unseen by the human eye, infinitesimal. Even the wise cannot discern how consciousness works, how it is connected to the body and mind. And yet Krishna tells us that soul or atma is transcendental to both mind and body. Mind itself is a construct of eternal consciousness. This soul takes on bodies and then leaves them just as we put on clothes in the morning and take them off at night.

He tells Arjuna to put away his ordinary morality for a moment and consider the eternal nature of the soul. In the end, the soul is unstained even by bad karma, for in the course of a thousand lives mistakes are made. And the atma will outlive a thousand lives a thousand times over. So one must see to the soul. Our permanent self-interest is more important that our interest in society and family. 

Our next life may be as hellish as this one or may offer a higher birth and heavenly rewards. But the entire material world is a vicious circle, a wheel of birth and death. A higher consideration is liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.
Krishna will deal in greater detail with these questions in the rest of the conversation. But for the moment he wants Arjuna to turn his attention from the immediate conflict to the higher question of immortal life.

We must all fight our battles every day. We must not shrink from the fight. But the real conflict is the struggle for eternal life. Enmeshed in our daily fight, we lose sight of our spiritual self-interest. Before we can even begin to journey on the spiritual path, we must recognize the existence of the eternal soul.

Krishna explains the nature of the atma or soul as follows:[1]

For the soul there is never birth or death. Having once been, he never ceases to
be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying, primeval. He is not slain when
the body is slain. 
(Bhagavad-gītā 2.20)

The soul can never be cut into pieces, nor can he be burned by fire, nor
moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.[2] 
(Bhagavad-gītā 2.23)

This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be never be burned
nor dried. He is everlasting, all-pervading, unchangeable, immovable, and
eternally the same. [3]

(Bhagavad-gītā 2.24)

The Bhagavad-Gita is sometimes called Gitopanishad since the concepts expressed there are given in seed form as axiomatic truths. The idea that the Atma or individual soul is conscious atomic spiritual energy echoes the version of the ancient Upanishadic texts:

If we divide the tip of a hair into one hundred parts and then take one part and
divide this into another one hundred parts, that ten-thousandth part is the
dimension of the living entity. And this living entity is capable to attain the
unlimited Lord[4]
(Śvetāśvatara Upaniad 5.9)

न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन्
नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतो ऽयं पुराणो 
न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे

na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin
nāya bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūya
ajo nitya śāśvato 'ya purā
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre

[2] नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्य् आपो न शोषयति मारुतः

naina chindanti śastrāi naina dahati pāvaka
na caina kledayanty āpo na śoayati māruta 

[3] अच्छेद्यो ऽयम् अदाह्यो ऽयम् अक्लेद्यो ऽशोष्य एव च
नित्यः सर्व-गतः स्थाणुर् अचलो ऽयं सनातनः

acchedyo 'yam adāhyo 'yam akledyo 'śoya eva ca
nitya sarva-gata sthāur acalo 'ya sanātana

[4] बालाग्र-शत भागस्य शतधा कल्पितस्य च
भागो जिवः स विज्ञेयः स चानन्त्याय काप्ते
bālāgra-śata bhāgasya śatadhā kalpitasya ca
bhāgo jiva sa vijñeya sa cānantyāya kāpte 

The Blog goes on...

Hello everyone. It's been a while. My last post here was some time ago. Sometimes one's art reflects one's life. I've been doing a lot of living, making less art. In the last five years I've traveled around the world five times. My last world tour took me from Mexico to Canada, from Canada to Ukraine. In Ukraine I attended the Vedalife festival where I was engaged as a speaker at the behest of His Holiness, B.B. Avadhut Maharaja. From there I went to Minsk, in Belarussia, with my old friend Prithu and on to Petersburg, Russia. In Russia I helped do some voice-over work with a FullDome show based on the idea of the "Yogi's Journey" in the afterlife through the different planetary systems. From there it was Vedalife Moscow and a big festival in the park where we celebrated Indian Independence Day. My last post was on Indian Independence Day. From there I traveled on to Thailand and back to Mexico. Now I'm back at my teaching position at the Universidad de Guanajuato here in San Miguel de Allende. It's been a wild ride.